The Maid of France
Being The Story Of The Life And Death of Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc)

To the city of Tours, then held by the Queen of Sicily, mother-
in-law of the Dauphin, the Maid carried a light heart and a happy
face. Like her St. Catherine, she had overcome the learned men.
She dwelt with Eleanor, wife of Jean du Puy, herself one of the
Queen's ladies. The town was rich and loyal, and had aided
Orleans with supplies of money.
In Tours, a city well known for its smiths, Jeanne was to have
a complete suit of "white armour" made, and Jean de Novelonpont and Bertrand de Poulengy were also equipped. Their
armour, it may be noted, was on the same scale of expense; that
of Jeanne, as smaller, cost less, a hundred livres tournois, while
those of her friends cost a hundred and twenty-five livres. As we
hear that a horse bought for Jeanne at Vaucouleurs cost, by one
account twelve, by another, sixteen livres^ we may regard the
price of an ordinary suit of armour as equivalent to that of six
good horses.
The armour included a helmet, which covered the head to its
junction with the neck, while a shallow cup of steel protected the
chin, moving on the same hinge as the salade,--a screen of steel
which in battle was drawn down over the face to meet the chin-
plate, and, when no danger was apprehended, was turned back,
leaving the face visible. A neck-piece or gorget of five overlapping steel plates covered the chest as far as the breast-bone,
where it ended in a point, above the steel corslet, which itself
apparently was clasped in front, down the centre, ending at the
waist. The hip joints were guarded by a band, consisting of
three overlapping plates of steel; below this, over each thigh, was
a kind of skirt of steel, open in the centre for freedom in riding.
There were strong thick shoulder-plates; yet one of these was
pierced through and through by an arrow, or crossbow bolt, at
close quarters, when Jeanne was mounting a scaling ladder in the
attack on the English fort at the bridge-head of Orleans. The
steel sleeves had plates with covered hinges to guard the elbows;
there were steel gauntlets, thigh-pieces, knee-joints, greaves, and
steel shoes. The horse, a heavy weight-carrier, had his chamfron
of steel, and the saddle rose high at the pummel and behind
the back. A hucque, or cloak of cloth of gold, velvet, or other
rich material, was worn over the armour. For six days continuously Jeanne bore this weight of steel, it is said, probably in
the campaign of Jargeau and Pathay. Her exploits were wrought,
and she received her wounds, while she was leading assaults on
fortified places, standard in hand.
As to the famous mystic sword of the Maid, we really know
no more than she told her judges in 1431."While I was at
Tours or Chinon, I sent to seek for a sword in the church of St.
Catherine of Fierbois, behind the altar; and presently it was found,
all rusty ."Asked how she knew that the sword was there, she
said"It was a rusty sword in the earth, with five crosses on it,
and I knew of it through my Voices. I had never seen the man
who went to look for it. I wrote to the churchmen of Fierbois,
and asked them to let me have it, and they sent it. It was not
deep in the earth; it was behind the altar, as I think, but I am
not certain whether it was in front of the altar or behind it. I think
I wrote that it was behind it. When it was found, the clergy
rubbed it, and the rust readily fell off. The man who brought it
was a merchant of Tours who sold armour. The clergy of
Fierbois gave me a sheath; the people of Tours gave me two, one
of red velvet, one of cloth of gold, but I had a strong leather
sheath made for it."
The sword must have attracted much attention, as the people
of Tours gave two splendid sheaths; but it is not mentioned in any
documents of 1429, except by an Italian news-letter writer and
the clerk of La Rochelle, who says that the sword was in a
coffer within the great altar of the church at Fierbois, and the
people of the church knew nothing about it. Making search, they
found it in the old coffer that had not been opened for twenty
At this time, at least before April 22, when the fact was
recorded in a letter by de Rotselaer, a Flemish diplomatist at
Lyons, Jeanne told the King that she would be wounded at Orleans
by an arrow or crossbow bolt, but not mortally. The prediction
was fulfilled; it is more singular that it was recorded in writing a
fortnight before the event.
Jeanne, by the Dauphin's desire, was to have a military Household. Among its members were a confessor, an equerry, and two
pages. The confessor, Jean Pasquerel, was an Augustinian. If
she had been so entirely devoted to the Cordeliers, or begging
friars of the Order of St. Francis, as some historians imagine, it
seems probable that she would have chosen a Franciscan.
Pasquerel, in 1456, gave evidence that he had been in villa Aniciensis,
the town of Puy en Velay (some historians dispute the identity
of the town, and place it in Touraine), and had there met the
mother of the Maid, and some of the men who rode with her from
Vaucouleurs. They took a fancy to Pasquerel,--they had already
some acquaintance with him, and insisted on his coming with them
(with the men, not with Jeanne's mother, probably) to Tours.
Jeanne had heard of Pasquerel before, and confessed to him next
day. He remained with her till her capture at Compiegne in
May 1430.
The villa Aniciensis is usually taken to be Puy en Velay, and
probably Pasquerel and the Maid's companions (we do not know
their names) had been at Puy on account of the great religious
assembly held there when the Annunciation and Good Friday fell
on the same day, March 25, in 1429. Indulgences were given at
these seasons; and so great and excited were the crowds that four
hundred people had been crushed and suffocated on one occasion.
while there were thirty victims at a later jubilee. It was matter
of popular belief that years when the Annunciation and Good
Friday fell on the same day, were always marked by strange
events; in 1429 this impression was confirmed. The image of the
"Black Virgin"at Puy was regarded as the oldest made in France;
so Charles VII informed his subjects; while the church was the
oldest dedicated to Our Lady. This does not agree with the
tradition that the image was made out of sycamore wood by the
prophet Jeremiah, and brought from Egypt by St. Louis. If that
legend were partially true, we might suppose that the crusading
king had picked up in Egypt an image of Isis and the child
Osiris, especially as the object at Puy was called the"Black
It has been suggested that Jeanne's Voices, in May 1428,
selected mid-Lent, 1429, as the date when Heaven would send aid
to the Dauphin, because of the pious excitement likely to occur at
the function on March 25, 1429. Of that we know nothing; nor
have historians any evidence for the statement that Jeanne sent her
companions to Puy, though she may have wished them to meet
her mother there. Isabelle d'Arc had made a pilgrimage of a
hundred leagues, a proof of her vigour and of her enterprise, for
we know that robbers assailed pilgrims on this occasion. It is not
improbable that Jeanne's brothers, Jean and Pierre, accompanied
their mother to Puy, and thence went on to join the Maid at
Tours. The brothers rode with her from Blois to Orleans.
Jacques d'Arc must have changed his mind as to the Maid's
association with soldiers.
In addition to Pasquerel and her two pages, Louis de Coutes
and Raymond, Jeanne had an equerry, Jean d'Aulon, one of the
best men in the kingdom, according to Dunois.
This loyal servant was ever by the side of the Maid in her most
daring actions; he was captured at last when she was taken; he
rose later to high rank, as seneschal of Beaucaire, and he
lived to testifiy nobly to the character of Jeanne in the Trial of
Rehabilitation (1456). The only whispers against the independence
of d'Aulon which have reached us are not of earlier source than
1908. We are told that d'Aulon"was the most destitute squire in
the kingdom. He belonged body and soul {appartenait entirement)
to La Tremoi'lle, who aided him with money; but he had a good
name for honour and conduct. . . . Jeanne was in the hands of
d'Aulon, and d'Aulon was in the hands of La Tremoille, to whom
he owed money."
Any inquirer who cares to satisfy himself that these statements
are absolutely without support, may consult the note on this passage at the end of the book.
Jean de Novelonpont at this time was the Maid's treasurer; to
him money for her use was paid. Minute inquiry has ascertained
that, before he became acquainted with the Maid, Jean was once
fined a few sous for swearing profanely! The Maid attempted to
put down this practice. She could not enforce discipline except
by aid of religion. Hers was to be a holy war. Like other com-
manders of companies, she had her standard; St. Margaret and
St. Catherine bade her take a standard, and bear it valiantly, and
thereon was to be painted the King of Heaven. She told the
Dauphin about this command very reluctantly, and she did not know
its mystic signification. "The world was painted on it"(doubtless
the globe in the hand of Our Lord); there was an angel at each
side; the stuff was white linen seme with four de lys; and the motto
was JESUS Maria. The angels were represented not as her
guardians, but for the glory of God. The Maid always bore her
standard when in action, that she might strike no man with the
sword; she never slew any man. The personal blazon of the Maid
was a shield azure with a white dove, bearing in its beak a scroll
whereon was written, De par le Roy du ciel.
What is meant when we speak of Jeanne's "company,"her gens,
must be explained. At Orleans she had only the three or four
lances of her Household, with any free lances and citizens who
chose to fight under her standard. At Orleans she held no
official command.
Thus equipped, and in the society of good men and true, like
d'Aulon, Jean de Novelonpont, Bertrand de Poulengy, and de
Gaucourt, and with the less trustworthy Regnault de Chartres,
Chancellor and Archbishop of Reims, the Maid rode to Blois.
Hither had come, with men and supplies, the Marshal de Rais
(later justly or unjustly executed for unspeakable crimes), the
Marshal de Boussac; de Culen, Admiral of France; the brave
La Hire, redeeming the promise given when he left Orleans, and
Ambroise de Lore\
It is impossible to ascertain the numbers of the relieving army,
but an approximate calculation can be made, probably the force
was under 4000 men. (See Notes.)
But Dunois bears witness that, in these days, before the coming
of the Maid, two hundred Englishmen would drive in flight eight
hundred or a thousand of the French, so French numbers mattered
little. Moreover, when Jeanne arrived with the army and convoy
at a place above Orleans on the farther bank, Dunois and the other
captains did not think the force adequate to resist an English
attack. The English prestige was infinitely greater than their
behaviour during the siege appears to justify. Still Dunois and the
rest knew their men, and certainly had no high opinion of their
chances of success. The five or six new English forts, built in
April, were imposing in appearance, and no effort to capture any
one of them had been made. The Hurrah! was confessedly
"great and terrible"the French were subject to panic. The moral
advantage on the English side was incalculable, and the very truth
is that the Maid instantly transferred the moral advantage to her
own side. The soldiers of Wellington and Napoleon considered the
presence of these generals to be worth many thousand men, and
the same value was set on the Maid. As we do not know that the
Dauphin would have made any new effort after Rouvray to collect
forces and money to relieve Orleans but for the prayer of the
Maid,"instantly demanding,"says Dunois, "men, horses, and
arms,"it is no idle legend that salutes her as the Deliverer of the
One obstacle to an earlier attempt to relieve Orleans, after the
defeat of February 12, had been the lack of money. In September
1428, when Orleans was first threatened, an assembly of the Estates
of Languedoc and Languedoil had voted supplies to the extent of
500,000 francs. The Dauphin was reduced to an expedient very
familiar to the kings of Scotland. He pawned his jewels! In
July 1424 there were but two fleurons left on his crown. In
October 1428, La Tremo'ille advanced money to redeem from
pawn the gold ornaments of the Royal helmet. Charles gave things
away as freely as James VI used to do, when he had got a sum together by pledging his diamonds and pearls. The chief recipient of
money was La Tremo'ille, who also lent money to the Dauphin,
and probably gained on both sides. At Blois the army and the
great convoy of cattle and grain was at a standstill for want of
money. The Due dAlencon went to seek it from the King, and,
somehow, the King got and parted with sufficient coin.
Meanwhile a pious regiment of priests had come in, many of
them, no doubt, in need of a morsel of bread from the rations.
We learn from Jeanne's confessor, Pasquerel, that she had a
banner (not a standard) painted with Our Lord crucified, under
which, twice a day, she assembled all the priests that were with
the army. They sang hymns, and no man-at-arms might join in
unless he was clean confessed. Thus some measure of discipline
and decent behaviour was introduced by the Maid.
"Had they died on that day they had won the skies,
And the Maiden had marched them through paradise!"
When they left Blois, the clergy went in advance, singing
Veni creator spiritus. On April 28 this strange force, with a
convoy of cattle, arrived opposite Orleans by the south bank
of the Loire, the bank farther from Orleans. The Maid had
suffered much pain from the weight of the armour which she
proved for the first time, says her page, de Coutes, and when
she came at last in sight of the few remaining spires and the
battered walls and towers of Orleans, she was not in the most
propitious of tempers.
Dunois, commanding in Orleans, bore the brunt of her indignation: happily he was young, courteous, and knew that a soft
answer turns away wrath.
The army had halted at the river harbour, Bouchet, on their
own side of the stream, and the leaders must have been in some
perplexity. Their plan had been to march up the south bank
of Loire for the purpose of avoiding both the English garrisons
that commanded the bridges of Meun and Beaugency, and also
the main force of Talbot at St. Laurent and in the other forts
on the Orleans side. They would transport the cattle and stores
in boats provided by the townsfolk--up-stream--a distance of some
five miles, to Chocy, a village between Jargeau, which the English
held, and the east gate of Orleans. Thence they would bring
the convoy to the east or Burgundian gate of Orleans unopposed
except by the English fort of St. Loup. This was not difficult,
for the garrison and townsfolk of Orleans were much more than
strong enough to march out of the Burgundy gate and contain
the garrison of St. Loup.
This has the air of being a well-combined plan; but, as it
chanced, the wind was blowing hard down-stream, and the sailingboats, or shallops, used in river traffic, could not ascend the
stream to Checy, and the army and convoy seemed open to
attack by Suffolk and Talbot, who could cross the river safely
under the guns of the fort in the isle of Charlemagne, and of the
Tourelles and fort St. Augustine.
It was in these critical circumstances that Dunois crossed by
boat and approached the Maid.
Said she, using the title which Dunois then bore,"Are you the
Bastard of Orleans?"
"I am, and right glad of your coming."
"Was it you who gave counsel to come by this bank of
the river, so that I cannot go straight against Talbot and the
"I, and others wiser than I, gave that counsel, and I think it
the wiser way and the safer."
'In God's name, the counsel of Our Lord is wiser and safer
than yours. You think to deceive me, and you deceive yourself,
for I bring you better rescue than ever came to knight or city,
the succour of the King of Heaven. . . ."
There has been much discussion as to the deceit practised on
the Maid, and as to her own motives for wishing to march straight
past the English of Beaugency and Meun, and under the forts of
the main English force around Orleans. The facts are really
simple. The leaders were taking Jeanne"against the English."
She had seen them in the Tourelles, the outwork, and the
Augustine fort. Even if they understood that she desired to
march past Talbot's main force, they had preferred their own
tactics, though these were now seen to be perilous.
But to understand the motives of Jeanne, we need not try to
imagine "what a saint would have thought in the circumstances."
It is not true, as has been alleged, that"she had said to the
Doctors at Poitiers, 'The siege will be raised, and the city delivered from its enemies, after I have summoned the English in
the name of the King of Heaven.'"In the two Chronicles which
are cited in support of this statement I find not a word to that
Jeanne made no promise that the English would depart as
soon as she had summoned them. There is no reason to suppose
that she"perhaps expected Talbot to fall on his knees before
her and obey, not her, but Him who sent her."
She wished to summon the English before fighting them,
precisely as Salisbury had summoned the people of Orleans to
surrender at a moment when he had not the faintest chance of
taking their town. It was a formula; an expression of desire to
avoid the shedding of Christian blood. Moreover, Jeanne had
a special motive; she was entirely confident of victory; and,
as it were, did not wish "to bet on a certainty."Again, she
knew, if the French leaders did not, from the conduct of the
English that they would not leave their forts to attack a large
force passing out of range of their guns. They had allowed
small armed companies to come and go without opposition, or
with slight opposition, for they were weakened by many desertions, and were only holding on in hopes of the reinforcements
demanded, a month ago, by Bedford, and daily expected under
the leadership of Fastolf.
Jeanne understood, if Dunois did not, that the English were
weak and demoralised. A week later, a feebler force than hers
entered Orleans on the north side of the river. Her own plan
of entry, by the front door, would encourage the people of
Orleans much more potently than the entrance by the back
door, and by water, which was now seen to be very perilous.
Jeanne was practical in her tactics, she was not a dreamy
As Jeanne was saying to Dunois, "I bring you better rescue
than ever came to knight or town, the succour of the King of
Heaven,"in a moment the wind, which was contrary and strong,
shifted, says Dunois himself, "and became favourable; the sails
filled,"and, with Nicolas de Giresme, later Prior of the Knights of
Rhodes, he "crossed, with no good will of the English, to St. Loup."
Apparently he returned, or perhaps it was before he set sail that
he implored Jeanne to cross with him,"and enter Orleans, where
they longed for her sorely."Jeanne made a difficulty; she could
not leave the army, which had to return to Blois to bring another
convoy. Without her they might fall into sin, lose their discipline,
as we say, in fact she was afraid that they would not return,--a fear
rather practical than saintly. Dunois then implored the leaders
to be content without Jeanne, to let her come into Orleans and
save a dangerous disappointment of the populace. The captains
agreed, promising to return; and Jeanne, sending Pasquerel and the
other priests to chaperon her moral army on its march to Blois,
crossed the Loire with Dunois, who was strangely impressed by
the turn of the wind. He took that to be her promised "succour
from the King of Heaven,"for delay was dangerous. Talbot
might do what he ought to have done, cross with a force from
St. Laurent and fall on the confused army and convoy of France.
In any case, Jeanne crossed with a force of two hundred lances.
The wind was so favourable now that each vessel towed two
others,"a marvellous thing, a miracle of God,"says another
At Orleans the recent occurrences had been these:
On April 27 the English had seized a convoy from Blois; they
were therefore expected to make a united attempt on that which
was accompanied by Jeanne.
On April 28, d'lliers had been opposed at his entry with four
hundred men.
On April 29, the day of Jeanne's arrival into the town, fifty foot
soldiers came in from French garrisons without opposition, so tame
were the English; and the French made a fairly resolute attack on
St. Loup (the English fort which commanded her landing-place,
about a league above Orleans), and took a standard. Meanwhile
Jeanne, after reaching the northern bank at Checy, on April 28, had
passed the night at Reuilly, the house of Guy de Cailly, resting
before her entry into Orleans town on April 29.
Concerning Jeanne's host there is a singular story. It is an
extraordinary thing, considering the ferment of men's minds, that
nobody is reported to have shared any of her visions. Now,
"collective hallucinations"are a fact in human nature; there is
irrefragable evidence to one case in the works of Patrick Walker,
who saw a multitude convinced that they beheld swords falling
from heaven. Though Patrick was an enthusiastically fanatical
Covenanter, he could see nothing of the sort; while a blaspheming
cavalier laird, after cursing the folly of the crowd, did see the
marvel. The Knock phantasms, in Ireland, are another historical
case of collective hallucinations. Yet legend has not averred that
Jeanne's visions were shared by any person. The only exception
is in the case of her host at Reuilly, Guy de Cailly. A dubious
grant of arms to him makes Charles VII declare that, as the Maid
herself informed him, he shared her vision of "three superior
He is granted "a blazon of azure and argent with three heads
of Cherubim, or and gules."The date of the grant is "at Sully,
June 1429,"just before the march to Reims. The higher criticism
regards with much suspicion a document of which we have only a
copy made in the sixteenth century.
At Reuilly, Jeanne passed the following day (April 29). It was
decided that she should enter under cloud of night, to avoid the
press of people. Multitudes had gone out to meet her, as, attended
by troops of torch-bearers, and riding, magnificently mounted, at
the right hand of Dunois, she slowly advanced through a people
"making such joy as if they saw God descend among them; and
not without reason, for they had suffered sorely, and what is worse,
had little hope of succour, but feared to lose their lives and goods.
But now they were comforted as if the siege were already raised,
thanks to the divine virtue which dwelt, as they had been told, in
the simple Maid. Lovingly they gazed on her, men, women, and
little children. And there was marvellous pressing to touch her as
she rode, so much that a torch-bearer came so near her standard
that it caught fire. Then she struck the spurs into her horse, and
lightly she turned him on the standard, and crushed out the flame,
as one might do that had long followed the wars."
So they led her rejoicing to the church of the Holy Rood,
where she gave thanks to God, and then to the house of Jacquet
Boucher, treasurer of the Due d'Orleans, at the Regnart gate,
nearest to the great English fort of St. Laurent. Here she and her
brothers and Jean de Novelonpont and Bertrand de Poulengy
were made right welcome, but"boarded out."
She had come at last, she had given a sign, the wind had
changed at her word! Henceforth she wrought military signs and
wonders in the eyes of French and English.
She shared that night a bed with Charlotte, a little girl of
nine, the daughter of her host; such bed-fellowship was usual; the
Dauphin slept with a gentleman of his bedchamber, de Boisy.
The child lived to give evidence as to the Maid's"simplicity,
humility, and chastity, "and her habit of confessing and receiving
the Holy Communion before going into battle. Jeanne frequently
consoled her hostess with the assurance that the siege would
certainly be raised.
The day after the morrow began her allotted year with the
month of May, the month of her triumph, the month of her
capture, the month of her "deliverance with great victory"of
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