Television series that ran for two plus seasons that featured a young woman named Joan who talked to God. The series is entertaining and challenges you to think about some of the deeper issues of life and God however there is little about Joan of Arc other than the name of the series. The only episode I saw that contained any real history about Joan of Arc was one titled "Saint Joan" that involves a history teacher who is covering the battle of Agincourt and briefly mentions Joan of Arc and her part in saving France. The episode relates the way Joan in the series saves the teacher to the way Joan of Arc saved the King of France.
Joan of Arcadia Episode covering Joan of Arc - Part 1
Joan of Arcadia Episode covering Joan of Arc - Part 2
Joan of Arcadia Episode covering Joan of Arc - Part 3
Joan of Arcadia Episode covering Joan of Arc - Part 4
Joan of Arcadia Episode covering Joan of Arc - Part 5