Saint Joan Of Arc's Name
Her real name was Jehanne d'Arc. Joan of Arc is an English bastardization of her name that was never used while she was alive. She preferred to be called "Jehanne la Pucelle" or Joan the maid.
At her trial Joan herself testified that: "In my town they called me Jeannette, and since I came into France I have been called Joan."

Proper Pronunciation: Joan was French so Jehanne in English sounds most like Jan drawn out. To get
a better sense of how it should sound pronounce Jeannette like Jan-et and drop the et to pronounce Jehanne. Her last name d'Arc sounds just like Dark in English.
Family Name: Joan was the daughter of Jacques d'Arc and Isabelle Romée. Joan's mother's surname Romée is thought to be a honorary name related to a pilgrimage she had once made to the papal city of Rome. Joan herself testified at her trial that: "My father was called Jacques d'Arc and mother Isabelle."
Other names used for Joan of Arc:
Jeanne of Arc
Joan the Maid
Jehanne la Pucelle
Jeanne la Pucelle
Maid of Orleans
Pucelle d'Orleans
Maid of France
Maid of Lorraine
Joan of Lorraine
Maid of Heaven
Jehanne d'arc
Jehanne darc
Jeanne d'arc
Jeanne darc
Saint Joan of Arc
Saint Joan
St Joan of Arc
Ste Joan of Arc
St Joan
To learn more about Joan of Arc try these pages:
Index of pages about Saint Joan of Arc
Long Biography and History of Saint Joan of Arc
Quick Facts about the Life of Joan of Arc
Timeline about the Life of Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc Quotes
Reference Material related to Joan of Arc
Frequently Asked Questions Relating to the Life and History of Saint Joan Of Arc
Reviews of Books and Movies about the life of Joan of Arc
Long list of sites related to Joan of Arc
Pictures of historical paintings and other artwork about Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc Pictures and Artistic Representations
List of over 300 products related to Joan of Arc
Free Movies and Videos about Joan of Arc
Description of the painting by Jules Bastien-Lepage of Joan of Arc and her Voices
Painting by Lenepvue of Saint Joan of Arc being Burned at the Stake
Page about St. Catherine, one of Joan of Arc's Voices
Trial of Condemnation record translated by W.P. Barrett
Official Pronouncement of Canonization Ceremony making Joan of Arc a Saint
Joan of Arc and her Scottish Knights
A Monk of Fife: A Romance of the Days of Jeanne D'Arc
Friedrich Schiller's play Maid of Orleans
Mark Twain's writings about Joan of Arc
Mark Twain's Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc
George Bernard Shaw's Saint Joan
Joan of Arc's History for Kids
To assist those looking for information about Joan of Arc her name may also be misspelled in the following ways:
joan the arc
joan darc
jeanne d arc
joan d arc
joan d arch
joan de arch
ste jeanne d arc
st jeanne d arc
jeanne saint
jean darc
jean d arc
joan arc
joa of arc
jonah of arc
joan of ark
st joan of ark
La Petite Pucelle
joaon of ark
joan de arc
joan de ark
jeanne arc
jeanne dark
joan dark
joan darx
joanne of arc
joan of arcadia
jone of arc
joan off arc
joan de ark
joan d ark
joan of arch
st joan of arch
santa joana d'Arc
joana de arc
johana de arco
juana de arco
joan of d arc
jaon of ark
joanne of ark
joana of arc
joan of
join of arc
joan of acr
johna of arc
jean of arc
joan of ar
john of arc
joan fo arc
jaon of arc
joan if arc
joan of ark
joan arc
joan of erc
joan orc
joan of rc
jon of arc
joan of tarc
joan tarc
jone of arc
jona of arc
joa of arc
jeane darc
joan of rac
joan of alc
jean of arc
oan of arc