The Maid of France
Being The Story Of The Life And Death of Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc)

SAFELY arrived at Gien, Charles disbanded an army which it is
said that he could no longer pay, though he had money for La
Tremoille. D'Alencon went to his wife and his vicomti of Beaumont ; the captains returned each to his own place of command ;
"and the Maid abode with the King, taking heavily their departure,
especially that of d'Alencon, whom she loved most, and for whom
she would do what she would not do for another." A late writer
of 1484 avers that the King wished to send Jeanne to war against
Rouen, but La Trdmoille objected, and despatched her (which is
true), with his half-brother, d'Albret, to attack St. Pierre le Moutier,
on the upper Loire. De Cagny says that d'Alencon, superseded
by d'Albret as lieutenant-general, had gathered a force to assail
Normandy, and implored the King to let the Maid ride with him.
"For her sake many will join who will not budge without her."
But La Tremoille, de Gaucourt, and the Archbishop made the
King refuse, " and never again would suffer her and d'Alencon
to be together. She had done things incredible to those who
had not seen them, and still would have done had they behaved
to her as it was their duty to do."
Historians are apt to maintain that the King's advisers, the
Archbishop of Reims, La Tremoille, de Gaucourt, and others, had
now nothing nearer their hearts than the ruin of the Maid. But
it is not easy to see any evidence in favour of the hypothesis that
the advisers were personally hostile to Jeanne. She had been
very useful, she might be useful again ; though when once the
politicians had entered on diplomatic courses, hoping to buy the
Duke of Burgundy from the English alliance, the Maid's determined
belief that peace could only be gained at the point of the lance,
was embarrassing. None the less the theory that the Council
engaged her in enterprises which they intended to fail is incredible,
though historians so impartial and so learned as Quicherat and
Vallet de Viriville write that, after the check at Paris, "the art"
(of her adversaries) "now lay in preventing Jeanne from redeeming
her fall." Manifestly, on the other hand, it was the interest of the
King's advisers that, when she did fight, she should be victorious;
but their private schemes and jealousies directed their choice of
the places where she was to be employed, their diplomacy made
any great enterprise impossible, while their avarice or their poverty
left their generals destitute of money and supplies adequate to
their enterprises. Jeanne could do no great work because of their
unbelief. That Jeanne was deliberately betrayed, is one of the two
erroneous opinions prevalent concerning this part of her career.
It is an example of the old myth of nous sommes trahis. The
other error is the idea that her Voices deserted her, and that in
her heart she knew her mission was ended.
This theory is partly based on the remark of Dunois averring
that she limited her mission to the relief of Orleans and the
crowning of the King. But here Dunois, as abundant evidence
proves, was mistaken. The King, Jeanne proclaimed, was to
enter Paris, the Duke of Orleans was to be released, the English
were to be driven out of France. But though Jeanne certainly
expected these results from the impetus which she had given,
and though they actually were attained at last, it would be hard
on her, and it would be rash to assert that she firmly believed
she would live to see the fulfilment of her mission. To Dunois
and the Archbishop of Reims, as later to a lady, Marguerite
Touroulde, she said explicitly that she knew no more than other
people about the hour or place of her death. Aware that
she might fall any day, in any skirmish, she could entertain no
sure belief that she was destined to behold the complete triumph
of her cause.
Again, we no longer find her maintaining that she is to achieve,
that her Voices command her to achieve, any one great deed. She
only fights for the Cause, and she goes where the captains send
her. But the reason is obvious. The truces deprived her and
deprived France of any special objective. Paris was not to be
assailed. Distrustful of d'Alencon, who, as of the Royal blood
and adventurous, was jealously regarded by the faineant King,
and who had not distinguished himself by generalship, the Council
would not allow Jeanne to ride with him against Normandy. Her
own strategy, we shall see later, was the best, and was approved
of by the Duke of Burgundy. She wished, as she told her judges,
to go into the He de France in October, and reduce Paris by
cutting off the supplies of that great city. But she was not
permitted by the Council to take part in these operations.
She had to move in the train of the Court. The Queen now
came to join the King, and Jeanne had to follow their indolent
train to Selles-en-Berri and to Bourges, where the Queen settled.
Here d'Albret lodged Jeanne in the house of Marguerite La
Touroulde, who gave evidence in the Trial of Rehabilitation, and
here Jeanne abode for three weeks, being often at prayer in the
churches. Marguerite told Jeanne that " she did not fear to risk
herself in war, because she knew that she would not be slain."
The Maid answered that she had no more security than others who
fought. She would not touch the rosaries of women who asked
for this favour, "Touch them yourselves, they will get as much
good from your touch as from mine."She gave freely to the
poor, with a glad heart, saying, "I am sent for the comfort of the
poor and needy." "She was very simple and innocent, knowing
almost nothing, except in affairs of war." Marguerite and Jeanne
slept together, and often went together to the baths.
Meanwhile the King moved about from place to place,
Montargis, Loches, Jargeau, Issoudun, settling for two months, on
November 15, at Mehun-sur-Yevre. He went everywhere except
to the front. His Council now determined to attack La Charity,
a strong town on the bend of the upper Loire, which had no
apparent strategic value at this stage of the war. But Charles and
his advisers must have known that the long delayed, and by
Bedford often prayed for, arrival of Henry VI with a new English
army, was to occur in the spring of 1430. As we show later, it
was part of the Anglo-Burgundian plan of campaign of April
1430 to send a large and mobile force to the towns and forts held
for Burgundy by Gressart, commanding in La Charite\ The
Burgundian purpose, in April 1430, was to keep harassing, from
La Charity, the rear of the French, while relieving Paris by attacking their front in Lagny, Melun, Sens, and other towns which were
weakening and ruining the capital by stopping supplies.
Thus the strategy of Charles's advisers, November 15, 1429,
to anticipate the Anglo-Burgundian schemes by seizing La Charite
St. Pierre le Moutier, and other places under Gressart's command,
was no mere freak, as historians have asserted ; but was rather a
sagacious forecast of the intentions of the enemy. Unhappily,
while the King gave orders for the expedition against La Charity,
he left his army destitute of money and supplies. This can hardly
be set down to the fault of his generals, d'Albret and the Maid.
She ; for her part, was anxious, as always, that the army should
operate in the He de France, to secure the reduction of Paris.
The commandant of La Charite, Grasset or Gressart, was a
free lance, who had been a mason, it is said ; but that was an old
story. For many years he had secured his reputation as a soldier.
As leader of a company, he had captured La Charite' in 1423. He
had once seized La Tremoille and held him to ransom ; he warred
for his own hand, and La Tremoi'lle owed him a grudge. His
niece had married a Spaniard by birth, a soldier of fortune, and
uncle of Alexander Borgia (Pope Alexander VI). This Spaniard
was bailiff of another town, St. Pierre le Moustier, some thirty
miles from La Charity, to the south, and d'Albret determined to
discuss the nephew before the uncle.
At Bourges, d'Albret and the Maid gathered their array ; she
is mentioned as in command with d'Albret in an official document
of November 24, in which the people of Bourges are commanded
to raise 300 gold crowns for the army besieging La Charite. It
thus appears, in face of all attempts to deny the fact, that Jeanne
at this time held a position officially recognised, and that not
"public rumour" alone "attributed the command to the Maid."
The English Government, also, we shall see, described Jeanne as
leading the hosts of the Dauphin.'' Contemporaries of both
parties knew what a modern critic repeatedly denies.
The siege of St. Pierre le Moustier seems to have begun on
or shortly after October 25. When Jeanne had taken it, she and
d'Albret then sent to the town of Clermont, asking for ammunition
to attack La Charity, and the people added a gift of a sword, two
daggers, and a sperth or battle-axe, for "the Messenger of God,"
the Maid.
We know about the Maid's brilliant success at St. Pierre le
Moutier only from the evidence of d'Aulon. After some days
of artillery fire a breach was made in the walls, and an assault
took place. The garrison was very numerous, and repelled the
storming parties, which retreated. D'Aulon, who had been wounded,
and could walk only with crutches, was a spectator. He saw the
Maid left alone beneath the wall, accompanied merely by her own
people, her two or three lances, probably her brothers, who never
deserted her, and their men. D'Aulon managed to get into the
saddle, rode to her and asked her why she did not retreat, but
remained alone. She raised the salade of her helmet and said, " I
am not alone, with me are 50,000 of my own, and retreat I will
not till I have taken this town."
"Whatever she might say, she had only four or five men
with her," remarks the literal d'Aulon, "as I know for certain,
and so do several others who were looking on ; so I urged her
to retire like the rest. Then she bade me tell the men to bring
faggots and fascines to bridge the moat : and she herself gave
the same order in a loud voice."
In a moment the thing was done, whereat d'Aulon was all
amazed, " and the town was stormed, with no great resistance."
This was the true Jeanne touch, as we talk of "the Nelson
touch"; the indomitable tenacity, the gift of encouragement.
Whatever she meant by " 50,000 of her own,"--probably she only
expressed her sense of heavenly protection,--she did not ask the
viewless 50,000 to bridge the moat. If she saw a vision of legions
of angels, she was also perfectly awake to the nature of her actual
surroundings, and to the fact that angels are not sappers and miners.
Henceforth neither dAulon nor any of her companions was
asked, in 1450-1456, any questions about her later fights till
her capture. It has been suggested that the judges of 1450-1456
wished to spare the feelings of many who, at that time, were
reconciled to the King, after being his opponents. But the gap
in the evidence for a period on which the judges at Rouen laid
stress is most unsatisfactory.
On November 9, Jeanne was at Moulins in the Bourbonnais,
where St. Colette happened to be. One morning the Saint heard
the bells of her convent sound for matins three hours too early,
and feared that people might take this for a signal given by the
nuns to the enemy. The Saint, therefore, to whom nothing was
impossible, made all the clocks of the town go three hours too
fast, while she caused the sun to rise three hours too early!
This miracle shows what legend could do for St. Colette ; even
legend took no such liberties with the Maid. Whether Jeanne met
the famous Saint or not is unknown.
Jeanne now wrote from Moulins to the people of Riom,
requiring munitions for the attack on La Charite; she and the
Lords with her being slenderly provided. The note is brief, and
not in her style; it does not bear her motto, Jesus Maria.
The town of Riom promised money, but gave none. On the
other hand, the people of Orleans behaved with their usual
generosity. Possibly La Charite was attacked partly because it
was a nest of cosmopolitan bandits with no fixed allegiance even
to Burgundy, and all the neighbouring towns had an interest in
its capture. But Orleans never failed the cause of France and the
Maid. The people sent gunners, pay for the men, clothes against
he bitter winter weather, and some of their own artillery.
Matters went ill at La Charite. At that period sieges could
not well be prosecuted in winter: in November and December 1428,
Orleans had a respite from English attack. On November 24,
as we have seen, the people of Bourges were asked for 1300
gold crowns, for lack of which the siege must be raised. By
this time the Marechal de Boussac had joined the French besieg-
ing forces, which were numerically inadequate. They had to raise
the siege ; they lost some of their artillery, for the King sent no
money and supplies : the money from Bourges never arrived.
M. Villaret suggests that the King or his advisers perhaps kept it,
while M. de Beaucourt throws the blame on "the ill-will of La
Tr^moTlle." But this ill-will his authorities do not here so much
as mention. The leaders had publicly announced that they must
raise the siege if they were not supplied, and they were not sup-
plied. It has been erroneously said, on no evidence at all, that in
January 1430, Gressart surrendered La Charite" in exchange for the
money from Bourges. But as in the following April Gressart was
as strong as ever, the story is a manifest fable.
At Rouen the judges made much of the failure at La Charite
" What did you do in the fosses ? "
" I caused an assault to be made."
" Did you throw holy water ? "
" I neither threw nor caused it to be thrown by way of
" Had you advice from your Voices ? "
" I wanted to go into France, but the captains said it was
better to go first to La Charite."
" Why did you not enter the town, as you were commanded
by God ? "
"Who told you that I had commandment from God?" She
had no revelation about La Charite. Her Voices said nothing
either way.
The long Act of Accusation, or Requisitoire, accuses her of
having made, at La Charite" and Compiegne, many unfulfilled
prophecies as matters of revelation.
No evidence is given, none was ever given, no witnesses were
ever cited. It is probable that she, like all commanders, en-
couraged her troops, " You must win, you are sure to have them " ;
as Dunois says, "she would sometimes speak gaily on matters of
war to animate the men." She denied that, in the cases charged,
she pretended to speak by revelation; and we are not enabled to
criticise the stories to the opposite effect.
One witness, by way of exception, was actually named by
the judges, a visionary or impostor, Catherine de la Rochelle, one
of M. Vallet de Viriville's Pucelles, really a married woman with a
family. Examined by the official at Paris, she accused Jeanne of
being under the protection of the Devil ; and that gives us the
measure of Catherine de la Rochelle. What we know from the
Maid about this miserable creature is that she met the woman at
Jargeau, and at Montfaucon in Berri. Catherine averred that a
lady in white and gold appeared to her, bidding her procure
heralds from the King, and trumpeters, and go demanding gold
from the good towns ; not a bad idea, as the war was failing for
want of money, and the scheme provided a pleasant billet for
Catherine. She had, she said, the secret of finding hidden
treasure. Jeanne bade her go home, look after her household,
and take care of her children. She also consulted St. Catherine,
who said that her namesake's story was nonsense; and Jeanne
so informed the King, to the huge discontent of the divineress and
of the charlatan, Brother Richard, who patronised her. Catherine
had advised Jeanne not to go to La Charite, "because it was
much too cold," Catherine being a matron who loved her comforts.
She wished to be an ambassadress of peace to the Duke of
Burgundy, and Jeanne said that " peace was only to be won at
the lance's point." In fact, Catherine's aim was to be the prophetess
of the King's Council and of the politicians. Jeanne sat up all
night with Catherine to see the lady in white, to no purpose ;
but Catherine must have equally failed to see the Saints of
The so-called "Bourgeois de Paris," a violent Burgundian, makes
the Grand Inquisitor say in a sermon that Brother Richard was
a fatherly man to Jeanne, Catherine, and two other women ; he
" coached them," says M. Anatole France {il les endoctrinait), " he
led them as he pleased." We are not aware of a single instance
in which Jeanne acted on the coaching of Brother Richard. Their
acquaintance began when she converted him from the Burgundian
to the French party, at least he turned his coat as soon as they
met. That he coached her is not proved by offering a citation
from a witness who merely says that she confessed to the man at
Senlis. Nor is there any proof that Jeanne " smelled a rival "
in Catherine de Rochelle : she detected a humbug. Most certainly
Brother Richard did not lead Jeanne as he pleased : he did not
lead her at all,--this is the old theory of Beaumarchais (1730).
Jeanne found out the foolish pulpiteer and his pupil, who had
a genius for advertisement. According to the Bourgeois,
quoting the sermon of the Grand Inquisitor, Brother Richard at
Jargeau, on Christmas Day, administered the Holy Communion
thrice to Jeanne and twice to a Breton visionary who was later
burned. I do not observe that the accusers at Rouen pressed
this charge, whatever its value may be, against the Maid. It
is a pity, of course, that Brother Richard was allowed to be a
hanger-on of the Court, but we do not learn that on any occasion
Jeanne acted on his advice. She never was led by priests. She
never confided, we must keep on repeating, to a priest the monitions
of her Voices, by which she was directed. It was therefore impossible for priests to "indoctrinate" or coach her, as regards her
mission, though they might raise her indignation against the
Bohemian heretics.
In the autumn campaign, to resume, it does not appear that
the Maid was in any way to blame for the failure. The King
raised a force which he would not pay or victual. Jeanne wished
that force to strike at a vital point " in France." The captains led
her to St. Pierre le Moustier, where their supplies of all sorts ran
low, but the tenacity of the girl stimulated the men to a successful
effort. They then marched without adequate supplies to La
Charity, and raised the siege when the money for which they had
asked as essential was not provided. La Charity as there was
none to rescue it, " must have capitulated one day or another," says
a critic. The remark is innocent, an army without money and
supplies could not wait for the remote day of capitulation !
The policy of the Royal counsellors had damaged, none the
less, the prestige of the Maid as invincible. Enthusiasm in the
loyal provinces had been frittered away by the dawdling French
diplomatists, the dupes of Burgundy. But it is not to be supposed
that the politicians had a set purpose to cheapen the Maid. They
merely attempted no advance on a great scale ; the King merely
failed, as always, to show himself on horseback at the head of his
troops. The truces continued ; there was no policy, military or
civil ; they " waited for something to turn up."
In December, in the presence of La Tremoille and Le Macon
(de Treves), who are accused of being enemies of the Maid, the
King gave to her and her family letters ennobling them. The
name of "our dear and beloved " Jehanne is spelled " du'Lys." Her
whole kith and kin are ennobled, "that the memory of the divine
glory and of so many favours may endure and increase for ever."
Jeanne's father, mother, and three brothers and all their kinship
and lineage are included ; and noblesse is to descend both in the
male and female lines, though " they may, perchance, have been of
other than free condition." No armorial bearings are mentioned
in the grant, but the Maid told a painter at Rouen, and told her
judges, that her brothers bore two lilies of France, or, on a shield
azure, between them was a sword supporting a crown ; the new
name of the family was du Lys. She herself had never used a
shield or armorial bearings ; the King gave them to her brothers.
The Royal gratitude gave rank without lands and gear. In
later days Jean du Lys succeeded to Baudricourt's captaincy of
Vaucouleurs : Pierre was supported by the town and Duke of
Orleans; and the good town provided a pension long enjoyed
by the mother of the Maid, for the city possessed a virtue not
commonly found in princes.
The King may have meant well, but his money sank into the
corpulent La Tremoille like water into sand. The Royal accounts
prove that he was always receiving presents of horses (he fell off
his at Montepilloy) and of money. In the high tide of distress
at Orleans (February 1429) he got 10,000 gold crowns. On
September 22, 1429, he had 6594 gold crowns and 5890 livres
tournois, to pay 2000 men-at-arms and archers, of whose exploits
nothing is heard, and who may have been men in buckram.
Meanwhile Charles had not a crown piece for Guy de Laval, who
therefore gave orders to sell his lands. When Chateau Thierry
surrendered, La Tremoi'lle obtained the revenues and escheats of
the town. He got the Governorship of Compiegne, and he had
monstrous pensions. This Falstaff was absolute with the King,
from whom he took much and to whom he lent something ; and
when the Maid was captured, but not yet sold to the English,
Charles could not ransom her; the money was needed for La
Tremoi'lle, whom the Constable could not manage to capture or
despatch. Richemont did his best, he had a plot going, and, at an
unknown date, had even a plan for taking possession of the Maid,
so one of his agents confessed.
In December 1429 there was, in addition to the activity of the
captains round Paris, one hopeful feature in the war. La Hire was
a soldier, whatever his faults. He seized and held the town of
Louviers, within twenty miles of Rouen, and the French believed
that the English dared not attempt to recover it while Jeanne
If Jeanne could have despaired, she might well have abandoned
hope and the military life, for how much they had wasted of her
allotted year!
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