The Maid of Heaven Foundation

Your Weekly Inspirational Devotional Message
from: Glorious Messages About
God & Freedom

Glorious Messages About God & Freedom by Ben D. Kennedy Book Cover

Below is the message for Week 6 from the book Glorious Messages About God & Freedom. Please use this message as your inspirational devotional message today for the UNLEASH GOD'S FULL POWER TRAINING PROGRAM and visit this page whenever you need to read the message that goes along with each day of the year as you proceed thorough this training program to UNLEASH GOD'S FULL POWER IN YOUR LIFE AND IN OUR WORLD!

***ATTENTION: Just as an elite athlete eats a diet that is much more "nutrient rich" than the average "sugary" diet so these messages are much more "rich" in God's Truth so give yourself plenty of time to digest them and get conditioned to this level of transformative messages about God!

Rebellion To Tyrants Is Obedience To God!

Image to Go With Message

My message to everyone on this Glorious Sunday of our Lord Jesus is to remember the important biblical lesson contained in the book of Exodus that shows that: "Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God!" The great American patriots Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson both wanted this to be the motto of the United States of America and be shown upon America's Great Seal along with a picture of God delivering His people from the tyrant Pharoah because it is such a powerful reminder of every Christian’s duty to God when it comes to resisting tyranny.
The whole story of the exodus of God’s people out of their bondage in Egypt is symbolic of the journey that every Christian must take out of the bondage of sin. (Romans 8:21) As God sent Moses to lead His people out of Egypt to freedom so God sent His Son Jesus to lead everyone to His ultimate freedom. The exodus of the Israelite people from Egypt also shows just how much God loves His people and wants them to be free of any and all tyranny and this includes while we are still living here in this fallen world.
But just as the Pharaoh of Egypt tried to stop the Israelite people from leaving so there have been and still are many tyrants that do not want people to live free or ever come to know the true freedom given to us by God. This is why they have always labeled people who rebelled against their tyranny as rebels and traitors as King George III of Britain called the founding fathers of America like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson as well as George Washington, Patrick Henry and all the rest of the original American patriots. And another biblical example showing just how much tyrants fear people who are obedient to God’s call to live according to His commands was Nehemiah who only wanted to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem to better protect God’s people but was accused: “that thou and the Jews think to rebel, for which cause thou buildest the wall.” (Nehemiah 6:6)
The founding fathers of America understood well what every Christian today needs to understand that true obedience to God means rebelling against any tyranny that tries to enslave us in this world. It does not matter at all who the authority is that tries to keep us in bondage because our true duty is to God and He wants us to be free! (Galations 5:13) We should therefore always have the courage to say as the Apostles Peter and John did in Acts 5:29: “we must obey God rather than men;” especially when it comes to freedom because REBELLION TO TYRANTS IS OBEDIENCE TO GOD! Several years ago I wrote a poem titled The Rebel Yell!!! that echoes what the great Christian writer of the early twentieth century G.K. Chesterton said: "In the upper world hell once rebelled against Heaven. But in this world Heaven is rebelling against hell!"

Can you hear the Rebel Yell?
The timeless battle cry of freedom
Screamed by saints entering martyrdom,
As they stormed the gates of hell.

Can you hear it echo from long ago?
When oppressed peoples fought
For the freedom never cheaply bought,
Against the age old curse from below.

Why do some feel they are superior?
When we all travel the same road
And suffer from much the same load.
Could God create any that are inferior?

As long as man has existed,
The conflict has raged without cease.
Instead of living as brothers in peace,
The desire of a few to rule all has persisted.

Against this selfish blind ambition,
Men have fought behind the same sound
As they sought to reach the higher ground.
To create for one and all an equal nation.

When freedom reigns you hear it less.
But it never goes away altogether,
Because man is cursed by the nether
And the yell returns to counter any regress.

Tyrannical rulers fear and hate the sound
Calling the orators rebels and traitors
When it is they that are the haters,
Of freedom and liberty in great abound.

In America the yell once led the way,
For our great patriots of renown
From Bunker Hill to Yorktown.
As they won freedom in their own day.

Since then it has still oft been heard
As new patriots have risen to fight,
Despite the promise of words bright.
As tyrants twist the meaning of the word.

Can you hear the Rebel Yell?
Because it is growing once again.
As God cleanses our nation from sin.
You will hear the Rebel Yell!!!

Unleash God's Full Power Training Program

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