
Joan of Arc - Maid of Heaven

Ben's Blog Articles About Joan of Arc

Below is a list of the most recent Blog Articles about Joan of Arc written by author and poet Ben D. Kennedy. There are close to a hundred articles posted at http://saint-joan-of-arc.blogspot.com by Ben covering a variety of topics about St. Joan and many correspond to the dates of significant events in the life of Joan.
Read more from the author Ben D. Kennedy at PoliticalPoet.com

12/01/23 20:27 from Joan of Arc
MY LAST POST ON THIS ANTI-GOD & ANTI-FREEDOM SITE! It is truly a sad day in America when a writer like myself who simple tries to tell people the truth about God and His gift of Freedom feels compelled to stop posting their work on p...

05/01/20 21:31 from Joan of Arc
Happy 608th Birthday to St. Joan of Arc!  Everyone can join us in celebrating on our special birthday page at http://www.maidofheaven.com/joanofarc_birthday.asp  where you can find descriptions of her birth and childhood.&...

» Celebrate St. Joan of Arc's Birthday!
05/01/16 19:36 from Joan of Arc
"It was during the night of the Epiphany of Our Lord when men are wont most joyfully to recall the acts of Christ that she first saw the light in this mortal life” Tomorrow will mark the 604th anniversary of the birth of Joan of Arc and ...

» Saint Joan of Arc is Crying for America!
26/06/15 19:51 from Joan of Arc
If you look closely at the face of St. Joan of Arc in the statue above with the American flag you can see tears streaming down from her eye.  How appropriate considering the momentous events that have taken place with the federal go...

» Joan of Arc: A Soldier’s Saint
22/05/15 17:24 from Joan of Arc
During Memorial Day weekend this year as we remember and honor all of our soldiers let us also remember that Saint Joan of Arc is the patron saint of soldiers for a very good reason. I can think of no better person to be the patron saint...

» St. Joan of Arc & the Truth about Snipers & Why Tyrants like Hitler Always Hate Them
26/01/15 19:49 from Joan of Arc
In recent days I have been amazed and sickened by some of the vicious comments I have heard directed at Chris Kyle, the soldier portrayed in the new movie American Sniper, and I felt I could help people better understand the truth about ...

» Celebrate Joan of Arc's Birthday: THE Saint for our troubled times!
05/01/15 18:33 from Joan of Arc
At a time such as this when evil seems to be running rampant in our world there is no better hero of the faith than St Joan of Arc to provide an example of how to properly resist evil.  Born into troubled times when a terrible war w...

» Joan of Arc Page of The Day
19/11/14 17:36 from Joan of Arc
JOAN OF ARC FEATURED PAGE OF THE DAY "Your new widget 1" Powered by RSS Feed Informer Check Back Each Day for a New Featured Page about St. Joan

» Joan of Arc: A Saint for All Soldiers
24/05/14 20:42 from Joan of Arc
As we remember our soldiers this year during Memorial Day Weekend let us also remember that Saint Joan of Arc is the patron saint of all soldiers for good reason.  I can think of no better person to be the patron saint of soldiers t...

» Joan of Arc's Victory at Orleans on May 8th
08/05/14 12:00 from Joan of Arc
On Sunday May 8, 1429, Saint Joan of Arc achieved complete victory at Orleans and fulfilled the promise she had made only few months earlier to liberate the city.  On the morning of May 8th following the previous day's spectacular s...

» St. Joan of Arc, Easter and Communion
16/04/14 19:57 from Joan of Arc
“At least in your final hours, you once again enjoyed the Church’s mercies in preparing your soul.” from book  Maid of Heaven  Thursday is traditionally the day during Holy Week of Easter when Christians remember the “last supp...

» St. Joan of Arc & The Epiphany
03/01/14 17:55 from Joan of Arc
I have spoken before about the many spiritual lessons I have learned from St. Joan of Arc but one that is very dear to me is how I learned to more fully celebrate Christmas because of St. Joan's own birth on the Epiphany.  Like many...

» Joan of Arc's Crowning Achievement
17/07/13 08:00 from Joan of Arc
“Huzzah after huzzah swept the army from van to rear; and as for Joan, there where she sat her horse gazing, clothed all in white armor, dreamy, beautiful, and in her face a deep, deep joy, a joy not of earth, oh, she was not flesh, she ...

» Battle of Patay Anniversary: Joan's Great Victory!
18/06/13 12:39 from Joan of Arc
On June 18, 1429, Joan of Arc achieved her most overwhelming victory in her military career when her forces annihilated an English army of over 6000 that had been sent to stop her after her victory at Orleans the previous month. This bat...

» St. Joan of Arc's Feast Day: Her Memorial Day
26/05/13 20:07 from Joan of Arc
"Greater love hath no man than this,  that a man lay down his life for his friends" Every year on Memorial Day we remember our fallen soldiers and their sacrifices in the service of our country.  In much the same way I always r...

» Joan of Arc's Longest Day & Victory in Orleans
07/05/13 14:00 from Joan of Arc
"The next day May 7, 1429 would be long  and hard, but would end with spectacular success. You asked Father Pasquerel to always stay near  your side, so he could aid you in your distress. 'Tomorrow blood will flow fro...

» Joan at Orleans
02/05/13 16:09 from Joan of Arc
After Joan of Arc arrived in Orleans on April 29, 1429, she continued to try to warn the English besieging the town to leave with two more letters ( Joan first warned the English in a letter on March 22, 1429 ). Joan sent a letter to Lor...

» Joan of Arc, Easter and Communion
28/03/13 18:59 from Joan of Arc
“At least in your final hours, you once again enjoyed the Church’s mercies in preparing your soul.” from book  Maid of Heaven  Today is traditionally the day during Holy Week when Christians remember the “last supper” of Jesus ...

» A Tribute to Saint Joan of Arc on Her Birthday!
03/01/13 20:00 from Joan of Arc
"Most beautiful Maid of Heaven, how brilliant is your light. Like a shining star you point the way to the Father of all light." From a personal standpoint the greatest thing I can ever say about Saint Joan of Arc is that she leads me clo...

» The Song of Joan of Arc
31/07/12 15:09 from Joan of Arc
The Song of Joan of Arc is an epic poem written and finished on July 31, 1429, by Christine de Pisan who was a highly regarded poet who lived in France during the same time as Joan of Arc.  This poem was written and finished shortly...

» Joan Crowns Charles VII Anniversary
17/07/12 11:18 from Joan of Arc
On July 17, 1429, Joan of Arc fulfilled her primary mission to have Charles VII crowned and anointed as  King of all France. Joan had predicted that she would lead Charles to his crowning in Reims when she had begun her mission only...

» Anniversary of Joan's Great Victory at Patay
18/06/12 18:41 from Joan of Arc
Today is the anniversary of Joan's great victory at the Battle of Patay , which was the most overwhelming victory that she achieved in her brilliant military career. After the battle of Orleans the English military leaders were conc...

» Memorial Day for Joan of Arc: Joan’s Feast Day & Death Anniversary
25/05/12 21:34 from Joan of Arc
May 30 th is the anniversary of Joan of Arc’s death and is also her Feast Day which is a chance to honor and remember her in a similar way as we do other soldiers on Memorial Day Weekend.  It always gives me pause to remember that J...

» Joan's Victory at Orleans
08/05/12 14:00 from Joan of Arc
On Sunday May 8, 1429, Saint Joan of Arc achieved complete victory at Orleans and fulfilled the promise she had made only few months earlier to liberate the city.  On the morning of May 8th following the previous day's spectacular s...

» Joan's Longest Day!
07/05/12 16:45 from Joan of Arc
"The next day May 7, 1429 would be long  and hard, but would end with spectacular success. You asked Father Pasquerel to always stay near  your side, so he could aid you in your distress. 'Tomorrow blood will flow fro...

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