Joan of Arc - Maid of Heaven

"Your daughter is but a breath of You but oh what a breath Divine!
So precious a jewel of Heaven’s delight given by Your love sublime.
So sweet and kind and full of Your love she holds my heart secure,
And leads me home to Your Heavenly throne with all Your rapturous allure!"

Read more from the author Ben D. Kennedy at
Kennedy Office


"The creators of noble books about noble men and women are public benefactors"

Ben D. Kennedy has become known as the "Poet of Freedom" for his beautiful and thought-provoking poems at that include public favorites like: A Place Known as America, Duty Honor Country, and Rebel Yell! In Maid of Heaven: The Story of Saint Joan of Arc, Ben is at his very best creating a true classic about one of the greatest people to ever live: Saint Joan of Arc

Ben is also the Poet Laureate of, where he has written extensively about life in America through his beautiful poems like: A Place Known as America, Duty Honor Country, and Rebel Yell! Ben is also the author of Why is America so Fat? a critically acclaimed book covering the fraud and corruption of the heathcare system and the FDA. For more information about Ben and his other writings, please visit his other websites:

Why is America So Fat?

Google Books Preview for Why Is America So FAT?

On my 50th birthday I received this message below from my wonderful Dad who is now in Heaven with our Lord:

"Happy 50th Birthday Ben,
These past fifty years have been turbulent with conflict throughout the world and the crumbling of beliefs and long held standards leading to confusion and disorder. Despite this unsettling period of history you’ve had achievements and successes as well as disappointments, frustrations and obstacles. You’ve found ways to confront them, find solutions and move forward. None of us can predict the next fifty years but it looks dismal, as long held beliefs and standards of behavior, religion and government shift, change and disappear. God willing I may be around for a short time, but I feel that with your strong belief in God, your knowledge of His work in the Bible, and your devotion to St. Joan of Arc will guide you to teach and inspire others to reject the devil’s evil destruction and follow the Will of God.

This coat-of-arms belonged to Sir Hugh Kennedy who was a Scottish Knight who fought with Saint Joan of Arc.  Learn more about him and the other Scots who fought for France by clicking this coat-of-arms
Kennedy Coat of Arms
Joan of Arc MaidOfHeaven
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