Joan of Arc Biography Part 15
By Jules Michelet The Maid of Orleans
" Did not the voices call you
daughter of God, daughter of the
Church, the maid of the great heart?"
- " Before the siege of Orleans was
raised, and since then, the voices have
called me, and they call me every day,
' Jehanne the Pucelle, daughter of
God.' "
" Was it right to attack Paris, the
day of the Nativity of Our Lady ?" -
" It is fitting to kee^ the, festivals of
Our Lady ; and it would be so, I truly
think, to keep them every day."
" Why did you leap from the tower
of Beaurevoir?" (the drift of this
question was to induce her to say that
she had wished to kill herself.) - "I
heard that the poor people of Compiegne would all be slain, down to
children seven years of age, and I
knew, too, that I was sold to the English; I would rather have died than
fall into the hands of the English."
" Do St. Catherine and St. Margaret
hate the English ?" - " They love
what our Lord loves, and hate what
he hates." - "Does God hate the
English ? " - " Of the love or hate
God may bear the English, and what
he does with their souJs, I know noth
ing ; but I know that they will be put
forth out of Prance, with the excep
tion of such as shall perish in it."
" Is it not a mortal sin to hold a
man to ransom, and then put him to
death ? " - " I have not done that." -
" Was not Franquet d'Arras put to
death ? " - "I consented to it, having
been unable to exchange him for one
of my men; he owned to being a brig
and and a traitor. His trial lasted a
fortnight, before the bailli of Senlis."
- " Did you not give money to the
man who took him ? " - "I am not
treasurer of 'France, to give money."
" Do you think that your king did
well in killing, or causing to be killed,
my lord of Burgundy ? " - " It was a
great pity for the realm of France;
but, whatever might have been be
tween them, God sent me to the aid of
the king of France."
"Jehanne, has it been revealed to
you whether you will escape?" -
" That does not bear upon your trial.
Do you want me to depone against
myself?" - "Have the voices said
nothing to you about it ? " - " That
does not concern your trial ; I put my
self in our Lord's hands, who will do
as it pleaseth him." . . . And, after a
pause, " By my troth, I know neither
the hour nor the day. God's will be
done." - " Have not your voices told
you any thing about the result, gene
rally ? " - *' Well then, yes ; they have
told me that I shall be delivered, and
have bade me be of good cheer and
courage. . , ."
Another day she added: "The
saints tell me that I shall be victori
ously delivered, and they say to me
besides, ' Take all in good part ; care
not for thy martyrdom ; thou shalt at
the last enter the kingdom of Paradise.' - 'And since they have told
you so, do you feel sure of being
saved, and of not going to hell ? " -
" Yes, I believe what they have told
me as firmly as if I were already
saved." - "This assurance is a very
weighty one." - "Yes, it is a great
treasure to me." - " And so, you be
lieve you can no longer commit a mor
tal sin ? " - "I know nothing of that ;
I rely altogether on our Lord."
At last, the judges had made out the
true ground on which to bring the
accusation; at last, they had found a
spot on which to lay stronghold.
There was not a chance of getting
this chaste and holy girl to be taken
for a witch, for a familiar of the dev
il's; but, in her very sanctity, as is
invariably the case with all mystics,
there was a side left open to attack :
the secret voice considered equal, or
preferred to, the instruction of the
Church, the prescriptions of authority
- inspiration, but free and independ
ent inspiration - revelation, but a personal revelation - submission to God ;
what God ? the God within.
These preliminary examinations were
concluded by a formal demand, whether
she would submit her actions and opin
ions to the judgment of the Church ;
to which she replied, "I love the
Church, and would support it to the
best of my power. As to the good
works which I have wrought, I must
refer them to the King of heaven, who
sent me."
The question being repeated, she
gave no other answer, but added,
" Our Lord and the Church, it is all
She was then told, that there was a
distinction ; that there was the Church
triumphanty God, the saints, and those
who had been admitted to salvation;
and the Church militant, or, in other
words, the pope, the cardinals, the
clergy, and all good Christians - the
which Church, "properly assembled,"
cannot err, and is guided by the Holy
Ghost. "Will you not then submit
yourself to the Church militant? " -
" I am come to the king of Prance
from God, from the Virgin Mary, the
saints, and the Church mctorious there
above ; to that Church I submit my
self, my works, all that I have done or
have to do." - " And to the Church
militant ? " - "I will give no other
According to one of the assessors
she said that, on certain points, she
trusted to neither bishop, pope, nor
any one ; but held her belief of God
The question on which the trial was
to turn was thus laid down in all its
simplicity and grandeur, and the true
debate commenced : on the one hand,
the visible Church and authority, on
the other, inspiration attesting the
invisible Church; . . . invisible to vul
gar eyes, but clearly seen by the pious
girl, who was forever contemplating it,
forever hearing it within herself, for
ever carrying in her heart these saints
and angels. . . . There was her Church,
there God shone in his brightness;
everywhere else, how shadowy He
was I . . .
Such being the case at issue, the
accused was doomed to irremediable
destruction. She could not give way ;
she could not, save falsely, disavow,
deny what she saw and heard so dis
tinctly. On the other hand, could
authority remain authority if it abdi
cated its jurisdiction; if it did not
punish? The Church militant is an
armed Church, armed with a two
edged sword ; against whom? Appar
ently, against the refractory.
Terrible was this Church in the
person of the reasoners, the scholas*
tics, the enemies of inspiration ; terri
ble and implacable, if represented by
the bishop of Beauvais. But were
there, then, no judges superior to this
bishop? How could the episcopal
party, the party of the University,
fail, in this peculiar case, to recognize
as supreme judge its Council of Bale,
which was on the eve of being
opened? On the other hand, the
papal Inquisition, and the Dominican
who was its vicar, would undoubtedly
be far from disputing the superiority
of the pope's jurisdiction to its own,
which emanated from it.
A legist of Rouen, that very Jean
de la Fontaine who was Cauchon's
friend and the enemy of the Pucelle,
could not feel his conscience at ease
in leaving an accused girl, without
counsel, ignorant that there were
judges of appeal, on whom she could
call without any sacrifice of the
ground on which she took up her
defence. Two monks likewise thought
that a reservation should be made in
favor of the supreme right of the
pope. However irregular it might be
for assessors to visit and counsel the
accused, apart from their coadjutors,
these three worthy men, who saw
Cauchon violate every legal form for
the triumph of iniquity, did not hesi
tate to violate all forms themselves
for justice's sake, intrepidly repaired to
the prison, forced their way in, and
advised her to appeal. The next day,
she appealed to the pope and to the
council. Cauchon, in his rage, sent
for the guards and inquired who had
visited the Pucelle. The legist and
the two monks were in great danger
of death. From that day they disappear from among the assessors, and
with them the last semblance of justice
disappears from the trial.
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