by M. Guizot
Charles VII & Joan of Arc short biography included in the book A Popular History of France by M. Guizot contains a good overview on the history of France during the reign of Charles VII when Joan of Arc achieved her brilliant successes.
Whilst Charles VI. was dying at Paris, his son Charles, the dauphin,
was on his way back from Saintonge to Berry, where he usually resided. On the
24th of October, 1422, at Mehun-sur-Yevre, he heard of his father's death. For
six days longer, from the 24th to the 29th of October, he took no style but that
of regent, as if he were waiting to see what was going to happen elsewhere in
respect of the succession to the throne. It was only when he knew that, on the
27th of October, the parliament of Paris had, not without some little hesitation
and ambiguity, recognized "as King of England and of France, Henry VI., son of
Henry V. lately deceased," that the dauphin Charles assumed on the 30th
of October, in his castle of Mehun-sur-Yevre, the title of king, and repaired to
Bourges to inaugurate in the cathedral of that city his reign as Charles VII.
He was twenty years old, and had as yet done nothing to gain for himself, not
to say anything of glory, the confidence and hopes of the people. He passed for
an indolent and frivolous prince, abandoned to his pleasures only; one whose
capacity there was nothing to foreshadow, and of whom France, outside of his own
court, scarcely ever thought at all. Some days before his accession he had all
but lost his life at Rochelle by the sudden breaking down of the room in the
episcopal palace where he was staying; and so little did the country know of
what happened to him that, a short time after the accident, messengers sent by
some of his partisans had arrived at Bourges to inquire if the prince were still
living. At a time when not only the crown of the kingdom, but the existence and
independence of the nation, were at stake, Charles had not given any signs of
being strongly moved by patriotic feelings. "He was, in person, a handsome
prince, and handsome in speech with all persons, and compassionate towards poor
folks," says his contemporary Monstrelet; "but he did not readily put on his
harness, and he had no heart for war if he could do without it." On ascending
the throne, this young prince, so little of the politician and so little of the
knight, encountered at the head of his enemies the most able amongst the
politicians and warriors of the day in the Duke of Bedford, whom his brother
Henry V. had appointed regent of France, and had charged to defend on behalf of
his nephew, Henry VI., a child in the cradle, the crown of France, already more
than half won. Never did struggle appear more unequal or native king more
inferior to foreign pretender.
Sagacious observers, however, would have easily discerned in the cause which
appeared the stronger and the better supported many seeds of weakness and
danger. When Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, heard at Arras, that Charles VI.
was dead, it occurred to him immediately that if he attended the obsequies of
the English King of France he would be obliged, French prince as he was, and
cousin-german of Charles VI., to yield precedence to John, Duke of Bedford,
regent of France, and uncle of the new king, Henry VI. He resolved to hold
aloof, and contented himself with sending to Paris chamberlains to make his
excuses and supply his place with the regent. On the 11th of November, 1422, the
Duke of Bedford followed alone at the funeral of the late king of France, and
alone made offering at the mass. Alone he went, but with the sword of state
borne before him as regent. The people of Paris cast down their eyes with
restrained wrath. "They wept," says a contemporary, "and not without cause, for
they knew not whether for a long, long while they would have any king in
France." But they did not for long confine themselves to tears. Two poets,
partly in Latin and partly in French, Robert Blondel, and Alan Chartier, whilst
deploring the public woes, excited the popular feeling. Conspiracies soon
followed the songs. One was set on foot at Paris to deliver the city to king
Charles VII., but it was stifled ruthlessly; several burgesses were beheaded,
and one woman was burned. In several great provincial cities, at Troyes and at
Rheims, the same ferment showed itself, and drew down the same severity. William
Prieuse, superior of the Carmelites, was accused of propagating sentiments
favorable to the dauphin, as the English called Charles VII. Being
brought, in spite of the privileges of his gown, before John Cauchon, lieutenant
of the captain of Rheims [related probably to Peter Cauchon, Bishop of Beauvais,
who nine years afterwards was to sentence Joan of Arc to be burned], he stoutly
replied, "Never was English king of France, and never shall be." The country had
no mind to believe in the conquest it was undergoing; and the Duke of Burgundy,
the most puissant ally of the English, sulkily went on eluding the consequences
of the anti-national alliance he had accepted.
Such being the disposition of conquerors and conquered, the war, though still
carried on with great spirit, could not, and in fact did not, bring about any
decisive result from 1422 to 1429. Towns were alternately taken, lost, and
retaken, at one time by the French, at another by the English or Burgundians;
petty encounters and even important engagements took place with vicissitudes of
success and reverses on both sides. At Crevant-sur-Yonne, on the 31st of July,
1423, and at Verneuil, in Normandy, on the 17th of August, 1424, the French were
beaten, and their faithful allies, the Scots, suffered considerable loss. In the
latter affair, however, several Norman lords deserted the English flag, refusing
to fight against the King of France. On the 26th of September, 1423, at La
Gravelle, in Maine, the French were victorious, and Du Guesclin was commemorated
in their victory. Anne de Laval, granddaughter of the great Breton warrior, and
mistress of a castle hard by the scene of action, sent thither her son, Andrew
de Laval, a child twelve years of age, and, as she buckled with her own hands
the sword which his ancestor had worn, she said to him, "God make thee as
valiant as he whose sword this was!" The boy received the order of knighthood on
the field of battle, and became afterwards a marshal of France. Little bands,
made up of volunteers, attempted enterprises which the chiefs of the regular
armies considered impossible. Stephen de Vignolles, celebrated under the name of
La Hire, resolved to succor the town of Montargis, besieged by the English; and
young Dunois, the bastard of Orleans, joined him. On arriving, September 5,
1427, beneath the walls of the place, a priest was encountered in their road. La
Hire asked him for absolution. The priest told him to confess. "I have no time
for that," said La Hire; "I am in a hurry; I have done in the way of sins all
that men of war are in the habit of doing." Whereupon, says the chronicler, the
chaplain gave him absolution for what it was worth; and La Hire, putting his
hands together, said, "God, I pray Thee to do for La Hire this day as much as
Thou wouldst have La Hire do for Thee if he were God and Thou wert La Hire." And
Montargis was rid of its besiegers. The English determined to become masters of
Mont St. Michel au peril de la mer, that abbey built on a rock facing the
western coast of Normandy and surrounded every day by the waves of ocean. The
thirty-second abbot, Robert Jolivet, promised to give the place up to them, and
went to Rouen with that design; but one of his monks, John Enault, being elected
vicar-general by the chapter, and supported by some valiant Norman warriors,
offered an obstinate resistance for eight years, baffled all the attacks of the
English, and retained the abbey in the possession of the King of France. The
inhabitants of La Rochelle rendered the same service to the king and to France
in a more important case. On the 15th of August, 1427, an English fleet of a
hundred and twenty sail, it is said, appeared off their city with invading
troops aboard. The Rochellese immediately levied upon themselves an
extraordinary tax, and put themselves in a state of defence; troops raised in
the neighborhood went and occupied the heights bordering on the coast; and a
bold Breton sailor, Bernard de Kercabin, put to sea to meet the enemy, with
ships armed as privateers. The attempt of the English seemed to them to offer
more danger than chance of success; and they withdrew. Thus Charles VII. kept
possession of the only seaport remaining to the crown. Almost everywhere in the
midst of a war as indecisive as it was obstinate local patriotism and the spirit
of chivalry successfully disputed against foreign supremacy the scattered
fragments of the fatherland and the throne.
In order to put an end to this doubtful condition of events and of minds, the
Duke of Bedford determined to aim a grand blow at the national party in France
and at her king. After Paris and Rouen, Orleans was the most important city in
the kingdom; it was as supreme on the banks of the Loire as Paris and Rouen were
on those of the Seine. After having obtained from England considerable
re-enforcements commanded by leaders of experience, the English commenced, in
October, 1428, the siege of Orleans. The approaches to the place were occupied
in force, and bastilles closely connected one with another were constructed
around the walls. As a set-off, the most valiant warriors of France, La Hire,
Dunois, Xaintrailles, and the Marshal La Fayette threw themselves into Orleans,
the garrison of which amounted to scarcely twelve hundred men. Several towns,
Bourges, Poitiers, and La Rochelle, sent thither money, munitions, and militia;
the states-general, assembled at Chinon, voted an extraordinary aid; and Charles
VII. called out the regulars and the reserves. Assaults on the one side and
sorties on the other were begun with ardor. Besiegers and besieged quite felt
that they were engaged in a decisive struggle. The first encounter was
unfortunate for the Orleannese. In a fight called the Herring affair, they were
unsuccessful in an attempt to carry off a supply of victuals and salt fish which
Sir John Falstolf was bringing to the besiegers. Being a little discouraged,
they offered the Duke of Burgundy to place their city in his hands, that it
might not fall into those of the English; and Philip the Good accepted the
offer, but the Duke of Bedford made a formal objection: "He didn't care," he
said, "to beat the bushes for another to get the birds." Philip in displeasure
withdrew from the siege the small force of Burgundians he had sent. The English
remained alone before the place, which was every day harder pressed and more
strictly blockaded. The besieged were far from foreseeing what succor was
preparing for them.
This very year, on the 6th of January, 1428, at Domremy, a little village in
the valley of the Meuse, between Neufchateau and Vaucouleurs, on the edge of the
frontier from Champagne to Lorraine, the young daughter of simple tillers of the
soil, "of good life and repute, herself a good, simple, gentle girl, no idler,
occupied hitherto in sewing or spinning with her mother, or driving afield her
parent's sheep, and sometimes, even, when her father's turn came round, keeping
for him the whole flock of the commune," was fulfilling her sixteenth year. It
was Joan of Arc, whom all her neighbors called Joannette. She was no recluse;
she often went with her companions to sing and eat cakes beside the fountain by
the gooseberry-bush, under an old beech, which was called the fairy-tree: but
dancing she did not like. She was constant at church, she delighted in the sound
of the bells, she went often to confession and communion, and she blushed when
her fair friends taxed her with being too religious. In 1421, when Joan was
hardly nine, a band of Anglo-Burgundians penetrated into her country, and
transferred thither the ravages of war. The village of Domremy and the little
town of Vaucouleurs were French, and faithful to the French king-ship; and Joan
wept to see the lads of her parish returning bruised and bleeding from
encounters with the enemy. Her relations and neighbors were one day obliged to
take to flight, and at their return they found their houses burned or
devastated. Joan wondered whether it could possibly be that God permitted such
excesses and disasters. In 1425, on a summer's day, at noon, she was in her
father's little garden. She heard a voice calling her, at her right side, in the
direction of the church, and a great brightness shone upon her at the same time
in the same spot. At first she was frightened, but she recovered herself on
finding that "it was a worthy voice;" and, at the second call, she perceived
that it was the voice of angels. "I saw them with my bodily eyes," she said, six
years later, to her judges at Rouen, "as plainly as I see you; when they
departed from me I wept, and would fain have had them take me with them." The
apparitions came again and again, and exhorted her "to go to France for to
deliver the kingdom." She became dreamy, rapt in constant meditation. "I could
endure no longer," said she, at a later period, "and the time went heavily with
me as with a woman in travail." She ended by telling everything to her father,
who listened to her words anxiously at first, and afterwards wrathfully. He
himself one night dreamed that his daughter had followed the king's men-at-arms
to France, and from that moment he kept her under strict superintendence. "If I
knew of your sister's going," he said to his sons, "I would bid you drown her;
and, if you did not do it, I would drown her myself." Joan submitted: there was
no leaven of pride in her sublimation, and she did not suppose that her
intercourse with celestial voices relieved her from the duty of obeying her
parents. Attempts were made to distract her mind. A young man who had courted
her was induced to say that he had a promise of marriage from her, and to claim
the fulfilment of it. Joan went before the ecclesiastical judge, made
affirmation that she had given no promise, and without difficulty gained her
cause. Everybody believed and respected her.
In a village hard by Domremy she had an uncle whose wife was near her
confinement; she got herself invited to go and nurse her aunt, and thereupon she
opened her heart to her uncle, repeating to him a popular saying, which had
spread indeed throughout the country: "Is it not said that a woman shall ruin
France, and a young maid restore it?" She pressed him to take her to Vaucouleurs
to Sire Robert de Baudricourt, captain of the bailiwick, for she wished to go to
the dauphin and carry assistance to him. Her uncle gave way, and on the
13th of May, 1428, he did take her to Vaucouleurs. "I come on behalf of my
Lord," said she to Sire de Baudricourt, "to bid you send word to the
dauphin to keep himself well in hand, and not give battle to his foes,
for my Lord will presently give him succor." "Who is thy lord?" asked
Baudricourt. "The King of Heaven," answered Joan. Baudricourt set her down for
mad, and urged her uncle to take her back to her parents "with a good slap o'
the face."
In July, 1428, a fresh invasion of Burgundians occurred at Domremy, and
redoubled the popular excitement there. Shortly afterwards, the report touching
the siege of Orleans arrived there. Joan, more and more passionately possessed
with her idea, returned to Vaucouleurs. "I must go," said she to Sire de
Baudricourt, "for to raise the siege of Orleans. I will go, should I have to
wear off my legs to the knee." She had returned to Vaucouleurs without taking
leave of her parents. "Had I possessed," said she, in 1431, to her judges at
Rouen, "a hundred fathers and a hundred mothers, and had I been a king's
daughter, I should have gone." Baudricourt, impressed without being convinced,
did not oppose her remaining at Vaucouleurs, and sent an account of this
singular young girl to Duke Charles of Lorraine, at Nancy, and perhaps even,
according to some chronicles, to the king's court. Joan lodged at Vaucouleurs in
a wheelwright's house, and passed three weeks there, spinning with her hostess,
and dividing her time between work and church. There was much talk in
Vaucouleurs of her, and her visions, and her purpose. John of Metz [also called
John of Novelompont], a knight serving with Sire de Baudricourt, desired to see
her, and went to the wheelwright's. "What do you here, my dear?" said he; "must
the king be driven from his kingdom, and we become English?" "I am come hither,"
answered Joan, "to speak to Robert de Baudricourt, that he may be pleased to
take me or have me taken to the king; but he pays no heed to me or my words.
However, I must be with the king before the middle of Lent, for none in the
world, nor kings, nor dukes, nor daughter of the Scottish king can recover the
kingdom of France; there is no help but in me. Assuredly I would far rather be
spinning beside my poor mother, for this other is not my condition; but I must
go and do the work because my Lord wills that I should do it." "Who is your
lord?" "The Lord God." "By my faith," said the knight, seizing Joan's hands, "I
will take you to the king, God helping. When will you set out?" "Rather now than
to-morrow; rather to-morrow than later." Vaucouleurs was full of the fame and
the sayings of Joan. Another knight, Bertrand de Poulengy, offered, as John of
Metz had, to be her escort, Duke Charles of Lorraine wished to see her, and sent
for her to Nancy. Old and ill as he was, he had deserted the duchess his wife, a
virtuous lady, and was leading anything but a regular life. He asked Joan's
advice about his health. "I have no power to cure you," said Joan, "but go back
to your wife and help me in that for which God ordains me." The duke ordered her
four golden crowns, and she returned to Vaucouleurs, thinking of nothing but her
departure. There was no want of confidence and good will on the part of the
inhabitants of Vaucouleurs in forwarding her preparations. John of Metz, the
knight charged to accompany her, asked her if she intended to make the journey
in her poor red rustic petticoats. "I would like to don man's clothes," answered
Joan. Subscriptions were made to give her a suitable costume. She was supplied
with a horse, a coat of mail, a lance, a sword, the complete equipment, indeed,
of a man-at-arms; and a king's messenger and an archer formed her train.
Baudricourt made them swear to escort her safely, and on the 25th of February,
1429, he bade her farewell, and all he said was, "Away then, Joan, and come what
Charles VII. was at that time residing at Chinon, in Touraine. In order to
get there Joan had nearly a hundred and fifty leagues to go, in a country
occupied here and there by English and Burgundians, and everywhere a theatre of
war. She took eleven days to do this journey, often marching by night, never
giving up man's dress, disquieted by no difficulty and no danger, and testifying
no desire for a halt save to worship God. "Could we hear mass daily," said she
to her comrades, "we should do well." They only consented twice, first in the
abbey of St. Urban, and again in the principal church of Auxerre. As they were
full of respect, though at the same time also of doubt, towards Joan, she never
had to defend herself against their familiarities, but she had constantly to
dissipate their disquietude touching the reality or the character of her
mission. "Fear nothing," she said to them; "God shows me the way I should go;
for thereto was I born." On arriving at the village of St.
Catherine-de-Fierbois, near Chinon, she heard three masses on the same day, and
had a letter written thence to the king, to announce her coming and to ask to
see him; she had gone, she said, a hundred and fifty leagues to come and tell
him things which would be most useful to him. Charles VII. and his councillors
hesitated. The men of war did not like to believe that a little peasant-girl of
Lorraine was coming to bring the king a more effectual support than their own.
Nevertheless some, and the most heroic amongst them,--Dunois, La Hire, and
Xaintrailles,--were moved by what was told of this young girl. The letters of
Sire de Baudricourt, though full of doubt, suffered a gleam of something like a
serious impression to peep out; and why should not the king receive this young
girl whom the captain of Vaucouleurs had thought it a duty to send? It would
soon be seen what she was and what she would do. The politicians and courtiers,
especially the most trusted of them, George de la Tremoille, the king's
favorite, shrugged their shoulders. What could be expected from the dreams of a
young peasant-girl of nineteen? Influences of a more private character and more
disposed towards sympathy--Yolande of Arragon, for instance, Queen of Sicily and
mother-in-law of Charles VII., and perhaps, also, her daughter, the young queen,
Mary of Anjou, were urgent for the king to reply to Joan that she might go to
Chinon. She was authorized to do so, and, on the 6th of March, 1429, she with
her comrades arrived at the royal residence.
At the very first moment two incidents occurred to still further increase the
curiosity of which she was the object. Quite close to Chinon some vagabonds, it
is said, had prepared an ambuscade for the purpose of despoiling her, her and
her train. She passed close by them without the least obstacle. The rumor went
that at her approach they were struck motionless, and had been unable to attempt
their wicked purpose. Joan was rather tall, well shaped, dark, with a look of
composure, animation, and gentleness. A man-at-arms, who met her on her way,
thought her pretty, and with an impious oath expressed a coarse sentiment.
"Alas!" said Joan, "thou blasphemest thy God, and yet thou art so near thy
death!" He drowned himself, it is said, soon after. Already popular feeling was
surrounding her marvellous mission with a halo of instantaneous miracles.
On her arrival at Chinon she at first lodged with an honest family near the
castle. For three days longer there was a deliberation in the council as to
whether the king ought to receive her. But there was bad news from Orleans.
There were no more troops to send thither, and there was no money forthcoming:
the king's treasurer, it was said, had but four crowns in the chest. If Orleans
were taken, the king would perhaps be reduced to seeking a refuge in Spain or in
Scotland. Joan promised to set Orleans free. The Orleannese themselves were
clamorous for her; Dunois kept up their spirits with the expectation of this
marvellous assistance. It was decided that the king should receive her. She had
assigned to her for residence an apartment in the tower of the Coudray, a block
of quarters adjoining the royal mansion, and she was committed to the charge of
William Bellier, an officer of the king's household, whose wife was a woman of
great piety and excellent fame. On the 9th of March, 1429, Joan was at last
introduced into the king's presence by the Count of Vendome, high steward, in
the great hall on the first story, a portion of the wall and the fireplace being
still visible in the present day. It was evening, candle-light; and nearly three
hundred knights were present. Charles kept himself a little aloof, amidst a
group of warriors and courtiers more richly dressed than he. According to some
chroniclers, Joan had demanded that "she should not be deceived, and should have
pointed out to her him to whom she was to speak;" others affirm that she went
straight to the king, whom she had never seen, "accosting him humbly and simply,
like a poor little shepherdess," says an eye-witness, and, according to another
account, "making the usual bends and reverences as if she had been brought up at
court." Whatever may have been her outward behavior, "Gentle dauphin,"
she said to the king (for she did not think it right to call him king so long as
he was not crowned), "my name is Joan the maid; the King of Heaven sendeth you
word by me that you shall be anointed and crowned in the city of Rheims, and
shall be lieutenant of the King of Heaven, who is King of France. It is God's
pleasure that our enemies the English should depart to their own country; if
they depart no evil will come to them, and the kingdom is sure to continue
yours." Charles was impressed without being convinced, as so many others had
been before, or were, as he was, on that very day. He saw Joan again several
times. She did not delude herself as to the doubts he still entertained. "Gentle
dauphin," she said to him one day, "why do you not believe me? I say unto
you that God hath compassion on you, your kingdom, and your people; St. Louis
and Charlemagne are kneeling before Him, making prayer for you, and I will say
unto you, so please you, a thing which will give you to understand that you
ought to believe me." Charles gave her audience on this occasion in the
presence, according to some accounts, of four witnesses, the most trusted of his
intimates, who swore to reveal nothing, and, according to others, completely
alone. "What she said to him there is none who knows," wrote Alan Chartier, a
short time after [in July, 1429], "but it is quite certain that he was all
radiant with joy thereat as at a revelation from the Holy Spirit." M. Wallop,
after a scrupulous sifting of evidence, has given the following exposition of
this mysterious interview. "Sire de Boisy," he says, "who was in his youth one
of the gentlemen of the bed-chamber on the most familiar terms with Charles
VII., told Peter Sala, giving the king himself as his authority for the story,
that one day, at the period of his greatest adversity, the prince, vainly
looking for a remedy against so many troubles, entered in the morning, alone,
into his oratory, and there, without uttering a word aloud, made prayer to God
from the depths of his heart that if he were the true heir, issue of the house
of France (and a doubt was possible with such a queen as Isabel of Bavaria), and
the kingdom ought justly to be his, God would be pleased to keep and defend it
for him; if not, to give him grace to escape without death or imprisonment, and
find safety in Spain or in Scotland, where he intended in the last resort to
seek a refuge. This prayer, known to God alone, the Maid recalled to the mind of
Charles VII.; and thus is explained the joy which, as the witnesses say, he
testified, whilst none at that time knew the cause. Joan by this revelation not
only caused the king to believe in her; she caused him to believe in himself and
his right and title: though she never spoke in that way as of her own motion to
the king, it was always a superior power speaking by her voice, 'I tell thee on
behalf of my Lord that thou art true heir of France, and son of the king.'"
(Jeanne d'Arc, by M. Wallon, t. i. p. 32.)
Whether Charles VII. were or were not convinced by this interview of Joan's
divine mission, he clearly saw that many of those about him had little or no
faith in it, and that other proofs were required to upset their doubts. He
resolved to go to Poitiers, where his council, the parliament, and several
learned members of the University of Paris were in session, and have Joan put to
the strictest examination. When she learned her destination, she said, "In the
name of God, I know that I shall have tough work there, but my Lord will help
me. Let us go, then, for God's sake." On her arrival at Poitiers, on the 11th of
March, 1429, she was placed in one of the most respectable families in the town,
that of John Rabuteau, advocate-general in parliament. The Archbishop of Rheims,
Reginald de Chartres, Chancellor of France, five bishops, the king's
councillors, several learned doctors, and amongst others Father Seguin, an
austere and harsh Dominican, repaired thither to question her. When she saw them
come in, she went and sat down at the end of the bench, and asked them what they
wanted with her. For two hours they set themselves to the task of showing her,
"by fair and gentle arguments," that she was not entitled to belief. "Joan,"
said William Aimery, professor of theology, "you ask for men-at-arms, and you
say that it is God's pleasure that the English should leave the kingdom of
France, and depart to their own land; if so, there is no need of men-at-arms,
for God's pleasure alone can discomfit them, and force them to return to their
homes." "In the name of God," answered Joan, "the men-at-arms will do battle,
and God will give them victory." Master William did not urge his point. The
Dominican, Seguin, "a very sour man," says the chronicle, asked Joan what
language the voices spoke to her. "Better than yours," answered Joan. The doctor
spoke the Limousine dialect. "Do you believe in God?" he asked, ill-humoredly.
"More than you do," retorted Joan, offended. "Well," rejoined the monk, "God
forbids belief in you without some sign tending thereto: I shall not give the
king advice to trust men-at-arms to you, and put them in peril on your simple
word." "In the name of God," said Joan, "I am not come to Poitiers to show
signs; take me to Orleans, and I will give you signs of what I am sent for. Let
me have ever so few men-at-arms given me, and I will go to Orleans;" then,
addressing another of the examiners, Master Peter of Versailles, who was
afterwards Bishop of Meaux, she said, "I know nor A nor B; but in our Lord's
book there is more than in your books; I come on behalf of the King of Heaven to
cause the siege of Orleans to be raised, and to take the king to Rheims, that he
may be crowned and anointed there." The examination was prolonged for a
fortnight, not without symptoms of impatience on the part of Joan. At the end of
it, she said to one of the doctors, John Erault, "Have you paper and ink? Write
what I shall say to you." And she dictated a form of letter which became, some
weeks later, the manifesto addressed in a more developed shape by her from
Orleans to the English, calling upon them to raise the siege and put a stop to
the war. The chief of those piously and patriotically heroic phrases were as
"Jesus Maria,
"King of England, account to the King of Heaven for His blood royal. Give
up to the Maid the keys of all the good towns you have taken by force. She
is come from God to avenge the blood royal, and quite ready to make peace,
if you will render proper account. If you do not so I am a war-chief; in
whatsoever place I shall fall in with your folks in France, if they be not
willing to obey, I shall make them get thence, whether they will or not; and
if they be willing to obey, I will receive them to mercy. . . . The Maid
cometh from the King of Heaven as His representative, to thrust you out of
France; she doth promise and certify you that she will make therein such
mighty haha [great tumult], that for a thousand years hitherto in
France was never the like. . . . Duke of Bedford, who call yourself regent
of France, the Maid doth pray you and request you not to bring destruction
on yourself; if you do not justice towards her, she will do the finest deed
ever done in Christendom.
"Writ on Tuesday in the great week." [Easter week, March, 1429].
Subscribed: "Hearken to the news from God and the
At the end of their examination, the doctors decided in Joan's favor. Two of
them, the Bishop of Castres, Gerard Machet, the king's confessor, and Master
John Erault, recognized the divine nature of her mission. She was, they said,
the virgin foretold in the ancient prophecies, notably in those of Merlin; and
the most exacting amongst them approved of the king's having neither accepted
nor rejected, with levity, the promises made by Joan; "after a grave inquiry
there had been discovered in her," they said, "nought but goodness, humility,
devotion, honesty, simplicity. Before Orleans she professes to be going to show
her sign; so she must be taken to Orleans, for to give her up without any
appearance on her part of evil would be to fight against the Holy Spirit, and to
become unworthy of aid from God." After the doctors' examination came that of
the women. Three of the greatest ladies in France, Yolande of Arragon, Queen of
Sicily; the Countess of Gaucourt, wife of the Governor of Orleans; and Joan de
Mortemer, wife of Robert le Macon, Baron of Troves, were charged to examine Joan
as to her life as a woman. They found therein nothing but truth, virtue, and
modesty; "she spoke to them with such sweetness and grace," says the chronicle,
"that she drew tears from their eyes;" and she excused herself to them for the
dress she wore, and for which the sternest doctors had not dreamed of
reproaching her. "It is more decent," said the Archbishop of Embrun, "to do such
things in man's dress, since they must be done along with men." The men of
intelligence at court bowed down before this village-saint, who was coming to
bring to the king in his peril assistance from God; the most valiant men of war
were moved by the confident outbursts of her patriotic courage; and the people
everywhere welcomed her with faith and enthusiasm. Joan had as yet only just
appeared, and already she was the heaven-sent interpretress of the nation's
feeling, the hope of the people of France.
Charles no longer hesitated. Joan was treated, according to her own
expression in her letter to the English, "as a war-chief;" there were assigned
to her a squire, a page, two heralds, a chaplain, Brother Pasquerel, of the
order of the hermit-brotherhood of St. Augustin, varlets, and serving-folks. A
complete suit of armor was made to fit her. Her two guides, John of Metz and
Bertrand of Poulengy, had not quitted her; and the king continued them in her
train. Her sword he wished to be supplied by himself; she asked for one marked
with five crosses; it would be found, she said, behind the altar in the chapel
of St. Catherine-de-Fierbois, where she had halted on her arrival at Chinon; and
there, indeed, it was found. She had a white banner made, studded with lilies,
bearing the representation of God seated upon the clouds, and holding in His
hand the globe of the world. Above were the words "Jesu Maria," and below were
two angels, on their knees in adoration. Joan was fond of her sword, as she said
two years afterwards at her trial, but she was forty times more fond of her
banner, which was, in her eyes, the sign of her commission and the pledge of
victory. On the completion of the preparations she demanded the immediate
departure of the expedition. Orleans was crying for succor; Dunois was sending
messenger after messenger; and Joan was in a greater hurry than anybody else.
More than a month elapsed before her anxieties were satisfied. During this
interval we find Charles VII. and Joan of Arc at Chatelherault, at Poitiers, at
Tours, at Florent-les-Saumur, at Chinon, and at Blois, going to and fro through
all that country to push forward the expedition resolved upon, and to remove the
obstacles it encountered. Through a haze of vague indications a glimpse is
caught of the struggle which was commencing between the partisans and the
adversaries of Joan, and in favor of or in opposition to the impulse she was
communicating to the war of nationality. Charles VII.'s mother-in-law, Yolande
of Arragon, Queen of Sicily, and the young Duke of Alencon, whose father had
been killed at the battle of Agincourt, were at the head of Joan's partisans.
Yolande gave money and took a great deal of trouble in order to promote the
expedition which was to go and succor Orleans. The Duke of Alencon, hardly
twenty years of age, was the only one amongst the princes of the house of Valois
who had given Joan a kind reception on her arrival, and who, together with the
brave La Hire, said that he would follow her whithersoever she pleased to lead
him. Joan, in her gratitude, called him the handsome duke, and exhibited towards
him amity and confidence.
But, side by side with these friends, she had an adversary in the king's
favorite, George de la Tremoille, an ambitious courtier, jealous of any one who
seemed within the range of the king's favor, and opposed to a vigorous
prosecution of the war, since it hampered him in the policy he wished to keep up
towards the Duke of Burgundy. To the ill will of La Tremoille was added that of
the majority of courtiers enlisted in the following of the powerful favorite,
and that of warriors irritated at the importance acquired at their expense by a
rustic and fantastic little adventuress. Here was the source of the enmities and
intrigues which stood in the way of all Joan's demands, rendered her successes
more tardy, difficult, and incomplete, and were one day to cost her more dearly
At the end of about five weeks the expedition was in readiness. It was a
heavy convoy of revictualment, protected by a body of ten or twelve thousand
men, commanded by Marshal de Boussac, and numbering amongst them Xaintrailles
and La Hire. The march began on the 27th of April, 1429. Joan had caused the
removal of all women of bad character, and had recommended her comrades to
confess. She took the communion in the open air, before their eyes; and a
company of priests, headed by her chaplain, Pasquerel, led the way whilst
chanting sacred hymns. Great was the surprise amongst the men-at-arms, many had
words of mockery on their lips. It was the time when La Hire used to say, "If
God were a soldier, He would turn robber." Nevertheless, respect got the better
of habit; the most honorable were really touched; the coarsest considered
themselves bound to show restraint. On the 29th of April they arrived before
Orleans. But, in consequence of the road they had followed, the Loire was
between the army and the town; the expeditionary corps had to be split in two;
the troops were obliged to go and feel for the bridge of Blois in order to
'cross the river; and Joan was vexed and surprised. Dunois, arrived from Orleans
in a little boat, urged her to enter the town that same evening. "Are you the
bastard of Orleans?" asked she, when he accosted her. "Yes; and I am rejoiced at
your coming." "Was it you who gave counsel for making me come hither by this
side of the river, and not the direct way, over yonder where Talbot and the
English were?" "Yes; such was the opinion of the wisest captains." "In the name
of God, the counsel of my Lord is wiser than yours; you thought to deceive me,
and you have deceived yourselves, for I am bringing you the best succor that
ever had knight, or town, or city, and that is the good will of God, and succor
from the King of Heaven; not assuredly for love of me, it is from God only that
it proceeds." It was a great trial for Joan to separate from her comrades, "so
well prepared, penitent, and well disposed; in their company," said she, "I
should not fear the whole power of the English." She was afraid that disorder
might set in amongst the troops, and that they might break up, instead of
fulfilling her mission. Dunois was urgent for her to go herself at once into
Orleans, with such portion of the convoy as boats might be able to transport
thither without delay. "Orleans," said he, "would count it for nought, if they
received the victuals without the Maid." Joan decided to go: the captains of her
division promised to rejoin her at Orleans; she left them her chaplain,
Pasquerel, the priests who accompanied him, and the banner around which she was
accustomed to muster them; and she herself, with Dunois, La Hire, and two
hundred men-at-arms, crossed the river at the same time with a part of the
The same day, at eight P. M., she entered the city, on horseback, completely
armed, preceded by her own banner, and having beside her Dunois, and behind her
the captains of the garrison and several of the most distinguished burgesses of
Orleans who had gone out to meet her. The population, one and all, rushed
thronging round her, carrying torches, and greeting her arrival "with joy as
great as if they had seen God come down amongst them. They felt," says the
Journal of the Siege, "all of them recomforted and as it were disbesieged by the
divine virtue which they had been told existed in this simple maid." In their
anxiety to approach her, to touch her, one of their lighted torches set fire to
her banner. Joan disengaged herself with her horse as cleverly as it could have
been done by the most skilful horseman, and herself extinguished the flame. The
crowd attended her to the church whither she desired to go first of all to
render thanks to God, and then to the house of John Boucher, the Duke of
Orleans's treasurer, where she was received together with her two brothers and
the two gentlemen who had been her guides from Vaucouleurs. The treasurer's wife
was one of the most virtuous city dames in Orleans, and from this night forth
her daughter Charlotte had Joan for her bedfellow. A splendid supper had been
prepared for her; but she would merely dip some slices of bread in wine and
water. Neither her enthusiasm nor her success, the two greatest tempters to
pride in mankind, made any change in her modesty and simplicity.
The very day after her arrival she would have liked to go and attack the
English in their bastilles, within which they kept themselves shut up. La Hire
was pretty much of her opinion; but Dunois and the captains of the garrison
thought they ought to await the coming of the troops which had gone to cross the
Loire at Blois, and the supports which several French garrisons in the
neighborhood had received orders to forward to Orleans. Joan insisted. Sire de
Gamaches, one of the officers present, could not contain himself. "Since ear is
given," said he, "to the advice of a wench of low degree rather than to that of
a knight like me, I will not bandy more words; when the time comes, it shall be
my sword that will speak; I shall fall, perhaps, but the king and my own honor
demand it; henceforth I give up my banner and am nothing more than a poor
esquire. I prefer to have for master a noble man rather than a girl who has
heretofore been, perhaps, I know not what." He furled his banner and handed it
to Dunois. Dunois, as sensible as he was brave, would not give heed either to
the choler of Gamaches or to the insistence of Joan; and, thanks to his
intervention, they were reconciled on being induced to think better,
respectively, of giving up the banner and ordering an immediate attack. Dunois
went to Blois to hurry the movements of the division which had repaired thither;
and his presence there was highly necessary, since Joan's enemies, especially
the chancellor Regnault, were nearly carrying a decision that no such
re-enforcement should be sent to Orleans. Dunois frustrated this purpose, and
led back to Orleans, by way of Beauce, the troops concentrated at Blois. On the
4th of May, as soon as it was known that he was coming, Joan, La Hire, and the
principal leaders of the city as well as of the garrison, went to meet him, and
re-entered Orleans with him and his troops, passing between the bastilles of the
English, who made not even an attempt to oppose them. "That is the sorceress
yonder," said some of the besiegers; others asked if it were quite so clear that
her power, did not come to her from on high; and their commander, the Earl of
Suffolk, being himself, perhaps, uncertain, did not like to risk it: doubt
produced terror, and terror inactivity. The convoy from Blois entered Orleans,
preceded by Brother Pasquerel and the priests.
Joan, whilst she was awaiting it, sent the English captains a fresh summons
to withdraw conformably with the letter which she had already addressed to them
from Blois, and the principal clauses of which were just now quoted here. They
replied with coarse insults, calling her strumpet and cow-girl, and threatening
to burn her when they caught her. She was very much moved by their insults,
insomuch as to weep; but calling God to witness her innocence, she found herself
comforted, and expressed it by saying, "I have had news from my Lord." The
English had detained the first herald she had sent them; and when she would have
sent them a second to demand his comrade back, he was afraid. "In the name of
God," said Joan, "they will do no harm nor to thee nor to him; thou shalt tell
Talbot to arm, and I too will arm; let him show himself in front of the city; if
he can take me, let him burn me; if I discomfit him, let him raise the siege,
and let the English get them gone to their own country." The second herald
appeared to be far from reassured; but Dunois charged him to say that the
English prisoners should answer for what was done to the heralds from the Maid.
The two heralds were sent back. Joan made up her mind to iterate in person to
the English the warnings she had given them in her letter. She mounted upon one
of the bastions of Orleans, opposite the English bastille called Tournelles, and
there, at the top of her voice, she repeated her counsel to them to be gone;
else, woe and shame would come upon them. The commandant of the bastille, Sir
William Gladesdale [called by Joan and the French chroniclers Glacidas],
answered with the usual insults, telling her to go back and mind her cows, and
alluding to the French as miscreants. "You lie," cried Joan, "and in spite of
you soon shall ye depart hence; many of your people shall be slain; but as for
you, you shall not see it."
Dunois, the very day of his return to Orleans, after dinner, went to call
upon Joan, and told her that he had heard on his way that Sir John Falstolf, the
same who on the 12th of the previous February had beaten the French in the
Herring affair, was about to arrive with re-enforcements and supplies for the
besiegers. "Bastard, bastard," said Joan, "in the name of God I command thee, as
soon as thou shalt know of this Pascot's coming, to have me warned of it, for,
should he pass without my knowing of it, I promise thee that I will have thy
head cut off." Dunois assured her that she should be warned. Joan was tired with
the day's excitement; she threw herself upon her bed to sleep, but
unsuccessfully; all at once she said to Sire Daulon, her esquire, "My counsel
doth tell me to go against the English; but I know not whether against their
bastilles or against this Fascot. I must arm." Her esquire was beginning to arm
her when she heard it shouted in the street that the enemy were at that moment
doing great damage to the French. "My God," said she, "the blood of our people
is running on the ground; why was I not awakened sooner? Ah! it was ill done! .
. . My arms! My arms! my horse!" Leaving behind her esquire, who was not yet
armed, she went down. Her page was playing at the door: "Ah! naughty boy," said
she, "not to come and tell me that the blood of France was being shed! Come!
quick! my horse!" It was brought to her; she bade them hand down to her by the
window her banner, which she had left behind, and, without any further waiting,
she departed and went to the Burgundy gate, whence the noise seemed to come.
Seeing on her way one of the townsmen passing who was being carried off wounded,
she said, "Alas! I never see a Frenchman's blood but my hair stands up on my
head!" It was some of the Orleannese themselves who, without consulting their
chiefs, had made a sortie and attacked the Bastille St. Loup, the strongest held
by the English on this side. The French had been repulsed, and were falling back
in flight when Joan came up, and soon after her Dunois and a throng of
men-at-arms who had been warned of the danger. The fugitives returned to the
assault; the battle was renewed with ardor; the bastille of St. Loup,
notwithstanding energetic resistance on the part of the English who manned it,
was taken; and all its defenders were put to the sword before Talbot and the
main body of the besiegers could come up to their assistance. Joan showed sorrow
that so many people should have died unconfessed; and she herself was the means
of saving some who had disguised themselves as priests in gowns which they had
taken from the church of St. Loup. Great was the joy in Orleans, and the
enthusiasm for Joan was more lively than ever. "Her voices had warned her," they
said, "and apprised her that there was a battle; and then she had found by
herself alone and without any guide the way to the Burgundy gate." Men-at-arms
and burgesses all demanded that the attack upon the English hastilles should be
resumed; but the next day, the 5th of May, was Ascension-day. Joan advocated
lions repose on this holy festival, and the general feeling was in accord with
her own. She recommended her comrades to fulfil their religious duties, and she
herself received the communion. The chiefs of the besieged resolved to begin on
the morrow a combined attack upon the English bastilles which surrounded the
palace; but Joan was not in their counsels. "Tell me what you have resolved,"
she said to them; "I can keep this and greater secrets." Dunois made her
acquainted with the plan adopted, of which she fully approved; and on the
morrow, the 6th of May, a fierce struggle began again all round Orleans. For two
days the bastilles erected by the besiegers against the place were repeatedly
attacked by the besieged. On the first day Joan was slightly wounded in the
foot. Some disagreement arose between her and Sire de Gaucourt, governor of
Orleans, as to continuing the struggle; and John Boucher, her host, tried to
keep her back the second day. "Stay and dine with us," said he, "to eat that
shad which has just been brought." "Keep it for supper," said Joan; "I will come
back this evening and bring you some goddamns (Englishman) or other to eat his
share;" and she sallied forth, eager to return to the assault. On arriving at
the Burgundy gate she found it closed; the governor would not allow any sortie
thereby to attack on that side. "Ah! naughty man," said Joan, "you are wrong;
whether you will or no, our men-at-arms shall go and win on this day as they
have already won." The gate was forced; and men-at-arms and burgesses rushed out
from all quarters to attack the bastille of Tournelles, the strongest of the
English works. It was ten o'clock in the morning; the passive and active powers
of both parties were concentrated on this point; and for a moment the French
appeared weary and downcast. Joan took a scaling-ladder, set it against the
rampart, and was the first to mount. There came an arrow and struck her between
neck and shoulder, and she fell. Sire de Gamaches, who had but lately displayed
so much temper towards her, found her where she lay. "Take my horse," said he,
"and bear no malice: I was wrong; I had formed a false idea of you." "Yes," said
Joan, "and bear no malice: I never saw a more accomplished knight." She was
taken away and had her armor removed. The arrow, it is said, stood out almost
half-a-foot behind. There was an instant of faintness and tears; but she prayed
and felt her strength renewed, and pulled out the arrow with her own hand.
Some one proposed to her to charm the wound by means of cabalistic words; but
"I would rather die," she said, "than so sin against the will of God. I know
full well that I must die some day; but I know nor where nor when nor how. If,
without sin, my wound may be healed, I am right willing." A dressing of oil and
lard was applied to the wound; and she retired apart into a vineyard, and was
continually in prayer. Fatigue and discouragement were overcoming the French;
and the captains ordered the retreat to be sounded. Joan begged Dunois to wait a
while. "My God," said she, "we shall soon be inside. Give your people a little
rest; eat and drink." She resumed her arms and remounted her horse; her banner
floated in the air; the French took fresh courage; the English, who thought Joan
half dead, were seized with surprise and fear; and one of their principal
leaders, Sir William Gladesdale, made up his mind to abandon the outwork which
he had hitherto so well kept, and retire within the bastille itself. Joan
perceived his movement. "Yield thee," she shouted to him from afar; "yield thee
to the King of Heaven! Ah! Glacidas, thou hast basely insulted me; but I have
great pity on the souls of thee and thine." The Englishman continued his
retreat. Whilst he was passing over the drawbridge which reached from the
out-work to the bastille, a shot from the side of Orleans broke down the bridge;
Gladesdale fell into the water and was drowned, together with many of his
comrades; the French got into the bastille without any fresh fighting; and Joan
re-entered Orleans amidst the joy and acclamations of the people. The bells rang
all through the night, and the Te Deum was chanted. The day of combat was about
to be succeeded by the day of deliverance.
On the morrow, the 8th of May, 1429, at daybreak, the English leaders drew up
their troops close to the very moats of the city, and seemed to offer battle to
the French. Many of the Orleannese leaders would have liked to accept this
challenge; but Joan got up from her bed, where she was resting because of her
wound, put on a light suit of armor, and ran to the city gates. "For the love
and honor of holy Sunday," said she to the assembled warriors, "do not be the
first to attack, and make to them no demand; it is God's good will and pleasure
that they be allowed to get them gone if they be minded to go away; if they
attack you, defend yourselves boldly; you will be the masters." She caused an
altar to be raised; thanksgivings were sung, and mass was celebrated. "See!"
said Joan; "are the English turning to you their faces, or verily their backs?"
They had commenced their retreat in good order, with standards flying. "Let them
go: my Lord willeth not that there be any fighting to-day; you shall have them
another time." The good words spoken by Joan were not so preventive but that
many men set off to pursue the English, and cut off stragglers and baggage.
Their bastilles were found to be full of victual and munitions; and they had
abandoned their sick and many of their prisoners. The siege of Orleans was
The day but one after this deliverance, Joan set out to go and rejoin the
king, and prosecute her work at his side. She fell in with him on the 13th of
May, at Tours, moved forward to meet him, with her banner in her hand and her
head uncovered, and bending down over her charger's neck, made him a deep
obeisance. Charles took off his cap, held out his hand to her, and, "as it
seemed to many," says a contemporary chronicler, "he would fain have kissed her,
for the joy that he felt." But the king's joy was not enough for Joan. She urged
him to march with her against enemies who were flying, so to speak, from
themselves, and to start without delay for Rheims, where he would be crowned. "I
shall hardly last more than a year," said she; "we must think about working
right well this year, for there is much to do." Hesitation was natural to
Charles, even in the hour of victory. His favorite, La Tremoille, and his
chancellor, the Archbishop of Rheims, opposed Joan's entreaties with all the
objections that could be devised under the inspiration of their ill will: there
were neither troops nor money in hand for so great a journey; and council after
council was held for the purpose of doing nothing. Joan, in her impatience, went
one day to Loches, without previous notice, and tapped softly at the door of the
king's privy chamber (chambre de re- trait). He bade her enter. She fell upon
her knees, saying, "Gentle dauphin, hold not so many and such long
councils, but rather come to Rheims, and there assume your crown; I am much
pricked to take you thither." "Joan," said the Bishop of Castres, Christopher
d'Harcourt, the king's confessor, "cannot you tell the king what pricketh you?"
"Ah! I see," replied Joan, with some embarrassment: "well, I will tell you. I
had set me to prayer, according to my wont, and I was making complaint for that
you would not believe what I said; then the voice came and said unto me, 'Go,
go, my daughter; I will be a help to thee; go.' When this voice comes to me, I
feel marvellously rejoiced; I would that it might endure forever." She was eager
and overcome.
Joan and her voices were not alone in urging the king to shake off his doubts
and his indolence. In church, and court, and army, allies were not wanting to
the pious and valiant maid. In a written document dated the 14th of May, six
days after the siege of Orleans was raised, the most Christian doctor of the
age, as Gerson was called, sifted the question whether it were possible, whether
it were a duty, to believe in the Maid. "Even if (which God forbid)," said he,
"she should be mistaken in her hope and ours, it would not necessarily follow
that what she does comes of the evil spirit, and not of God, but that rather our
ingratitude was to blame. Let the party which hath a just cause take care how,
by incredulity or injustice, it rendereth useless the divine succor so
miraculously manifested, for God, without any change of counsel, changeth the
upshot according to deserts." Great lords and simple gentlemen, old and young
warriors, were eager to go and join Joan for the salvation of the king and of
France. The constable, De Richemont, banished from the court through the jealous
hatred of George la Tremoille, made a pressing application there, followed by a
body of men-at-arms; and, when the king refused to see him, he resolved, though
continuing in disgrace, to take an active part in the war. The young Duke of
Alencon, who had been a prisoner with the English since the battle of Agincourt,
hurried on the payment of his ransom in order to accompany Joan as
lieutenant-general of the king in the little army which was forming. His wife,
the duchess, was in grief about it. "We have just spent great sums," said she,
"in buying him back from the English; if he would take my advice, he would stay
at home." "Madame," said Joan, "I will bring him back to you safe and sound,
nay, even in better contentment than at present; be not afraid." And on this
promise the duchess took heart. Du Guesciin's widow, Joan de Laval, was still
living; and she had two grandsons, Guy and Andrew de Laval, who were amongst the
most zealous of those taking service in the army destined to march on Rheims.
The king, to all appearance, desired to keep them near his person. "God forbid
that I should do so," wrote Guy de Laval, on the 8th of June, 1429, to those
most dread dames, his grandmother and his mother; "my brother says, as also my
lord the Duke d'Alencon, that a good riddance of bad rubbish would he be who
should stay at home." And he describes his first interview with the Maid as
follows: "The king had sent for her to come and meet him at Selles-en-Berry.
Some say that it was for my sake, in order that I might see her. She gave right
good cheer (a kind reception) to my brother and myself; and after we had
dismounted at Selles I went to see her in her quarters. She ordered wine, and
told me that she would soon have me drinking some at Paris. It seems a thing
divine to look on her and listen to her. I saw her mount on horseback, armed all
in white armor, save her head, and with a little axe in her hand, on a great
black charger, which, at the door of her quarters, was very restive, and would
not let her mount. Then said she, 'Lead him to the cross,' which was in front of
the neighboring church, on the road. There she mounted him without his moving,
and as if he were tied up; and turning towards the door of the church, which was
very nigh at hand, she said, in quite a womanly voice, 'You, priests and
church-men, make procession and prayers to God.' Then she resumed her road,
saying, 'Push forward, push forward.' She told me that three days before my
arrival she had sent you, dear grand-mother, a little golden ring, but that it
was a very small matter, and she would have liked to send you something better,
having regard to your estimation."
It was amidst this burst of patriotism, and with all these valiant comrades,
that Joan recommenced the campaign on the 10th of June, 1429, quite resolved to
bring the king to Rheims. To complete the deliverance of Orleans, an attack was
begun upon the neighboring places, Jargeau, Meung, and Beaugency. Before
Jargeau, on the 12th of June, although it was Sunday, Joan had the trumpets
sounded for the assault. The Duke d'Alencon thought it was too soon. "Ah!" said
Joan, "be not doubtful; it is the hour pleasing to God; work ye, and God will
work." And she added, familiarly, "Art thou afeard, gentle duke? Knowest thou
not that I have promised thy wife to take thee back safe and sound?" The assault
began; and Joan soon had occasion to keep her promise. The Duke d'Alencon was
watching the assault from an exposed spot, and Joan remarked a piece pointed at
this spot. "Get you hence," said she to the duke; "yonder is a piece which will
slay you." The Duke moved, and a moment afterwards Sire de Lude was killed at
the self-same place by a shot from the said piece. Jargeau was taken. Before
Beaugency a serious incident took place. The constable, De Richemont, came up
with a force of twelve hundred men. When he was crossing to Loudun, Charles
VII., swayed as ever by the jealous La Tremoille, had word sent to him to
withdraw, and that if he advanced he would be attacked. "What I am doing in the
matter," said the constable, "is for the good of the king and the realm; if
anybody comes to attack me, we shall see." When he had joined the army before
Beaugency, the Duke d'Alencon was much troubled. The king's orders were precise,
and Joan herself hesitated. But news came that Talbot and the English were
approaching. "Now," said Joan, "we must think no more of anything but helping
one another." She rode forward to meet the constable, and saluted him
courteously. "Joan," said he, "I was told that you meant to attack me; I know
not whether you come from God or not; if you are from God, I fear you not at
all, for God knows my good will; if you are from the devil, I fear you still
less." He remained, and Beaugency was taken. The English army came up. Sir John
Falstolf had joined Talbot. Some disquietude showed itself amongst the French,
so roughly handled for some time past in pitched battles. "Ah! fair constable,"
said Joan to Richemont, "you are not come by my orders, but you are right
welcome." The Duke d'Alencon consulted Joan as to what was to be done. "It will
be well to have horses," was suggested by those about her. She asked her
neighbors, "Have you good spurs?" "Ha!" cried they, "must we fly, then?"
"No, surely," replied Joan: "but there will be need to ride boldly; we shall
give a good account of the English, and our spurs will serve us famously in
pursuing them." The battle began on the 18th of June, at Patay, between Orleans
and Chateaudun. By Joan's advice, the French attacked. "In the name of God,"
said she, "we must fight. Though the English were suspended from the clouds, we
should have them, for God hath sent us to punish them. The gentle king shall
have to-day the greatest victory he has ever had; my counsel hath told me they
are ours." The English lost heart, in their turn; the battle was short, and the
victory brilliant; Lord Talbot and the most part of the English captains
remained prisoners. "Lord Talbot," said the Duke d'Alencon to him, "this is not
what you expected this morning." "It is the fortune of war," answered Talbot,
with the cool dignity of an old warrior. Joan's immediate return to Orleans was
a triumph; but even triumph has its embarrassments and perils. She demanded the
speedy march of the army upon Rheims, that the king might be crowned there
without delay; but objections were raised on all sides, the objections of the
timid and those of the jealous. "By reason of Joan the Maid," says a
contemporary chronicler, "so many folks came from all parts unto the king for to
serve him at their own expense, that La Tremoille and others of the council were
much wroth thereat, through anxiety for their own persons." Joan, impatient and
irritated at so much hesitation and intrigue, took upon herself to act as if the
decision belonged to her. On the 25th of June she wrote to the inhabitants of
Tournai, "Loyal Frenchmen, I do pray and require you to be all ready to come to
the coronation of the gentle King Charles, at Rheims, where we shall shortly be,
and to come and meet us when ye shall learn that we are approaching." Two days
afterwards, on the 27th of June, she left Gien, where the court was, and went to
take up her quarters in the open country with the troops. There was nothing for
it but to follow her. On the 29th of June, the king, the court (including La
Tremoille), and the army, about twelve thousand strong, set out on the march for
Rheims. Other obstacles were encountered on the road. In most of the towns the
inhabitants, even the royalists, feared to compromise themselves by openly
pronouncing against the English and the Duke of Burgundy. Those of Auxerre
demanded a truce, offering provisions, and promising to do as those of Troyes,
Chalons, and Rheims should do. At Troyes the difficulty was greater still. There
was in it a garrison of five or six hundred English and Burgundians, who had the
burgesses under their thumbs. All attempts at accommodation failed. There was
great perplexity in the royal camp; there were neither provisions enough for a
long stay before Troyes, nor batteries and siege trains to carry it by force.
There was talk of turning back. One of the king's councillors, Robert le Macon,
proposed that Joan should be summoned to the council. It was at her instance
that the expedition had been undertaken; she had great influence amongst the
army and the populace; the idea ought not to be given up without consulting her.
Whilst he was speaking, Joan came knocking at the door; she was told to come in;
and the chancellor, the Archbishop of Rheims, put the question to her. Joan,
turning to the king, asked him if he would believe her. "Speak," said the king;
"if you say what is reasonable and tends to profit, readily will you be
believed." "Gentle king of France," said Joan, "if you be willing to abide here
before your town of Troyes, it shall be at your disposal within two days, by
love or by force; make no doubt of it." "Joan," replied the chancellor, "whoever
could be certain of having it within six days might well wait for it; but say
you true?" Joan repeated her assertion; and it was decided to wait. Joan mounted
her horse, and, with her banner in her hand, she went through the camp, giving
orders everywhere to prepare for the assault. She had her own tent pitched close
to the ditch, "doing more," says a contemporary, "than two of the ablest
captains would have done." On the next day, July 10, all was ready. Joan had the
fascines thrown into the ditches, and was shouting out, "Assault!" when the
inhabitants of Troyes, burgesses and men-at-arms, came demanding permission to
capitulate. The conditions were easy. The inhabitants obtained for themselves
and their property such guarantees as they desired; and the strangers were
allowed to go out with what belonged to them. On the morrow, July 11, the king
entered Troyes with all his captains, and at his side the Maid carrying her
banner. All the difficulties of the journey were surmounted. On the 15th of July
the Bishop of Chalons brought the keys of his town to the king, who took up his
quarters there. Joan found there four or five of her own villagers, who had
hastened up to see the young girl of Domremy in all her glory. She received them
with a satisfaction in which familiarity was blended with gravity. To one of
them, her godfather, she gave a red cap which she had worn; to another, who had
been a Burgundian, she said, "I fear but one thing--treachery." In the Duke
d'Alencon's presence she repeated to the king, "Make good use of my time, for I
shall hardly last longer than a year." On the 16th of July King Charles entered
Rheims, and the ceremony of his coronation was fixed for the morrow.
It was solemn and emotional, as are all old national traditions which recur
after a forced suspension. Joan rode between Dunois and the Archbishop of
Rheims, chancellor of France. The air resounded with the Te Deum sung with all
their hearts by clergy and crowd. "In God's name," said Joan to Dunois, "here is
a good people and a devout when I die, I should much like it to be in these
parts." "Joan," inquired Dunois, "know you when you will die, and in what
place?" "I know not," said she, "for I am at the will of God." Then she added,
"I have accomplished that which my Lord commanded me, to raise the siege of
Orleans and have the gentle king crowned. I would like it well if it should
please him to send me back to my father and mother, to keep their sheep and
their cattle, and do that which was my wont." "When the said lords," says the
chronicler, an eye-witness, "heard these words of Joan, who, with eyes towards
heaven, gave thanks to God, they the more believed that it was somewhat sent
from God, and not otherwise."
Historians, and even contemporaries, have given much discussion to the
question whether Joan of Arc, according to her first ideas, had really limited
her design to the raising of the siege of Orleans and the coronation of Charles
VII. at Rheims. She had said so herself several times, just as she had to Dunois
at Rheims on the 17th of July, 1429; but she sometimes also spoke of more vast
and varied projects, as, for instance, driving the English completely out of
France, and withdrawing from his long captivity Charles, Duke of Orleans. He had
been a prisoner in London ever since the battle of Agincourt, and was popular in
his day, as he has continued to be in French history, on the double ground of
having been the father of Louis XII. and one of the most charming poets in the
ancient literature of France. The Duke d'Alencon, who was so high in the regard
of Joan, attributed to her more expressly this quadruple design: "She said,"
according to him, "that she had four duties; to get rid of the English, to have
the king anointed and crowned, to deliver Duke Charles of Orleans, and to raise
the siege laid by the English to Orleans." One is inclined to believe that
Joan's language to Dunois at Rheims in the hour of Charles VII.'s coronation
more accurately expressed her first idea; the two other notions occurred to her
naturally in proportion as her hopes as well as her power kept growing greater
with success. But however lofty and daring her soul may have been, she had a
simple and not at all a fantastic mind. She may have foreseen the complete
expulsion of the English, and may have desired the deliverance of the Duke of
Orleans, without having in the first instance premeditated anything more than
she said to Dunois during the king's coronation at Rheims, which was looked upon
by her as the triumph of the national cause.
However that may be, when Orleans was relieved, and Charles VII. crowned, the
situation, posture, and part of Joan underwent a change. She no longer
manifested the same confidence in herself and her designs. She no longer
exercised over those in whose midst she lived the same authority. She continued
to carry on war, but at hap-hazard, sometimes with and sometimes without
success, just like La Hire and Dunois; never discouraged, never satisfied, and
never looking upon her-self as triumphant. After the coronation, her advice was
to march at once upon Paris, in order to take up a fixed position in it, as
being the political centre of the realm of which Rheims was the religious.
Nothing of the sort was done. Charles and La Tremoille once more began their
course of hesitation, tergiversation, and changes of tactics and residence
without doing anything of a public and decisive character. They negotiated with
the Duke of Burgundy, in the hope of detaching him from the English cause; and
they even concluded with him a secret, local, and temporary truce. From the 20th
of July to the 23d of August Joan followed the king whithersoever he went, to
Chateau-Thierry, to Senlis, to Blois, to Provins, and to Compigne, as devoted as
ever, but without having her former power. She was still active, but not from
inspiration and to obey her voices, simply to promote the royal policy. She
wrote the Duke of Burgundy a letter full of dignity and patriotism, which had no
more effect than the negotiations of La Tremoille. During this fruitless labor
amongst the French the Duke of Bedford sent for five thousand men from England,
who came and settled themselves at Paris. One division of this army had a white
standard, in the middle of which was depicted a distaff full of cotton; a
half-filled spindle was hanging to the distaff; and the field, studded with
empty spindles, bore this inscription: "Now, fair one, come!" Insult to Joan was
accompanied by redoubled war against France. Joan, saddened and wearied by the
position of things, attempted to escape from it by a bold stroke. On the 23d of
August, 1429, she set out from Compiegne with the Duke d'Alencon and "a fair
company of men-at-arms;" and suddenly went and occupied St. Denis, with the view
of attacking Paris. Charles VII. felt himself obliged to quit Compiegne
likewise, "and went, greatly against the grain," says a contemporary chronicler,
"as far as into the town of Senlis." The attack on Paris began vigorously. Joan,
with the Duke d'Alencon, pitched her camp at La Chapelle. Charles took up his
abode in the abbey of St. Denis. The municipal corporation of Paris received
letters with the arms of the Duke d'Alencon, which called upon them to recognize
the king's authority, and promised a general amnesty. The assault was delivered
on the 8th of September. Joan was severely wounded, but she insisted upon
remaining where she was. Night came, and the troops had not entered the breach
which had been opened in the morning. Joan was still calling out to persevere.
The Duke d'Alencon himself begged her, but in vain, to retire. La Tremoille gave
orders to retreat; and some knights came up, set Joan on horse-back, and led her
back, against her will, to La Chapelle. "By my martin" (staff of command), said
she, "the place would have been taken." One hope still remained. In concert with
the Duke d'Alencon she had caused a flying bridge to be thrown across the Seine
opposite St. Denis. The next day but one she sent her vanguard in this
direction; she intended to return thereby to the siege; but, by the king's
order, the bridge had been cut adrift. St. Denis fell once more into the hands
of the English. Before leaving, Joan left there, on the tomb of St. Denis, her
complete suit of armor and a sword she had lately obtained possession of at the
St. Honore gate of Paris, as trophy of war.
From the 13th of September, 1429, to the 24th of May, 1430, she continued to
lead the same life of efforts ever equally valiant and equally ineffectual. She
failed in an attempt upon Laemir. Charite-sur-Loire, undertaken, for all that
appears, with the sole design of recovering an important town in the possession
of the enemy. The English evacuated Paris, and left the keeping of it to the
Duke of Burgundy, no doubt to test his fidelity. On the 13th of Aprils 1430, at
the expiration of the truce he had concluded, Philip the Good resumed
hostilities against Charles VII. Joan of Arc once more plunged into them with
her wonted zeal. Ile-de-France and Picardy became the theatre of war. Compiegne
was regarded as the gate of the road between these two provinces; and the Duke
of Burgundy attached much importance to holding the key of it. The authority of
Charles VII. was recognized there; and a young knight of Compiegne, William de
Flavy, held the command there as lieutenant of La Tremoille, who had got himself
appointed captain of the town. La Tremoille attempted to treat with the Duke of
Burgundy for the cession of Compiegne; but the inhabitants were strenuously
opposed to it. "They were," they said, "the king's most humble subjects, and
they desired to serve him with body and substance; but as for trusting
themselves to the lord Duke of Burgundy, they could not do it; they were
resolved to suffer destruction, themselves and their wives and children, rather
than be exposed to the tender mercies of the said duke." Meanwhile Joan of Arc,
after several warlike expeditions in the neighborhood, re-entered Compiegne, and
was received there with a popular expression of satisfaction. "She was
presented," says a local chronicler, with three hogsheads of wine, a present
which was large and exceeding costly, and which showed the estimate formed of
this maiden's worth." Joan manifested the profound distrust with which she was
inspired of the Duke of Burgundy. There is no peace possible with him," she
said, "save at the point of the lance." She had quarters at the house of the
king's attorney, Le Boucher, and shared the bed of his wife, Mary. "She often
made the said Mary rise from her bed to go and warn the said attorney to be on
his guard against several acts of Burgundian treachery." At this period, again,
she said she was often warned by her voices of what must happen to her; she
expected to be taken prisoner before St. John's or Midsummer-day (June 24); on
what day and hour she did not know; she had received no instructions as to
sorties from the place; but she had constantly been told that she would be
taken, and she was distrustful of the captains who were in command there. She
was, nevertheless, not the less bold and enterprising. On the 20th of May, 1430,
the Duke of Burgundy came and laid siege to Compiegne. Joan was away on an
expedition to Crepy in Valois, with a small band of three or four hundred brave
comrades. On the 24th of May, the eve of Ascension-day, she learned that
Compiegne was being besieged, and she resolved to re-enter it. She was reminded
that her force was a very weak one to cut its way through the besiegers' camp.
"By my martin," said she, "we are enough; I will go see my friends in
Compiegne." She arrived about daybreak without hinderance, and penetrated into
the town; and repaired immediately to the parish church of St. Jacques to
perform her devotions on the eve of so great a festival. Many persons, attracted
by her presence, and amongst others "from a hundred to six-score children,"
thronged to the church. After hearing mass, and herself taking the communion,
Joan said to those who surrounded her, "My children and dear friends, I notify
you that I am sold and betrayed, and that I shall shortly be delivered over to
death; I beseech you, pray God for me." When evening came, she was not the less
eager to take part in a sortie with her usual comrades and a troop of about five
hundred men. William de Flavy, commandant of the place, got ready some boats on
the Oise to assist the return of the troops. All the town-gates were closed,
save the bridge-gate. The sortie was unsuccessful. Being severely repulsed and
all but hemmed in, the majority of the soldiers shouted to Joan, "Try to quickly
regain the town, or we are lost." "Silence," said Joan; "it only rests with you
to throw the enemy into confusion; think only of striking at them." Her words
and her bravery were in vain; the infantry flung themselves into the boats, and
regained the town, and Joan and her brave comrades covered their retreat. The
Burgundians were coming up in mass upon Compiegne, and Flavy gave orders to pull
up the draw-bridge and let down the portcullis. Joan and some of her following
lingered outside, still fighting. She wore a rich surcoat and a red sash, and
all the efforts of the Burgundians were directed against her. Twenty men
thronged round her horse; and a Picard archer, "a tough fellow and mighty sour,"
seized her by her dress, and flung her on the ground. All, at once, called on
her to surrender. "Yield you to me," said one of them; "pledge your faith to me;
I am a gentleman." It was an archer of the bastard of Wandonne, one of the
lieutenants of John of Luxembourg, Count of Ligny. "I have pledged my faith to
one other than you," said Joan, "and to Him I will keep my oath." The archer
took her and conducted her to Count John, whose prisoner she became.
Was she betrayed and delivered up, as she had predicted? Did William de Flavy
purposely have the drawbridge raised and the portcullis lowered before she could
get back into Compiegne? He was suspected of it at the time, and many historians
have indorsed the suspicion. But there is nothing to prove it. That La
Tremoille, prime minister of Charles VII., and Reginald de Chartres, Archbishop
of Rheims, had an antipathy to Joan of Arc, and did all they could on every
occasion to compromise her and destroy her influence, and that they were glad to
see her a prisoner, is as certain as anything can be. On announcing her capture
to the inhabitants of Rheims, the arch-bishop said, "She would not listen to
counsel, and did everything according to her pleasure." But there is a long
distance between such expressions and a premeditated plot to deliver to the
enemy the young heroine who had just raised the siege of Orleans and brought the
king to be crowned at Rheims. History must not, without proof, impute crimes so
odious and so shameful to even the most depraved of men.
However that may be, Joan remained for six months the prisoner of John of
Luxembourg, who, to make his possession of her secure, sent her, under good
escort, successively to his two castles of Beaulieu and Beaurevoir, one in the
Vermandois and the other in the Cambresis. Twice, in July and in October, 1430,
Joan attempted, unsuccessfully, to escape. The second time she carried despair
and hardihood so far as to throw herself down from the platform of her prison.
She was picked up cruelly bruised, but without any fracture or wound of
importance. Her fame, her youth, her virtue, her courage, made her, even in her
prison and in the very family of her custodian, two warm and powerful friends.
John of Luxembourg had with him his wife, Joan of Bethune, and his aunt, Joan of
Luxembourg, godmother of Charles VII. They both of them took a tender interest
in the prisoner; and they often went to see her, and left nothing undone to
mitigate the annoyances of a prison. One thing only shocked them about her--her
man's clothes. "They offered her," as Joan herself said, when questioned upon
this subject at a later period during her trial, "a woman's dress, or stuff to
make it to her liking, and requested her to wear it; but she answered that she
had not leave from our Lord, and that it was not yet time for it." John of
Luxembourg's aunt was full of years and reverenced as a saint. Hearing that the
English were tempting her nephew by the offer of a sum of money to give up his
prisoner to them, she conjured him in her will, dated September 10, 1430, not to
sully by such an act the honor of his name. But Count John was neither rich nor
scrupulous; and pretexts were not wanting to aid his cupidity and his weakness.
Joan had been taken at Compiegne on the 23d of May, in the evening; and the news
arrived in Paris on the 25th of May, in the morning. On the morrow, the 26th,
the registrar of the University, in the name and under the seal of the
inquisition of France, wrote a citation to the Duke of Burgundy "to the end that
the Maid should be delivered up to appear before the said inquisitor, and to
respond to the good counsel, favor, and aid of the good doctors and masters of
the University of Paris." Peter Cauchon, Bishop of Beauvais, had been the prime
mover in this step. Some weeks later, on the 14th of July, seeing that no reply
arrived from the Duke of Burgundy, he caused a renewal of the same demands to be
made on the part of the University in more urgent terms, and he added, in his
own name, that Joan, having been taken at Compiegne, in his own diocese,
belonged to him as judge spiritual. He further asserted that "according to the
law, usage, and custom of France, every prisoner of war, even were it king,
dauphin, or other prince, might be redeemed in the name of the King of
England in consideration of an indemnity of ten thousand livres granted to the
capturer." Nothing was more opposed to the common law of nations and to the
feudal spirit, often grasping, but noble at bottom. For four months still, John
of Luxembourg hesitated; but his aunt, Joan, died at Boulogne, on the 13th of
November, and Joan of Arc had no longer near him this powerful intercessor. The
King of England transmitted to the keeping of his coffers at Rouen, in golden
coin, English money, the sum of ten thousand livres. John of Luxembourg yielded
to the temptation. On the 21st of November, 1430, Joan of Arc was handed over to
the King of England, and the same day the University of Paris, through its
rector, Hebert, besought that sovereign, as King of France, "to order that this
woman be brought to their city for to be shortly placed in the hands of the
justice of the Church, that is, of our honored lord, the Bishop and Count of
Beauvais, and also of the ordained inquisitor in France, in order that her trial
may be conducted officially and securely."
It was not to Paris, but to Rouen, the real capital of the English in France,
that Joan was taken. She arrived there on the 23d of December, 1430. On the 3d
of January, 1431, an order from Henry VI., King of England, placed her in the
hands of the Bishop of Beauvais, Peter Cauchon. Some days afterwards, Count John
of Luxembourg, accompanied by his brother, the English chancellor, by his
esquire, and by two English lords, Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, and
Humphrey, Earl of Stafford, the King of England's constable in France, entered
the prison. Had John of Luxembourg come out of sheer curiosity, or to relieve
himself of certain scruples by offering Joan a chance for her life? "Joan," said
he, "I am come hither to put you to ransom, and to treat for the price of your
deliverance; only give us your promise here to no more bear arms against us."
"In God's name," answered Joan, "are you making a mock of me, captain? Ransom
me! You have neither the will nor the power; no, you have neither." The count
persisted. "I know well," said Joan, "that these English will put me to death;
but were they a hundred thousand more Goddams than have already been in France,
they shall never have the kingdom."
At this patriotic burst on the heroine's part, the Earl of Stafford half drew
his dagger from the sheath as if to strike Joan, but the Earl of Warwick held
him back. The visitors went out from the prison and handed over Joan to the
The court of Rouen was promptly formed, but not without opposition and
difficulty. Though Joan had lost somewhat of her greatness and importance by
going beyond her main object, and by showing recklessness, unattended by
success, on small occasions, she still remained the true, heroic representative
of the feelings and wishes of the nation. When she was removed from Beaurevoir
to Rouen, all the places at which she stopped were like so many luminous points
for the illustration of her popularity. At Arras, a Scot showed her a portrait
of her which he wore, an outward sign of the devoted worship of her lieges. At
Amiens, the chancellor of the cathedral gave her audience at confession and
administered to her the eucharist. At Abbeville, ladies of distinction went five
leagues to pay her a visit; they were glad to have had the happiness of seeing
her so firm and resigned to the will of Our Lord; they wished her all the favors
of heaven, and then wept affectionately on taking leave of her. Joan, touched by
their sympathy and open heartedness, said, "Ah! what a good people is this!
Would to God I might be so happy, when my days are ended, as to be buried in
these parts!"
When the Bishop of Beauvais, installed at Rouen, set about forming his court
of justice, the majority of the members he appointed amongst the clergy or the
University of Paris obeyed the summons without hesitation. Some few would have
refused; but their wishes were overruled. The Abbot of Jumieges, Nicholas de
Houppeville, maintained that the trial was not legal. The Bishop of Beauvais, he
said, belonged to the party which declared itself hostile to the Maid; and,
besides, he made himself judge in a case already decided by his metropolitan,
the Archbishop of Rheims, of whom Beauvais was holden, and who had approved of
Joan's conduct. The bishop summoned before him the recalcitrant, who refused to
appear, saying that he was under no official jurisdiction but that of Rouen. He
was arrested and thrown into prison, by order of the bishop, whose authority he
denied. There was some talk of banishing him, and even of throwing him into the
river; but the influence of his brethren saved him. The sub-inquisitor himself
allowed the trial in which he was to be one of the judges to begin without him;
and he only put in an appearance at the express order of the inquisitor-general,
and on a confidential hint that he would be in danger of his life if he
persisted in his refusal. The court being thus constituted, Joan, after it had
been put in possession of the evidence already collected, was cited, on the 20th
of February, 1431, to appear on the morrow, the 21st, before her judges
assembled in the chapel of Rouen Castle.
The trial lasted from the 21st of February to the 30th of May, 1431. The
court held forty sittings, mostly in the chapel of the castle, some in Joan's
very prison. On her arrival there, she had been put in an iron cage; afterwards
she was kept no longer in the cage, but in a dark room in a tower of the castle,
wearing irons upon her feet, fastened by a chain to a large piece of wood, and
guarded night and day by four or five "soldiers of low grade." She complained of
being thus chained; but the bishop told her that her former attempts at escape
demanded this precaution. "It is true," said Joan, as truthful as heroic, "I did
wish and I still wish to escape from prison, as is the right of every prisoner."
At her examination, the bishop required her to take an oath to tell the truth
about everything as to which she should be questioned." "I know not what you
mean to question me about; perchance you may ask me things I would not tell you;
touching my revelations, for instance, you might ask me to tell something I have
sworn not to tell; thus I should be perjured, which you ought not to desire."
The bishop insisted upon an oath absolute and with-out condition. "You are too
hard on me," said Joan; I do not like to take an oath to tell the truth save as
to matters which concern the faith." The bishop called upon her to swear on pain
of being held guilty of the things imputed to her.
"Go on to something else," said she. And this was the answer she made to all
questions which seemed to her to be a violation of her right to be silent.
Wearied and hurt at these imperious demands, she one day said, "I come on God's
business, and I have nought to do here; send me back to God, from whom I come."
"Are you sure you are in God's grace?" asked the bishop. "If I be not," answered
Joan, "please God to bring me to it; and if I be, please God to keep me in it!"
The bishop himself remained dumbfounded.
There is no object in following through all its sittings and all its
twistings this odious and shameful trial, in which the judges' prejudiced
servility and scientific subtlety were employed for three months to wear out the
courage or overreach the understanding of a young girl of nineteen, who refused
at one time to lie, and at another to enter into discussion with them, and made
no defence beyond holding her tongue or appealing to God who had spoken to her
and dictated to her that which she had done. In order to force her from her
silence or bring her to submit to the Church instead of appealing from it to
God, it was proposed to employ the last means of all, torture. On the 9th of May
the bishop had Joan brought into the great tower of Rouen Castle; the
instruments of torture were displayed before her eyes; and the executioners were
ready to fulfil their office, "for to bring her back," said the bishop, "into
the ways of truth, in order to insure the salvation of her soul and body, so
gravely endangered by erroneous inventions." "Verily," answered Joan, "if you
should have to tear me limb from limb, and separate soul from body, I should not
tell you aught else; and if I were to tell you aught else, I should afterwards
still tell you that you had made me tell it by force." The idea of torture was
given up. It was resolved to display all the armory of science in order to
subdue the mind of this young girl, whose conscience was not to be subjugated.
The chapter of Rouen declared that in consequence of her public refusal to
submit herself to the decision of the Church as to her deeds and her statements,
Joan deserved to be declared a heretic. The University of Paris, to which had
been handed in the twelve heads of accusation resulting from Joan's statements
and examinations, replied that "if, having been charitably admonished, she would
not make reparation and return to union with the Catholic faith, she must be
left to the secular judges to undergo punishment for her crime." Armed with
these documents the Bishop of Beauvais had Joan brought up, on the 23d of May,
in a hall adjoining her prison, and, after having addressed to her a long
exhortation, "Joan," said he, "if in the dominions of your king, when you were
at large in them, a knight or any other, born under his rule and allegiance to
him, had risen up, saying, 'I will not obey the king or submit to his officers,'
would you not have said that he ought to be condemned? What then will you say of
yourself, you who were born in the faith of Christ and became by baptism a
daughter of the Church and spouse of Jesus Christ, if you obey not the officers
of Christ, that is, the prelates of the Church?" Joan listened modestly to this
admonition, and confined herself to answering, "As to my deeds and sayings, what
I said of them at the trial I do hold to and mean to abide by." "Think you that
you are not bound to submit your sayings and deeds to the Church militant or to
any other than God?" "The course that I always mentioned and pursued at the
trial I mean to maintain as to that. If I were at the stake, and saw the torch
lighted, and the executioner ready to set fire to the fagots, even if I were in
the midst of the flames, I should not say aught else, and I should uphold that
which I said at the trial even unto death."
According to the laws, ideas, and practices of the time the legal question
was decided. Joan, declared heretic and rebellious by the Church, was liable to
have sentence pronounced against her; but she had persisted in her statements,
she had shown no submission. Although she appeared to be quite forgotten, and
was quite neglected by the king whose coronation she had effected, by his
councillors, and even by the brave warriors at whose side she had fought, the
public exhibited a lively interest in her; accounts of the scenes which took
place at her trial were inquired after with curiosity. Amongst the very judges
who prosecuted her, many were troubled in spirit, and wished that Joan, by an
abjuration of her statements, would herself put them at ease and relieve them
from pronouncing against her the most severe penalty. What means were employed
to arrive at this end? Did she really, and with full knowledge of what she was
about, come round to the adjuration which there was so much anxiety to obtain
from her? It is difficult to solve this historical problem with exactness and
certainty. More than once, during the examinations and the conversations which
took place at that time between Joan and her judges, she maintained her firm
posture and her first statements. One of those who were exhorting her to yield
said to her one day, "Thy king is a heretic and a schismatic." Joan could not
brook this insult to her king. "By my faith," said she, "full well dare I both
say and swear that he is the noblest Christian of all Christians, and the truest
lover of the faith and the Church." "Make her hold her tongue," said the usher
to the preacher, who was disconcerted at having provoked such language. Another
day, when Joan was being urged to submit to the Church, brother Isambard de la
Pierre, a Dominican, who was interested in her, spoke to her about the council,
at the same time explaining to her its province in the church. It was the very
time when that of Bale had been convoked. "Ah!" said Joan, "I would fain
surrender and submit myself to the council of Bale." The Bishop of Beauvais
trembled at the idea of this appeal. "Hold your tongue in the devil's name!"
said he to the monk. Another of the judges, William Erard, asked Joan
menacingly, "Will you abjure those reprobate words and deeds of yours?" "I leave
it to the universal Church whether I ought to abjure or not." "That is not
enough: you shall abjure at once or you shall burn." Joan shuddered. "I would
rather sign than burn," she said. There was put before her a form of abjuration,
whereby, disavowing her revelations and visions from heaven, she confessed her
errors in matters of faith, and renounced them humbly. At the bottom of the
document she made the mark of a cross. Doubts have arisen as to the genuineness
of this long and diffuse deed in the form in which it has been published in the
trial-papers. Twenty-four years later, in 1455, during the trial undertaken for
the rehabilitation of Joan, several of those who had been present at the trial
at which she was condemned, amongst others the usher Massieu and the registrar
Taquel, declared that the form of abjuration read out at that time to Joan and
signed by her contained only seven or eight lines of big writing; and according
to another witness of the scene it was an Englishman, John Calot, secretary of
Henry VI., King of England, who, as soon as Joan had yielded, drew from his
sleeve a little paper which he gave to her to sign, and, dissatisfied with the
mark she had made, held her hand and guided it so that she might put down her
name, every letter. However that may be, as soon as Joan's abjuration had thus
been obtained, the court issued on the 24th of May, 1431, a definitive decree,
whereby, after some long and severe strictures in the preamble, it condemned
Joan to perpetual imprisonment, "with the bread of affliction and the water of
affliction, in order that she might deplore the errors and faults she had
committed, and relapse into them no more henceforth."
The Church might be satisfied; but the King of England, his councillors and
his officers, were not. It was Joan living, even though a prisoner, that they
feared. They were animated towards her by the two ruthless passions of vengeance
and fear. When it was known that she would escape with her life, murmurs broke
out amongst the crowd of enemies present at the trial. Stones were thrown at the
judges. One of the Cardinal of Winchester's chaplains, who happened to be close
to the Bishop of Beauvais, called him traitor. "You lie," said the bishop. And
the bishop was right; the chaplain did lie; the bishop had no intention of
betraying his masters. The Earl of Warwick complained to him of the inadequacy
of the sentence. "Never you mind, my lord," said one of Peter Cauchon's
confidants; "we will have her up again." After the passing of her sentence Joan
had said to those about her, "Come, now, you churchmen amongst you, lead me off
to your own prisons, and let me be no more in the hands of the English." "Lead
her to where you took her," said the bishop; and she was conducted to the castle
prison. She had been told by some of the judges who went to see her after her
sentence, that she would have to give up her man's dress and resume her woman's
clothing, as the Church ordained. She was rejoiced thereat; forthwith,
accordingly, resumed her woman's clothes, and had her hair properly cut, which
up to that time she used to wear clipped round like a man's. When she was taken
back to prison, the man's dress which she had worn was put in a sack in the same
room in which she was confined, and she remained in custody at the said place in
the hands of five Englishmen, of whom three staid by night in the room and two
outside at the door. "And he who speaks [John Massieu, a priest, the same who in
1431 had been present as usher of the court at the trial in which Joan was
condemned] knows for certain that at night she had her legs ironed in such sort
that she could not stir from the spot. When the next Sunday morning, which was
Trinity Sunday, had come, and she should have got up, according to what she
herself told to him who speaks, she said to her English guards, 'Uniron me; I
will get up.' Then one of then took away her woman's clothes; they emptied the
sack in which was her man's dress, and pitched the said dress to her, saying,
'Get up, then,' and they put her woman's clothes in the same sack. And according
to what she told me she only clad herself in her man's dress after saying, 'You
know it is forbidden me; I certainly will not take it.' Nevertheless they would
not allow her any other; insomuch that the dispute lasted to the hour of noon.
Finally, from corporeal necessity, Joan was constrained to get up and take the
The official documents drawn up during the condemnation-trial contain quite a
different account. "On the 28th of May," it is there said, "eight of the judges
who had taken part in the sentence [their names are given in the document, t. i.
p. 454] betook themselves to Joan's prison, and seeing her clad in man's dress,
'which she had but just given up according to our order that she should resume
woman's clothes, we asked her when and for what cause she had resumed this
dress, and who had prevailed on her to do so. Joan answered that it was of her
own will, without any constraint from any one, and because she preferred that
dress to woman's clothes. To our question as to why she had made this change,
she answered, that, being surrounded by men, man's dress was more suitable for
her than woman's. She also said that she had resumed it because there had been
made to her, but not kept, a promise that she should go to mass, receive the
body of Christ, and be set free from her fetters. She added that if this promise
were kept, she would be good, and would do what was the will of the Church. As
we had heard some persons say that she persisted in her errors as to the
pretended revelations which she had but lately renounced, we asked whether she
had since Thursday last heard the voices of St. Catherine and St. Margaret; and
she answered, Yes. To our question as to what the saints had said she answered,
that God had testified to her by their voices great pity for the great treason
she had committed in abjuring for the sake of saving her life, and that by so
doing she had damned herself. She said that all she had thus done last Thursday
in abjuring her visions and revelations she had done through fear of the stake,
and that all her abjuration was contrary to the truth. She added that she did
not herself comprehend what was contained in the form of abjuration she had been
made to sign, and that she would rather do penance once for all by dying to
maintain the truth than remain any longer a prisoner, being all the while a
traitress to it."
We will not stop to examine whether these two accounts, though very
different, are not fundamentally reconcilable, and whether Joan resumed man's
dress of her own desire or was constrained to do so by the soldiers on guard
over her, and perhaps to escape from their insults. The important points in the
incident are the burst of remorse which Joan felt for her weakness and her
striking retractation of the abjuration which had been wrung from her. So soon
as the news was noised abroad, her enemies cried, "She has relapsed!" This was
exactly what they had hoped for when, on learning that she had been sentenced
only to perpetual imprisonment, they had said, "Never you mind; we will have her
up again." "Farewell, farewell, my lord," said the Bishop of Beauvais to
the Earl of Warwick, whom he met shortly after Joan's retractation; and in his
words there was plainly an expression of satisfaction, and not a mere phrase of
politeness. On the 29th of May the tribunal met again. Forty judges took part in
the deliberation; Joan was unanimously declared a case of relapse, was found
guilty, and cited to appear next day, the 30th, on the Vieux-Marche to hear
sentence pronounced, and then undergo the punishment of the stake.
When, on the 30th of May, in the morning, the Dominican brother Martin
Ladvenu was charged to announce her sentence to Joan, she gave way at first to
grief and terror. "Alas!" she cried, "am I to be so horribly and cruelly treated
that this my body, full pure and perfect and never defiled, must to-day be
consumed and reduced to ashes! Ah! I would seven times rather be beheaded than
burned!" The Bishop of Beauvais at this moment came up. "Bishop," said Joan,
"you are the cause of my death; if you had put me in the prisons of the Church
and in the hands of fit and proper ecclesiastical warders, this had never
happened; I appeal from you to the presence of God." One of the doctors who had
sat in judgment upon her, Peter Maurice, went to see her, and spoke to her with
sympathy. "Master Peter," said she to him, "where shall I be to-night?" "Have
you not good hope in God?" asked the doctor. "O! yes," she answered; "by the
grace of God I shall be in paradise." Being left alone with the Dominican,
Martin Ladvenu, she confessed and asked to communicate. The monk applied to the
Bishop of Beauvais to know what he was to do. "Tell brother Martin," was the
answer, "to give her the eucharist and all she asks for." At nine o'clock,
having resumed her woman's dress, Joan was dragged from prison and driven to the
Vieux- Marche. From seven to eight hundred soldiers escorted the car and
prohibited all approach to it on the part of the crowd, which encumbered the
road and the vicinities; but a man forced a passage and flung himself towards
Joan. It was a canon of Rouen, Nicholas Loiseleur, whom the Bishop of Beauvais
had placed near her, and who had abused the confidence she had shown him. Beside
himself with despair, he wished to ask pardon of her; but the English soldiers
drove him back with violence and with the epithet of traitor, and but for the
intervention of the Earl of Warwick his life would have been in danger. Joan
wept and prayed; and the crowd, afar off, wept and prayed with her. On arriving
at the place, she listened in silence to a sermon by one of the doctors of the
court, who ended by saying, "Joan, go in peace; the Church can no longer defend
thee; she gives thee over to the secular arm." The laic judges, Raoul
Bouteillier, baillie of Rouen, and his lieutenant, Peter Daron, were alone
qualified to pronounce sentence of death; but no time was given them. The priest
Massieu was still continuing his exhortations to Joan, but "How now! priest,"
was the cry from amidst the soldiery, "are you going to make us dine here?"
"Away with her! Away with her!" said the baillie to the guards; and to the
executioner, "Do thy duty." When she came to the stake, Joan knelt down
completely absorbed in prayer. She had begged Massieu to get her a cross; and an
Englishman present made one out of a little stick, and handed it to the French
heroine, who took it, kissed it, and laid it on her breast. She begged brother
Isambard de la Pierre to go and fetch the cross from the church of St. Sauveur,
the chief door of which opened on the Vieux-Marche, and to hold it "upright
before her eyes till the coming of death, in order," she said, "that the cross
whereon God hung might, as long as she lived, be continually in her sight;" and
her wishes were fulfilled. She wept over her country and the spectators as well
as over herself. "Rouen, Rouen," she cried, "is it here that I must die? Shalt
thou be my last resting-place? I fear greatly thou wilt have to suffer for my
death." It is said that the aged Cardinal of Winchester and the Bishop of
Beauvais himself could not stifle their emotion--and, peradventure, their tears.
The executioner set fire to the fagots. When Joan perceived the flames rising,
she urged her confessor, the Dominican brother, Martin Ladvenu, to go down, at
the same time asking him to keep holding the cross up high in front of her, that
she might never cease to see it. The same monk, when questioned four and twenty
years later, at the rehabilitation trial, as to the last sentiments and the last
words of Joan, said that to the very latest moment she had affirmed that her
voices were heavenly, that they had not deluded her, and that the revelations
she had received came from God. When she had ceased to live, two of her judges,
John Alespie, canon of Rouen, and Peter Maurice, doctor of theology, cried out,
"Would that my soul were where I believe the soul of that woman is!" And
Tressart, secretary to King Henry VI., said sorrowfully, on returning from the
place of execution, "We are all lost; we have burned a saint."
A saint indeed in faith and in destiny. Never was human creature more
heroically confident in, and devoted to, inspiration coming from God, a
commission received from God. Joan of Arc sought nothing of all that happened to
her and of all she did, nor exploit, nor power, nor glory. "It was not her
condition," as she used to say, to be a warrior, to get her king crowned, and to
deliver her country from the foreigner. Everything came to her from on high, and
she accepted everything without hesitation, without discussion, without
calculation, as we should say in our times. She believed in God, and obeyed Him.
God was not to her an idea, a hope, a flash of human imagination, or a problem
of human science; He was the Creator of the world, the Saviour of mankind
through Jesus Christ, the Being of beings, ever present, ever in action, sole
legitimate sovereign of man whom He has made intelligent and free, the real and
true God whom we are painfully searching for in our own day, and whom we shall
never find again until we cease pretending to do without Him and putting
ourselves in His place. Meanwhile one fact may be mentioned which does honor to
our epoch and gives us hope for our future. Four centuries have rolled by since
Joan of Arc, that modest and heroic servant of God, made a sacrifice of herself
for France. For four and twenty years after her death, France and the king
appeared to think no more of her. However, in 1455, remorse came upon Charles
VII. and upon France. Nearly all the provinces, all the towns, were freed from
the foreigner, and shame was felt that nothing was said, nothing done, for the
young girl who had saved everything. At Rouen, especially, where the sacrifice
was completed, a cry for reparation arose. It was timidly demanded from the
spiritual power which had sentenced and delivered over Joan as a heretic to the
stake. Pope Calixtus III. entertained the request preferred, not by the King of
France, but in the name of Isabel Romee, Joan's mother, and her whole family.
Regular proceedings were commenced and followed up for the rehabilitation of the
martyr; and, on the 7th of July, 1456, a decree of the court assembled at Rouen
quashed the sentence of 1431, together with all its consequences, and ordered "a
general procession and solemn sermon at St. Ouen Place and the Vieux- Marche,"
where the said maid had been cruelly and horribly burned; besides the planting
of a cross of honor (crucis honestee) on the Vieux-Marche, the judges reserving
the official notice to be given of their decision "throughout the cities and
notable places of the realm." The city of Orleans responded to this appeal by
raising on the bridge over the Loire a group in bronze representing Joan of Arc
on her knees before Our Lady between two angels. This monument, which was broken
during the religious wars of the sixteenth century and repaired shortly
afterwards, was removed in the eighteenth century, and, Joan of Arc then
received a fresh insult; the poetry of a cynic was devoted to the task of
diverting a licentious public at the expense of the saint whom, three centuries
before, fanatical hatred had brought to the stake. In 1792 the council of the
commune of Orleans, "considering that the monument in bronze did not represent
the heroine's services, and did not by any sign call to mind the struggle
against the English," ordered it to be melted down and cast into cannons, of
which "one should bear the name of Joan of Arc." It is in our time that the city
of Orleans and its distinguished bishop, Mgr. Dupanloup, have at last paid Joan
homage worthy of her, not only by erecting to her a new statue, but by recalling
her again to the memory of France with her true features, and in her grand
character. Neither French nor any other history offers a like example of a
modest little soul, with a faith so pure and efficacious, resting on divine
inspiration and patriotic hope.
During the trial of Joan of Arc the war between France and England, without
being discontinued, had been somewhat slack: the curiosity and the passions of
men were concentrated upon the scenes at Rouen. After the execution of Joan the
war resumed its course, though without any great events. By way of a step
towards solution, the Duke of Bedford, in November, 1431, escorted to Paris King
Henry VI., scarcely ten years old, and had him crowned at Notre-Dame. The
ceremony was distinguished for pomp, but not for warmth. The Duke of Burgundy
was not present; it was an Englishman, the Cardinal-bishop of Winchester, who
anointed the young Englander King of France; the Bishop of Paris complained of
it as a violation of his rights; the parliament, the university, and the
municipal body had not even seats reserved at the royal banquet; Paris was
melancholy, and day by day more deserted by the native inhabitants; grass was
growing in the court-yards of the great mansions; the students were leaving the
great school of Paris, to which the Duke of Bedford at Caen, and Charles VII.
himself at Poitiers, were attempting to raise up rivals; and silence reigned in
the Latin quarter. The child-king was considered unintelligent, and ungraceful,
and ungracious. When, on the day after Christmas, he started on his way back to
Rouen, and from Rouen to England, he did not confer on Paris "any of the boons
expected, either by releasing prisoners or by putting an end to black-mails,
gabels, and wicked imposts." The burgesses were astonished, and grumbled; and
the old queen, Isabel of Bavaria, who was still living at the hostel of St.
Paul, wept, it is said, for vexation, at seeing from one of her windows her
grandson's royal procession go by.
Though war was going on all the while, attempts were made to negotiate; and
in March, 1433, a conference was opened at Seineport, near Corbeil. Everybody in
France desired peace. Philip the Good himself began to feel the necessity of it.
Burgundy was almost as discontented and troubled as Ile-de-France. There was
grumbling at Dijon as there was conspiracy at Paris. The English gave fresh
cause for national irritation. They showed an inclination to canton themselves
in Normandy, and abandon the other French provinces to the hazards and
sufferings of a desultory war. Anne of Burgundy, the Duke of Bedford's wife and
Philip the Good's sister, died. The English duke speedily married again without
even giving any notice to the French prince. Every family tie between the two
persons was broken; and the negotiations as well as the war remained without
An incident at court caused a change in the situation, and gave the
government of Charles a different character. His favorite, George de la
Tremoille, had become almost as unpopular amongst the royal family as in the
country in general. He could not manage a war, and he frustrated attempts at
peace. The Queen of Sicily, Yolande d'Aragon, her daughter, Mary d'Anjou, Queen
of France, and her son, Louis, Count of Maine, who all three desired peace, set
themselves to work to overthrow the favorite. In June, 1433, four young lords,
one of whom, Sire de Beuil, was La Tremoille's own nephew, introduced themselves
unexpectedly into his room at the castle of Coudray, near Chinon, where Charles
VII. was. La Tremoille showed an intention of resisting, and received a
sword-thrust. He was made to resign all his offices, and was sent under strict
guard to the castle of Alontresor, the property of his nephew, Sire de Beuil.
The conspirators had concerted measures with La Tremoille's rival, the constable
De Richemont, Arthur of Brittany, a man distinguished in war, who had lately
gone to help Joan of Arc, and who was known to be a friend of peace at the same
time that he was firmly devoted to the national cause. He was called away from
his castle of Parthenay, and set at the head of the government as well as of the
army. Charles VII. at first showed anger at his favorite's downfall. He asked if
Richemont was present, and was told no: where-upon he seemed to grow calmer.
Before long he did more; he became resigned, and, continuing all the while to
give La Tremoille occasional proofs of his former favor, he fully accepted De
Richemont's influence and the new direction which the constable imposed upon his
War was continued nearly everywhere, with alternations of success and reverse
which deprived none of the parties of hope without giving victory to any. Peace,
however, was more and more the general desire. Scarcely had one attempt at
pacification failed when another was begun. The constable De Richemont's return
to power led to fresh overtures. He was a states-man as well as a warrior; and
his inclinations were known at Dijon and London, as well as at Chinon. The
advisers of King Henry VI. proposed to open a conference, on the 15th of
October, 1433, at Calais. They had, they said, a prisoner in England, confined
there ever since the battle of Agincourt, Duke Charles of Orleans, who was
sincerely desirous of peace, in spite of his family enmity towards the Duke of
Burgundy. He was considered a very proper person to promote the negotiations,
although he sought in poetry, which was destined to bring lustre to his name, a
refuge from politics which made his life a burden. He, one day meeting the Duke
of Burgundy's two ambassadors at the Earl of Suffolk's, Henry VI.'s prime
minister, went up to them, affectionately took their hands, and, when they
inquired after his health, said, "My body is well, my soul is sick; I am dying
with vexation at passing my best days a prisoner, without any one to think of
me." The ambassadors said that people would be indebted to him for the benefit
of peace, for he was known to be laboring for it. "My Lord of Suffolk," said he,
"can tell you that I never cease to urge it upon the king and his council; but I
am as useless here as the sword never drawn from the scabbard. I must see my
relatives and friends in France; they will not treat, surely, without having
consulted with me. If peace depended upon me, though I were doomed to die seven
days after swearing it, that would cause me no regret. however, what matters it
what I say? I am not master in anything at all; next to the two kings, it is the
Duke of Burgundy and the Duke of Brittany who have most power. Will you not come
and call upon me?" he added, pressing the hand of one of the ambassadors. "They
will see you before they go," said the Earl of Suffolk, in a tone which made it
plain that no private conversation would be permitted between them. And, indeed,
the Earl of Suffolk's barber went alone to wait upon the ambassadors in order to
tell them that, if the Duke of Burgundy desired it, the Duke of Orleans would
write to him. "I will undertake," he added, "to bring you his letter." There was
evident mistrust; and it was explained to the Burgundian ambassadors by the Earl
of Warwick's remark, "Your duke never once came to see our king during his stay
in France. The Duke of Bedford used similar language to them. Why," said he,
"does my brother the Duke of Burgundy give way to evil imaginings against me?
There is not a prince in the world, after my king, whom I esteem so much. The
ill-will which seems to exist between us spoils the king's affairs and his own
too. But tell him that I am not the less disposed to serve him."
In March, 1435, the Duke of Burgundy went to Paris, taking with him his third
wife, Isabel of Portugal, and a magnificent following. There were seen,
moreover, in his train, a hundred wagons laden with artillery, armor, salted
provisions, cheeses, and wines of Burgundy. There was once more joy in Paris,
and the duke received the most affectionate welcome. The university was
represented before him, and made him a great speech on the necessity of peace.
Two days afterwards a deputation from the city dames of Paris waited upon the
Duchess of Burgundy, and implored her to use her influence for the
re-establishment of peace. She answered, "My good friends, it is the thing I
desire most of all in the world; I pray for it night and day to the Lord our
God, for I believe that we all have great need of it, and I know for certain
that my lord and husband has the greatest willingness to give up to that purpose
his person and his substance." At the bottom of his soul Duke Philip's decision
was already taken. He had but lately discussed the condition of France with the
constable, De Richemont, and Duke Charles of Bourbon, his brother-in-law, whom
he had summoned to Nevers with that design. Being convinced of the necessity for
peace, he spoke of it to the King of England's advisers whom he found in Paris,
and who dared not show absolute opposition to it. It was agreed that in the
month of July a general, and, more properly speaking, a European conference
should meet at Arras, that the legates of Pope Eugenius IV. should be invited to
it, and that consultation should be held thereat as to the means of putting an
end to the sufferings of the two kingdoms.
Towards the end of July, accordingly, whilst the war was being prosecuted
with redoubled ardor on both sides at the very gates of Paris, there arrived at
Arras the pope's legates and the ambassadors of the Emperor Sigismund, of the
Kings of Castile, Aragon, Portugal, Naples, Sicily, Cyprus, Poland, and Denmark,
and of the Dukes of Brittany and Milan. The university of Paris and many of the
good towns of France, Flanders, and even Holland, had sent their deputies
thither. Many bishops were there in person. The Bishop of Liege came thither
with a magnificent train, mounted, says the chroniclers, on two hundred white
horses. The Duke of Burgundy made his entrance on the 30th of July, escorted by
three hundred archers wearing his livery. All the lords who happened to be in
the city went to meet him at a league's distance, except the cardinal-legates of
the pope, who confined themselves to sending their people. Two days afterwards
arrived the ambassadors of the King of France, having at their head the Duke of
Bourbon and the constable De Richemont, together with several of the greatest
French lords, and a retinue of four or five hundred persons. Duke Philip,
forewarned of their coming, issued from the city with all the princes and lords
who happened to be there. The English alone refused to accompany him, wondering
at his showing such great honor to the ambassadors of their common enemy. Philip
went forward a mile to meet his two brothers-in-law, the Duke of Bourbon and the
Count de Richemont, embraced them affectionately, and turned back with them into
Arras, amidst the joy and acclamations of the populace. Last of all arrived the
Duchess of Burgundy, magnificently dressed, and bringing with her her young son,
the Count of Charolais, who was hereafter to be Charles the Rash. The Duke of
Bourbon, the constable De Richemont, and all the lords were on horseback around
her litter; but the English, who had gone, like the others, to meet her, were
unwilling, on turning back to Arras, to form a part of her retinue with the
Grand as was the sight, it was not superior in grandeur to the event on the
eve of accomplishment. The question was whether France should remain a great
nation, in full possession of itself and of its independence under a French
king, or whether the King of England should, in London and with the title of
King of France, have France in his possession and under his government. Philip
the Good, Duke of Burgundy, was called upon to solve this problem of the future,
that is to say, to decide upon the fate of his lineage and his country.
As soon as the conference was opened, and no matter what attempts were made
to veil or adjourn the question, it was put nakedly. The English, instead of
peace, began by proposing a long truce, and the marriage of Henry VI. with a
daughter of King Charles. The French ambassadors refused, absolutely, to
negotiate on this basis; they desired a definitive peace; and their conditions
were, that the King and people of England making an end of this situation, so
full of clanger for the whole royal house, and of suffering for the people.
Nevertheless, the duke showed strong scruples. The treaties he had sworn to, the
promises he had made, threw him into a constant fever of anxiety; he would not
have any one able to say that he had in any respect forfeited his honor. He
asked for three consultations, one with the Italian doctors connected with the
pope's legates, another with English doctors, and another with French doctors.
He was granted all three, though they were more calculated to furnish him with
arguments, each on their own side, than to dissipate his doubts, if he had any
real ones. The legates ended by solemnly saying to him, "We do conjure you, by
the bowels of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the authority of our holy father,
the pope, of the holy council assembled at Bale, and of the universal Church, to
renounce that spirit of vengeance whereby you are moved against King Charles in
memory of the late Duke John, your father; nothing can render you more pleasing
in the eyes of God, or further augment your fame in this world." For three days
Duke Philip remained still undecided; but he heard that the Duke of Bedford,
regent of France on behalf of the English, who was his brother-in-law, had just
died at Rouen, on the 14th of September. He was, besides the late King of
England, Henry V., the only English-man who had received promises from the duke,
and who lived in intimacy with him. Ten days afterwards, on the 21th of
September, the queen, Isabel of Bavaria, also died at Paris; and thus another of
the principal causes of shame to the French kingship, and misfortune to France,
disappeared from the stage of the world. Duke Philip felt himself more free and
more at rest in his mind, if not rightfully, at any rate so far as political and
worldly expedience was concerned. He declared his readiness to accept the
proposals which had been communicated to him by the ambassadors of Charles VII.;
and on the 21st of September, 1435, peace was signed at Arras between France and
Burgundy, without any care for what England might say or do.
There was great and general joy in France. It was peace, and national
reconciliation as well; Dauphinizers and Burgundians embraced in the streets;
the Burgundians were delighted at being able to call themselves Frenchmen.
Charles VII. convoked the states-general at Tours, to consecrate this alliance.
On his knees, upon the bare stone, before the Archbishop of Crete, who had just
celebrated mass, the king laid his hands upon the Gospels, and swore the peace,
saying that "It was his duty to imitate the King of kings, our divine Saviour,
who had brought peace amongst men." At the chancellor's order, the princes and
great lords, one after the other, took the oath; the nobles and the people of
the third estate swore the peace all together, with cries of "Long live the
king! Long live the Duke of Burgundy!" "With this hand," said Sire de Lannoy, "I
have thrice sworn peace during this war; but I call God to witness that, for my
part, this time it shall be kept, and that never will I break it (the peace)."
Charles VII., in his emotion, seized the hands of Duke Philip's ambassadors,
saying, "For a long while I have languished for this happy day; we must thank
God for it." And the Te Deum was intoned with enthusiasm.
Peace was really made amongst Frenchmen; and, in spite of many internal
difficulties and quarrels, it was not broken as long as Charles VII. and Duke
Philip the Good were living. But the war with the English went on incessantly.
They still possessed several of the finest provinces of France; and the treaty
of Arras, which had weakened them very much on the Continent, had likewise made
them very angry. For twenty-six years, from 1435 to 1461, hostilities continued
between the two kingdoms, at one time actively and at another slackly, with
occasional suspension by truce, but without any formal termination. There is no
use in recounting the details of their monotonous and barren history.
Governments and people often persist in maintaining their quarrels and
inflicting mutual injuries by the instrumentality of events, acts, and actors
that deserve nothing but oblivion. There is no intention here of dwelling upon
any events or persons save such as have, for good or for evil, to its glory or
its sorrow, exercised a considerable influence upon the condition and fortune of
The peace of Arras brought back to the service of France and her king the
constable De Richemont, Arthur of Brittany, whom the jealousy of George de la
Tremoille and the distrustful indolence of Charles VII. had so long kept out of
it. By a somewhat rare privilege, he was in reality, there is reason to suppose,
superior to the name he has left behind him in history; and it is only justice
to reproduce here the portrait given of him by one of his contemporaries who
observed him closely and knew him well. "Never a man of his time," says William
Gruet, "loved justice more than he, or took more pains to do it according to his
ability. Never was prince more humble, more charitable, more compassionate, more
liberal, less avaricious, or more open-handed in a good fashion and without
prodigality. He was a proper man, chaste and brave as prince can be; and there
was none of his time of better conduct than lie in conducting a great battle, or
a great siege, and all sorts of approaches in all sorts of ways. Every day, once
at least in the four and twenty hours, his conversation was of war, and he took
more pleasure in it than in aught else. Above all things he loved men of valor
and good renown, and he more than any other loved and supported the people, and
freely did good to poor mendicants and others of God's poor."
Nearly all the deeds of Richemont, from the time that he became powerful
again, confirm the truth of this portrait. His first thought and his first labor
were to restore Paris to France and to the king. The unhappy city in subjection
to the English was the very image of devastation and ruin. "The wolves prowled
about it by night, and there were in it," says an eye-witness, "twenty-four
thousand houses empty." The Duke of Bedford, in order to get rid of these public
tokens of misery, attempted to supply the Parisians with bread and amusements
(panem et circenses); but their very diversions were ghastly and melancholy. In
1425, there was painted in the sepulchre of the Innocents a picture called the
Dance of Death: Death, grinning with fleshless jaws, was represented taking by
the hand all estates of the population in their turn, and making them dance. In
the Hotel Armagnac, confiscated, as so many others were, from its owner, a show
was exhibited to amuse the people. "Four blind men, armed with staves, were shut
up with a pig in a little paddock. They had to see whether they could kill the
said pig, and when they thought they were belaboring it most they were
belaboring one another." The constable resolved to put a stop to this deplorable
state of things in the capital of France. In April, 1433, when he had just
ordered for himself apartments at St. Denis, he heard that the English had just
got in there and plundered the church. He at once gave orders to march. The
Burgundians, who made up nearly all his troop, demanded their pay, and would not
mount. Richemont gave them his bond; and the march was begun to St. Denis. "You
know the country?" said the constable to Marshal Isle-Adam. "Yes, my lord,"
answered the other; "and by my faith, in the position held by the English, you
would do nothing to harm or annoy them, though you had ten thousand fighting
men." "Ah! but we will," replied Richemont; "God will help us. Keep pressing
forward to support the skirmishers." And he occupied St. Denis, and drove out
the English. The population of Paris, being informed of this success, were
greatly moved and encouraged. One brave burgess of Paris, Michel Laillier,
master of the exchequer, notified to the constable, it is said, that they were
ready and quite able to open one of the gates to him, provided that an
engagement were entered into in the king's name for a general amnesty and the
prevention of all disorder. The constable, on the king's behalf, entered into
the required engagement, and presented himself the next day, the 13th of April,
with a picked force before the St. Michel gate. The enterprise was discovered. A
man posted on the wall made signs to them with his hat, crying out, "Go to the
other gate; there's no opening this; work is going on for you in the
Market-quarter." The picked force followed the course of the ramparts up to the
St. Jacques gate. "Who goes there?" demanded some burghers who had the guard of
it. "Some of the constable's people." He himself came up on his big charger,
with satisfaction and courtesy in his mien. Some little time was required for
opening the gate; a long ladder was let down; and Marshal Isle-Adam was the
first to mount, and planted on the wall the standard of France. The fastenings
of the drawbridge were burst, and when it was let down, the constable made his
entry on horseback, riding calmly down St. Jacques Street, in the midst of a
joyous and comforted crowd. "My good friends," he said to them, "the good King
Charles, and I on his behalf, do thank you a hundred thousand times for yielding
up to him so quietly the chief city of his kingdom. If there be amongst you any,
of whatsoever condition he may be, who hath offended against my lord 'the king,
all is forgiven, in the case both of the absent and the present."
Then he caused it to be proclaimed by sound of trumpet throughout the streets
that none of his people should be so bold, on pain of hanging, as to take up
quarters in the house of any burgher against his will, or to use any reproach
whatever, or do the least displeasure to any. At sight of the public joy, the
English had retired to the Bastille, where the constable was disposed to besiege
them. "My lord," said the burghers to him, "they will surrender; do not reject
their offer; it is so far a fine thing enough to have thus recovered Paris;
often, on the contrary, many constables and many marshals have been driven out
of it. Take contentedly what God hath granted you." The burghers' prediction was
not unverified. The English sallied out of the Bastille by the gate which opened
on the fields, and went and took boat in the rear of the Louvre. Next day
abundance of provisions arrived in Paris; and the gates were opened to the
country folks. The populace freely manifested their joy at being rid of the
English. "It was plain to see," was the saving, "that they were not in France to
remain; not one of them had been seen to sow a field with corn or build a house;
they destroyed their quarters without a thought of repairing them; they had not
restored, peradventure, a single fireplace. There was only their regent, the
Duke of Bedford, who was fond of building and making the poor people work; he
would have liked peace; but the nature of those English is to be always at war
with their neighbors, and accordingly they all made a bad end; thank God there
have already died in France more than seventy thousand of them."
Up to the taking of Paris by the constable the Duke of Burgundy had kept
himself in reserve, and had maintained a tacit neutrality towards England; he
had merely been making, without noisy demonstration, preparations for an
enterprise in which he, as Count of Flanders, was very much interested. The
success of Richemont inspired him with a hope, and perhaps with a jealous
desire, of showing his power and his patriotism as a Frenchman by making war, in
his turn, upon the English, from whom he had by the treaty of Arras effected
only a pacific separation. In June, 1436, he went and besieged Calais. This was
attacking England at one of the points she was bent upon defending most
obstinately. Philip had reckoned on the energetic cooperation of the cities of
Flanders, and at the first blush the Flemings did display a strong inclination
to support him in his enterprise. "When the English," they said, "know that my
lords of Ghent are on the way to attack them with all their might they will not
await us; they will leave the city and flee away to England." Neither the
Flemings nor Philip had correctly estimated the importance which was attached in
London to the possession of Calais. When the Duke of Gloucester, lord-protector
of England, found this possession threatened, he sent a herald to defy the Duke
of Burgundy and declare to him that, if he did not wait for battle beneath the
walls of Calais, Humphrey of Gloucester would go after him even into his own
dominions. "Tell your lord that he will not need to take so much trouble, and
that he will find me here," answered Philip proudly. His pride was
over-confident. Whether it were only a people's fickleness or intelligent
appreciation of their own commercial interests in their relations with England,
the Flemings grew speedily disgusted with the siege of Calais, complained of the
tardiness in arrival of the fleet which Philip had despatched thither to close
the port against English vessels, and, after having suffered several reverses by
sorties of the English garrison, they ended by retiring with such precipitation
that they abandoned part of their supplies and artillery. Philip, according to
the expression of M. Henri Martin, was reduced to covering their retreat with
his cavalry; and then he went away sorrowfully to Lille, to advise about the
means of defending his Flemish lordships exposed to the reprisals of the
Thus the fortune of Burgundy was tottering whilst that of France was
recovering itself. The constable's easy occupation of Paris led the majority of
the small places in the neighborhood, St. Denis, Chevreuse, Marcoussis, and
Montlhery to decide either upon spontaneous surrender or allowing themselves to
be taken after no great resistance. Charles VII., on his way through France to
Lyon, in Dauphiny, Languedoc, Auvergne, and along the Loire, recovered several
other towns, for instance, Chateau- Landon, Nemours, and Charny. He laid siege
in person to Montereau, an important military post with which a recent and
sinister reminiscence was connected. A great change now made itself apparent in
the king's behavior and disposition. He showed activity and vigilance, and was
ready to expose himself without any care for fatigue or danger. On the day of
the assault (10th of October, 1437) he went down into the trenches, remained
there in water up to his waist, mounted the scaling- ladder sword in hand, and
was one of the first assailants who penetrated over the top of the walls right
into the place. After the surrender of the castle as well as the town of
Montereau, he marched on Paris, and made his solemn re-entry there on the 12th
of November, 1437, for the first time since in 1418 Tanneguy-Duchatel had
carried him away, whilst still a child, wrapped in his bed-clothes. Charles was
received and entertained as became a recovered and a victorious king; but he
passed only three weeks there, and went away once more, on the 3d of December,
to go and resume at Orleans first, and then at Bourges, the serious cares of
government. It is said to have been at this royal entry into Paris that Agnes
Sorel or Soreau, who was soon to have the name of Queen of Beauty, and to assume
in French history an almost glorious though illegitimate position, appeared with
brilliancy in the train of the queen, Mary of Anjou, to whom the king had
appointed her a maid of honor. It is a question whether she did not even then
exercise over Charles VII. that influence, serviceable alike to the honor of the
king and of France, which was to inspire Francis I., a century later, with this
gallant quatrain: "If to win back poor captive France be aught,
More honor, gentle Agnes, is thy weed,
Than ere was due to deeds of virtue wrought
By cloistered nun or pious hermit-breed."
It is worth while perhaps to remark that in 1437 Agnes Sorel was already
One of the best informed, most impartial, and most sensible historians of
that epoch, James Duclercq, merely says on this subject, King Charles, before he
had peace with Duke Philip of Burgundy, led a right holy life and said his
canonical hours. But after peace was made with the duke, though the king
continued to serve God, he joined himself unto a young woman who was afterwards
called Fair Agnes.
Nothing is gained by ignoring good even when it is found in company with
evil, and there is no intention here of disputing the share of influence
exercised by Agnes Sorel upon Charles VII.'s regeneration in politics and war
after the treaty of Arras. Nevertheless, in spite of the king's successes at
Montereau and during his passage through Central and Northern France, the
condition of the country was still so bad in 1440, the disorder was so great,
and the king so powerless to apply a remedy, that Richemont, disconsolate, was
tempted to rid and disburden himself from the government of France and between
the rivers [Seine and Loire, no doubt] and to go or send to the king for that
purpose. But one day the prior of the Carthusians at Paris called on the
constable and found him in his private chapel. "What need you, fair father?"
asked Richemont. The prior answered that he wished to speak with my lord the
constable. Richemont replied that it was he himself. "Pardon me, my lord," said
the prior, "I did not know you; I wish to speak to you, if you please."
"Gladly," said Richemont. "Well, my lord, you yesterday held counsel and
considered about disburdening yourself from the government and office you hold
hereabouts." "How know you that? Who told you?" "My lord, I do not know it
through any person of your council, and do not put yourself out to learn who
told me, for it was one of my brethren. My lord, do not do this thing; and be
not troubled, for God will help you." "Ah! fair father, how can that be? The
king has no mind to aid me or grant me men or money; and the men-at-arms hate me
because I have justice done on them, and they have no mind to obey me." "My
lord, they will do what you desire; and the king will give you orders to go and
lay siege to Meaux, and will send you men and money." "Ah! fair father, Meaux is
so strong! How can it be done? The King of England was there for nine months
before it." "My lord, be not you troubled; you will not be there so long; keep
having good hope in God and He will help you. Be ever humble and grow not proud;
you will take Meaux ere long; your men will grow proud; they will then have
somewhat to suffer; but you will come out of it to your honor."
The good prior was right. Meaux was taken; and when the constable went to
tell the news at Paris the king made him "great cheer." There was a continuance
of war to the north of the Loire; and amidst many alternations of successes and
reverses the national cause made great way there. Charles resolved, in 1442, to
undertake an expedition to the south of the Loire, in Aquitaine, where the
English were still dominant; and he was successful. He took from the English
Tartas, Saint-Sever, Marmande, La Reole, Blaye, and Bourg-sur-Mer. Their ally,
Count John d'Armagnac, submitted to the King of France. These successes cost
Charles VII. the brave La Hire, who died at Montauban of his wounds. On
returning to Normandy, where he had left Dunois, Charles, in 1443, conducted a
prosperous campaign there. The English leaders were getting weary of a war
without any definite issue; and they had proposals made to Charles for a truce,
accompanied with a demand on the part of their young king, Henry VI., for the
hand of a French princess, Margaret of Anjou, daughter of King Rena, who wore
the three crowns of Naples, Sicily, and Jerusalem, without possessing any one of
the kingdoms. The truce and the marriage were concluded at Tours, in 1444.
Neither of the arrangements was popular in England; the English people, who had
only a far-off touch of suffering from the war, considered that their government
made too many concessions to France. In France, too, there was some murmuring;
the king, it was said, did not press his advantages with sufficient vigor;
everybody was in a hurry to see all Aquitaine reconquered. "But a joy that was
boundless and impossible to describe," says Thomas Bazin, the most intelligent
of the contemporary historians, "spread abroad through the whole population of
the Gauls. Having been a prey for so long to incessant terrors, and shut up
within the walls of their towns like convicts in a prison, they rejoiced like
people restored to freedom after a long and bitter slavery. Companies of both
sexes were seen going forth into the country and visiting temples or oratories
dedicated to the saints, to pay the vows which they had made in their distress.
One fact especially was admirable and the work of God Himself: before the truce
so violent had been the hatred between the two sides, both men-at-arms and
people, that none, whether soldier or burgher, could without risk to life go out
and pass from one place to another unless under the protection of a
safe-conduct. But, so soon as the truce was proclaimed, every one went and came
at pleasure, in full liberty and security, whether in the same district or in
districts under divided rule; and even those who, before the proclamation of the
truce, seemed to take no pleasure in anything but a savage outpouring of human
blood, now took delight in the sweets of peace, and passed the days in
holiday-making and dancing with enemies who but lately had been as bloodthirsty
as themselves."
But for all their rejoicing at the peace, the French, king, lords, and
commons, had war still in their hearts; national feelings were waking up afresh;
the successes of late years had revived their hopes; and the civil dissensions
which were at that time disturbing England let favorable chances peep out.
Charles VII. and his advisers employed the leisure afforded by the truce in
preparing for a renewal of the struggle. They were the first to begin it again;
and from 1449 to 1451 it was pursued by the French king and nation with
ever-increasing ardor, and with obstinate courage by the veteran English
warriors astounded at no longer being victorious. Normandy and Aquitaine, which
was beginning to be called Guyenne only, were throughout this period the
constant and the chief theatre of war. Amongst the greatest number of fights and
incidents which distinguished the three campaigns in those two provinces, the
recapture of Rouen by Dunois in October, 1449, the battle of Formigny, won near
Bayeux on the 15th of April, 1450, by the constable De Richemont, and the
twofold capitulation of Bordeaux, first on the 28th of June, 1451, and next on
the 9th of October, 1453, in order to submit to Charles VII., are the only
events to which a place in history is due, for those were the days on which the
question was solved touching the independence of the nation and the kingship in
France. The Duke of Somerset and Lord Talbot were commanding in Rouen when
Dunois presented himself beneath its walls, in hopes that the inhabitants would
open the gates to him. Some burgesses, indeed, had him apprised of a certain
point in the walls at which they might be able to favor the entry of the French.
Dunois, at the same time making a feint of attacking in another quarter, arrived
at the spot indicated with four thousand men. The archers drew up before the
wall; the men-at-arms dismounted; the burgesses gave the signal, and the
planting of scaling-ladders began; but when hardly as many as fifty or sixty men
had reached the top of the wall the banner and troops of Talbot were seen
advancing. He had been warned in time and had taken his measures. The assailants
were repulsed; and Charles VII., who was just arriving at the camp, seeing the
abortiveness of the attempt, went back to Pont-de-l'Arehe. But the English had
no long joy of their success. They were too weak to make any effectual
resistance, and they had no hope of any aid from England. Their leaders
authorized the burgesses to demand of the king a safe-conduct in order to treat.
The conditions offered by Charles were agreeable to the burgesses, but not to
the English; and when the archbishop read them out in the hall of the
mansion-house, Somerset and Talbot witnessed an outburst of joy which revealed
to them all their peril. Fagots and benches at once began to rain down from the
windows; the English shut themselves up precipitately in the castle, in the
gate-towers, and in the great tower of the bridge; and the burgesses armed
themselves and took possession during the night of the streets and the walls.
Dunois, having received notice, arrived in force at the Martainville gate. The
inhabitants begged him to march into the city as many men as he pleased. "It
shall be as you will," said Dunois. Three hundred men-at-arms and archers seemed
sufficient. Charles VII returned before Rouen; the English asked leave to
withdraw without loss of life or kit; and "on condition," said the king "that
they take nothing on the march without paying." "We have not the wherewithal,"
they answered; and the king gave them a hundred francs. Negotiations were
recommenced. The king required that Harfleur and all the places in the district
of Caux should be given up to him. "Ah! as for Harfleur, that cannot be," said
the Duke of Somerset; "it is the first town which surrendered to our glorious
king, Henry V., thirty-five years ago." There was further parley. The French
consented to give up the demand for Harfleur; but they required that Talbot
should remain as a hostage until the conditions were fulfilled. The English
protested. At last, however, they yielded, and undertook to pay fifty thousand
golden crowns to settle all accounts which they owed to the tradesmen in the
city, and to give up all places in the district of Caen except Harfleur. The
Duchess of Somerset and Lord Talbot remained as hostages; and on the 10th of
November, 1449, Charles entered Rouen in state, with the character of a victor
who knew how to use victory with moderation.
The battle of Formigny was at first very doubtful. In order to get from
Valognes to Bayeux and Caen the English had to cross at the mouth of the Vire
great sands which were passable only at low tide. A weak body of French under
command of the Count de Clermont had orders to cut them off from this passage.
The English, however, succeeded in forcing it; but just as they were taking
position, with the village of Formigny to cover their rear, the constable De
Richemont was seen coming up with three thousand men in fine order. The English
were already strongly intrenched, when the battle began. "Let us go and look
close in their faces, admiral," said the constable to Sire de Coetivi. "I doubt
whether they will leave their intrenchments," replied the admiral. "I vow to God
that with His grace they will not abide in them," rejoined the constable; and he
gave orders for the most vigorous assault. It lasted nearly three hours; the
English were forced to fly at three points, and lost thirty-seven hundred men;
several of their leaders were made prisoners; those who were left retired in
good order; Bayeux, Avranches, Caen, Falaise, and Cherbourg fell one after the
other into the hands of Charles VII.; and by the end of August, 1450, the whole
of Normandy had been completely won back by France.
The conquest of Guyenne, which was undertaken immediately after that of
Normandy, was at the outset more easy and more speedy. Amongst the lords of
Southern France several hearty patriots, such as John of Blois, Count of
Perigord, and Arnold Amanieu, Sire d'Albret, of their own accord began the
strife, and on the 1st of November, 1450, inflicted a somewhat severe reverse
upon the English, near Blanquefort. In the spring of the following year Charles
VII. authorized the Count of Armagnac to take the field, and sent Dunois to
assume the command-in-chief. An army of twenty thousand men mustered under his
orders; and, in the course of May, 1451, some of the principal places of
Guyenne, such as St. Emillon, Blaye, Fronsac, Bourg-en-Mer, Libourne, and Dax
were taken by assault or capitulated. Bordeaux and Bayonne held out for some
weeks; but, on the 12th of June, a treaty concluded between the Bordelese and
Dunois secured to the three estates of the district the liberties and privileges
which they had enjoyed under English supremacy; and it was further stipulated
that, if by the 24th of June the city had not been succored by English forces,
the estates of Guyenne should recognize the sovereignty of King Charles. When
the 24th of June came, a herald went up to one of the towers of the castle and
shouted, "Succor from the King of England for them of Bordeaux!!" None replied
to this appeal; so Bordeaux surrendered, and on the 29th of June Dunois took
possession of it in the name of the King of France. The siege of Bayonne, which
was begun on the 6th of August, came to an end on the 20th by means of a similar
treaty. Guyenne was thus completely won. But the English still had a
considerable following there. They had held it for three centuries; and they had
always treated it well in respect of local liberties, agriculture, and commerce.
Charles VII., on recovering it, was less wise. He determined to establish there
forthwith the taxes, the laws, and the whole regimen of Northern France; and the
Bordelese were as prompt in protesting against these measures as the king was in
employing them. In August, 1452, a deputation from the three estates of the
province waited upon Charles at Bourges, but did not obtain their demands. On
their return to Bordeaux an insurrection was organized; and Peter de
Montferrand, Sire de Lesparre, repaired to London and proposed to the English
government to resume possession of Guyenne. On the 22d of October, 1452, Talbot
appeared before Bordeaux with a body of five thousand men; the inhabitants
opened their gates to him; and he installed himself there as lieutenant of the
King of England, Henry VI. Nearly all the places in the neighborhood, with the
exception of Bourg and Blaye, returned beneath the sway of the English;
considerable reenforcements were sent to Talbot from England; and at the same
time an English fleet threatened the coast of Normandy. But Charles VII. was no
longer the blind and indolent king he had been in his youth. Nor can the prompt
and effectual energy he displayed in 1453 be any longer attributed to the
influence of Agnes Sorel, for she died on the 9th of February, 1450. Charles
left Richemont and Dunois to hold Normandy; and, in the early days of spring,
moved in person to the south of France with a strong army and the principal
Gascon lords who two years previously had brought Guyenne back under his power.
On the 2d of June, 1453, he opened the campaign at St. Jean-d'Angely. Several
places surrendered to him as soon as he appeared before their walls; and on the
13th of July he laid siege to Castillon, on the Dordogne, which had shortly
before fallen into the hands of the English. The Bordelese grew alarmed and
urged Talbot to oppose the advance of the French. "We may very well let them
come nearer yet," said the old warrior, then eighty years of age; "rest assured
that, if it please God, I will fulfil my promise when I see that the time and
the hour have come."
On the night between the 16th and 17th of July, however, Talbot set out with
his troops to raise the siege of Castillon. He marched all night and came
suddenly in the early morning upon the French archers, quartered in an abbey,
who formed the advanced guard of their army, which was strongly intrenched
before the place. A panic set in amongst this small body, and some of them took
to flight. "Ha! you would desert me then?" said Sire de Rouault, who was in
command of them; "have I not promised you to live and die with you?" They
thereupon rallied and managed to join the camp. Talbot, content for the time
with this petty success, sent for a chaplain to come and say mass; and, whilst
waiting for an opportunity to resume the fight, he permitted the tapping of some
casks of wine which had been found in the abbey, and his men set themselves to
drinking. A countryman of those parts came hurrying up, and said to Talbot, "My
lord, the French are deserting their park and taking to flight; now or never is
the hour for fulfilling your promise." Talbot arose and left the mass, shouting,
"Never may I hear mass again if I put not to rout the French who are in yonder
park." When he arrived in front of the Frenchmen's intrenchment, "My lord," said
Sir Thomas Cunningham, an aged gentleman who had for a long time past been his
standard-bearer, "they have made a false report to you; observe the depth of the
ditch and the faces of yonder men; they don't look like retreating; my opinion
is, that for the present we should turn back; the country is for us, we have no
lack of provisions, and with a little patience we shall starve out the French."
Talbot flew into a passion, gave Sir Thomas a sword-cut across the face, had his
banner planted on the edge of the ditch, and began the attack. The banner was
torn down and Sir Thomas Cunningham killed. "Dismount!" shouted Talbot to his
men-at-arms, English and Gascon. The French camp was defended by a more than
usually strong artillery; a body of Bretons, held in reserve, advanced to
sustain the shock of the English; and a shot from a culverin struck Talbot, who
was already wounded in the face, shattered his thigh, and brought him to the
ground. Lord Lisle, his son, flew to him to raise him. "Let me be," said Talbot;
"the day is the enemies'; it will be no shame for thee to fly, for this is thy
first battle." But the son remained with his father, and was slain at his side.
The defeat of the English was complete. Talbot's body, pierced with wounds, was
left on the field of battle. He was so disfigured that, when the dead were
removed, he was not recognized. Notice, however, was taken of an old man wearing
a cuirass covered with red velvet; this, it was presumed, was he; and he was
placed upon a shield and carried into the camp. An English herald came with a
request that he might look for Lord' Talbot's body. "Would you know him?" he was
asked. "Take me to see him," joyfully answered the poor servant, thinking that
his master was a prisoner and alive. When he saw him, he hesitated to identify
him; he knelt down, put his finger in the mouth of the corpse, and recognized
Talbot by the loss of a molar tooth. Throwing off immediately his coat-of-arms
with the colors and bearings of Talbot, "Ah! my lord and master," he cried, "can
this be verily you? May God forgive your sins! For forty years and more I have
been your officer-at-arms and worn your livery, and thus I give it back to you!"
And he covered with his coat-of-arms the stark-stripped body of the old hero.
The English being beaten and Talbot dead, Castillon surrendered; and at
unequal intervals Libourne, St. Emillon, Chateau-Neuf de Medoc, Blanquefort, St.
Macaire, Cadillac, &c., followed the example. At the commencement of
October, 1453, Bordeaux alone was still holding out. The promoters of the
insurrection which had been concerted with the English, amongst others Sires de
Duras and de Lesparre, protracted the resistance rather in their own
self-defence than in response to the wishes of the population; the king's
artillery threatened the place by land, and by sea a king's fleet from Rochelle
and the ports of Brittany blockaded the Gironde. "The majority of the king's
officers," says the contemporary historian, Thomas Basin, "advised him to punish
by at least the destruction of their walls the Bordelese who had recalled the
English to their city; but Charles, more merciful and more soft-hearted,
refused." He confined himself to withdrawing from Bordeaux her municipal
privileges, which, however, she soon partially recovered, and to imposing upon
her a fine of a hundred thousand gold crowns, afterwards reduced to thirty
thousand; he caused to be built at the expense of the city two fortresses, the
Fort of the Ila and the Castle of Trompette, to keep in check so bold and fickle
a population; and an amnesty was proclaimed for all but twenty specified
persons, who were banished. On these conditions the capitulation was concluded
and signed on the 17th of October; the English re-embarked; and Charles, without
entering Bordeaux, returned to Touraine. The English had no longer any
possession in France but Calais and Guines; the Hundred Years' War was over.
And to whom was the glory?
Charles VII. himself decided the question. When in 1455, twenty-four years
after the death of Joan of Are, he at Rome and at Rouen prosecuted her claims
for restoration of character and did for her fame and her memory all that was
still possible, he was but relieving his conscience from a load of ingratitude
and remorse which in general weighs but lightly upon men, and especially upon
kings; and he was discharging towards the Maid of Domremy the debt due by France
and the French kingship when he thus proclaimed that to Joan above all they owed
their deliverance and their independence. Before men and before God Charles was
justified in so thinking; the moral are not the sole, but they are the most
powerful forces which decide the fates of people; and Joan had roused the
feelings of the soul, and given to the struggles between France and England its
religious and national character. At Rheims, when she repaired thither for the
king's coronation, she said of her own banner, "It has a right to the honor, for
it has been at the pains." She, first amongst all, had a right to the glory, for
she had been the first to contribute to the success.
Next to Joan of Arc, the constable De Richemont was the most effective and
the most glorious amongst the liberators of France and of the king. He was a
strict and stern warrior, unscrupulous and pitiless towards his enemies,
especially towards such as he despised, severe in regard to himself, dignified
in his manners, never guilty of swearing himself and punishing swearing as a
breach of discipline amongst the troops placed under his orders. Like a true
patriot and royalist, he had more at heart his duty towards France and the king
than he had his own personal interests. He was fond of war, and conducted it
bravely and skilfully, without rashness, but without timidity: "Wherever the
constable is," said Charles VII., "there I am free from anxiety; he will do all
that is possible!" He set his title and office of constable of France above his
rank as a great lord; and when, after the death of his brother, Duke Peter II.,
he himself became Duke of Brittany, he always had the constable's sword carried
before him, saying, "I wish to honor in my old age a function which did me honor
in my youth." His good services were not confined to the wars of his time; he
was one of the principal reformers of the military system in France by the
substitution of regular troops for feudal service. He has not obtained, it is to
be feared, in the history of the fifteenth century, the place which properly
belongs to him.
Dunois, La Hire, Xaintrailles, and Marshals De Boussac and De La Fayette
were, under Charles VII., brilliant warriors and useful servants of the king and
of Fiance; but, in spite of their knightly renown, it is questionable if they
can be reckoned, like the constable De Richemont, amongst the liberators of
national independence. There are degrees of glory, and it is the duty of history
not to distribute it too readily and as it were by handfuls.
Besides all these warriors, we meet, under the sway of Charles VII., at first
in a humble capacity and afterwards at his court, in his diplomatic service and
sometimes in his closest confidence, a man of quite a different origin and quite
another profession, but one who nevertheless acquired by peaceful toil great
riches and great influence, both brought to a melancholy termination by a
conviction and a consequent ruin from which at the approach of old age he was
still striving to recover by means of fresh ventures. Jacques Coeur was born at
Bourges at the close of the fourteenth century. His father was a furrier,
already sufficiently well established and sufficiently rich to allow of his
son's marrying, in 1418, the provost's daughter of his own city. Some years
afterwards Jacques Coeur underwent a troublesome trial for infraction of the
rules touching the coinage of money; but thanks to a commutation of the penalty,
graciously accorded by Charles VII., he got off with a fine, and from that time
forward directed all his energies towards commerce. In 1432 a squire in the
service of the Duke of Burgundy was travelling in the Holy Land, and met him at
Damascus in company with several Venetians, Genoese, Florentine, and Catalan
traders with whom he was doing business. "He was," says his contemporary, Thomas
Basin, "a man unlettered and of plebeian family, but of great and ingenious
mind, well versed in the practical affairs of that age. He was the first in all
France to build and man ships which transported to Africa and the East woollen
stuffs and other produce of the kingdom, penetrated as far as Egypt, and brought
back with them silken stuffs and all manner of spices, which they distributed
not only in France, but in Catalonia and the neighboring countries, whereas
heretofore it was by means of the Venetians, the Genoese, or the Barcelonese
that such supplies found their way into France."
Jacques Coeur, temporarily established at Montpellier, became a great and a
celebrated merchant. In 1433 Charles VII. put into his hands the direction of
the mint at Paris, and began to take his advice as to the administration of the
crown's finances. In 1440 he was appointed moneyman to the king, ennobled
together with his wife and children, commissioned soon afterwards to draw up new
regulations for the manufacture of cloth at Bourges, and invested on his own
private account with numerous commercial privileges. He had already at this
period, it was said, three hundred manufacturing hands in his employment, and he
was working at the same time silver, lead, and copper mines situated in the
environs of Tarare and Lyons. Between 1442 and 1446 he had one of his nephews
sent as ambassador to Egypt, and obtained for the French consuls in the Levant
the same advantages as were enjoyed by those of the most favored nations. Not
only his favor in the eyes of the king, but his administrative and even his
political appointments, went on constantly increasing. Between 1444 and 1446 the
king several times named him one of his commissioners to the estates of
Languedoc and for the installation of the new parliament of Toulouse. In 1446 he
formed one of an embassy sent to Italy to try and acquire for France the
possession of Genoa, which was harassed by civil dissensions. In 1447 he
received from Charles VII. a still more important commission, to bring about an
arrangement between the two popes elected, one under the name of Felix V., and
the other under that of Nicholas V.; and he was successful. His immense wealth
greatly contributed to his influence. M. Pierre Clement [Jacques Coeur et
Charles WE, ou la France au quinzieme siecle; t. ii., pp. 1-46] has given a list
of thirty-two estates and lordships which Jacques Coeur had bought either in
Berry or in the neighboring provinces. He possessed, besides, four mansions and
two hostels at Lyons; mansions at Beaucaire, at Beziers, at St. Pourcain, at
Marseilles, and at Montpellier; and he had built, for his own residence, at
Bourges, the celebrated hostel which still exists as an admirable model of
Gothic and national art in the fifteenth century, attempting combination with
the art of Italian renaissance.
M. Clement, in his table of Jacques Coeur's wealth does not count either the
mines which he worked at various spots in France, nor the vast capital, unknown,
which he turned to profit in his commercial enterprises; but, on the other hand,
he names, with certain et ceteras, forty-two court-personages, or king's
officers, indebted to Jacques Coeur for large or small sums he had lent them. We
will quote but two instances of Jacques Coeur's financial connection, not with
courtiers, however, but with the royal family and the king himself. Margaret of
Scotland, wife of the dauphin, who became Louis XI., wrote with her own
hand, on the 20th of July, 1445, "We, Margaret, dauphiness of Viennois, do
acknowledge to have received from Master Stephen Petit, secretary of my lord the
king, and receiver-general of his finances for Languedoc and Guienne, two
thousand livres of Tours, to us given by my said lord, and to us advanced by the
hands of Jacques Coeur, his moneyman, we being but lately in Lorraine, for to
get silken stuff and sables to make robes for our person." In 1449, when Charles
VII. determined to drive the English from Normandy, his treasury was exhausted,
and he had recourse to Jacques Coeur. "Sir," said the trader to the king, "what
I have is yours," and lent him two hundred thousand crowns; "the effect of which
was," says Jacques Duclercq, "that during, this conquest, all the men-at-arms of
the King of France, and all those who were in his service, were paid their wages
month by month."
An original document, dated 1450, which exists in the "cabinet des titres" of
the National Library, bears upon it a receipt for sixty thousand livres from
Jacques Coeur to the king's receiver-general in Normandy, "in restitution of the
like sum lent by me in ready money to the said lord in the month of August last
past, on occasion of the surrendering to his authority of the towns and castle
of Cherbourg, at that time held by the English, the ancient enemies of this
realm." It was probably a partial repayment of the two hundred thousand crowns
lent by Jacques Coeur to the king at this juncture, according to all the
contemporary chroniclers.
Enormous and unexpected wealth excites envy and suspicion at the same time
that it confers influence; and the envious before long become enemies. Sullen
murmurs against Jacques Coeur were raised in the king's own circle; and the way
in which he had begun to make his fortune--the coinage of questionable
money--furnished some specious ground for them. There is too general an
inclination amongst potentates of the earth to give an easy ear to reasons, good
or bad, for dispensing with the gratitude and respect otherwise due to those who
serve them. Charles VII., after having long been the patron and debtor of
Jacques Coeur, all at once, in 1451, shared the suspicions aroused against him.
To accusations of grave abuses and malversations in money matters was added one
of even more importance. Agnes Sorel had died eighteen months previously
(February 9, 1450); and on her death-bed she had appointed Jacques Coeur one of
the three executors of her will. In July, 1451, Jacques was at Taillebourg, in
Guyenne, whence he wrote to his wife that "he was in as good case and was as
well with the king as ever he had been, whatever anybody might say." Indeed, on
the 22d of July Charles VII. granted him a "sum of seven hundred and seventy-two
livres of Tours to help him to keep up his condition and to be more honorably
equipped for his service;" and, nevertheless, on the 31st of July, on the
information of two persons of the court, who accused Jacques Coeur of having
poisoned Agnes Sorel, Charles ordered his arrest and the seizure of his goods,
on which he immediately levied a hundred thousand crowns for the purposes of the
war. Commissioners extraordinary, taken from amongst the king's grand council,
were charged to try him; and Charles VII. declared, it is said, that "if the
said moneyman were not found liable to the charge of having poisoned or caused
to be poisoned Agnes Sorel, he threw up and forgave all the other cases against
him." The accusation of poisoning was soon acknowledged to be false, and the two
informers were condemned as calumniators; but the trial was, nevertheless,
proceeded with. Jacques Coeur was accused "of having sold arms to the infidels,
of having coined light crowns, of having pressed on board of his vessels, at
Montpellier, several individuals, of whom one had thrown himself into the sea
from desperation, and lastly of having appropriated to himself presents made to
the king, in several towns of Languedoc, and of having practised in that country
frequent exaction, to the prejudice of the king as well as of his subjects."
After twenty-two months of imprisonment, Jacques Coeur, on the 29th of May,
1453, was convicted, in the king's name, on divers charges, of which several
entailed a capital penalty; but "whereas Pope Nicholas V. had issued a rescript
and made request in favor of Jacques Coeur, and regard also being had to
services received from him," Charles VII. spared his life, "on condition that he
should pay to the king a hundred thousand crowns by way of restitution, three
hundred thousand by way of fine, and should be kept in prison until the whole
claim was satisfied;" and the decree ended as follows: "We have declared and do
declare all the goods of the said Jacques Coeur confiscated to us, and we have
banished and do banish this Jacques Coeur forever from this realm, reserving
thereanent our own good pleasure."
After having spent nearly three years more in prison, transported from
dungeon to dungeon, Jacques Coeur, thanks to the faithful and zealous affection
of a few friends, managed to escape from Beaucaire, to embark at Nice and to
reach Rome, where Pope Nicholas V. welcomed him with tokens of lively interest.
Nicholas died shortly afterwards, just when he was preparing an expedition
against the Turks. His successor, Calixtus III., carried out his design, and
equipped a fleet of sixteen galleys. This fleet required a commander of energy,
resolution, and celebrity. Jacques Coeur had lived and fought with Dunois,
Xaintrailles, La Hire, and the most valiant French captains; he was known and
popular in Italy and the Levant; and the pope appointed him captain-general of
the expedition. Charles VII.'s moneyman, ruined, convicted, and banished from
France, sailed away at the head of the pope's squadron and of some Catalan
pirates to carry help against the Turks to Rhodes, Chios, Lesbos, Lemnos, and
the whole Grecian archipelago. On arriving at Chios, in November, 1456, he fell
ill there, and perceiving his end approaching, he wrote to his king "to commend
to him his children, and to beg that, considering the great wealth and honors he
had in his time enjoyed in the king's service, it might be the king's good
pleasure to give something to his children, in order that they, even those of
them who were secular, might be able to live honestly, without coming to want."
He died at Chits on the 25th of November, 1456, and, according to the historian
John d'Auton, who had probably lived in the society of Jacques Coeur's children,
"he remained interred in the church of the Cordeliers in that island, at the
centre of the choir."
We have felt bound to represent with some detail the active and energetic
life, prosperous for a long while and afterwards so grievous and hazardous up to
its very last day, of this great French merchant at the close of the middle
ages, who was the first to extend afar in Europe, Africa, and Asia the
commercial relations of France, and, after the example of the great Italian
merchants, to make an attempt to combine politics with commerce, and to promote
at one and the same time the material interests of his country and the influence
of his government. There can be no doubt but that Jacques Coeur was unscrupulous
and frequently visionary as a man of business; but, at the same time, he was
inventive, able, and bold, and, whilst pushing his own fortunes to the utmost,
he contributed a great deal to develop, in the ways of peace, the commercial,
industrial, diplomatic, and artistic enterprise of France. In his relations
towards his king, Jacques Coeur was to Charles VII. a servant often
over-adventurous, slippery, and compromising, but often also useful, full of
resource, efficient, and devoted in the hour of difficulty. Charles VII. was to
Jacques Coeur a selfish and ungrateful patron, who contemptuously deserted the
man whose brains he had sucked, and ruined him pitilessly after having himself
contributed to enrich him unscrupulously.
We have now reached the end of events under this long reign; all that remains
is to run over the substantial results of Charles VII.'s government, and the
melancholy imbroglios of his latter years with his son, the turbulent, tricky,
and wickedly able born-conspirator, who was to succeed him under the name of
Louis XI.
One fact is at the outset to be remarked upon; it at the first blush appears
singular, but it admits of easy explanation. In the first nineteen years of his
reign, from 1423 to 1442, Charles VII. very frequently convoked the
states-general, at one time of Northern France, or Langue d'oil, at another of
Southern France, or Langue d'oc. Twenty-four such assemblies took place during
this period at Bourges, at Selles in Berry, at Le Puy in Velay, at
Mean-sur-Yevre, at Chinon, at Sully-sur-Loire, at Tours, at Orleans, at Nevers,
at Carcassonne, and at different spots in Languedoc. It was the time of the
great war between France on the one side and England and Burgundy allied on the
other, the time of intrigues incessantly recurring at court, and the time
likewise of carelessness and indolence on the part of Charles VII., more devoted
to his pleasures than regardful of his government. He had incessant need of
states-general to supply him with money and men, and support him through the
difficulties of his position. But when, dating from the peace of Arras
(September 21, 1435), Charles VII., having become reconciled with the Duke of
Burgundy, was deliverer from civil war, and was at grips with none but England
alone already half beaten by the divine inspiration, the triumph, and the
martyrdom of Joan of Arc, his posture and his behavior underwent a rare
transformation. Without ceasing to be coldly selfish and scandalously licentious
king he became practical, hard-working, statesman-like king, jealous and
disposed to govern by himself, but at the same time watchful and skilful in
availing himself of the able advisers who, whether it were by a happy accident
or by his own choice, were grouped around him. "He had his days and hours for
dealing with all sorts of men, one hour with the clergy, another with the
nobles, another with foreigners, another with mechanical folks, armorers, and
gunners; and in respect of all these persons he had a full remembrance of their
cases and their appointed day. On Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday he worked with
the chancellor, and got through all claims connected with justice. On Wednesday
he first of all gave audience to the marshals, captains, and men of war. On the
same day he held a council of finance, independently of another council which
was also held on the same subject every Friday." It was by such assiduous toil
that Charles VII., in concert with his advisers, was able to take in hand and
accomplish, in the military, financial, and judicial system of the realm, those
bold and at the same time prudent reforms which wrested the country from the
state of disorder, pillage, and general insecurity to which it had been a prey,
and commenced the era of that great monarchical administration, which, in spite
of many troubles and vicissitudes, was destined to be, during more than three
centuries, the government of France. The constable De Richemont and marshal De
la Fayette were, in respect of military matters, Charles VII.'s principal
advisers; and it was by their counsel and with their co-operation that he
substituted for feudal service and for the bands of wandering mercenaries
(routiers), mustered and maintained by hap-hazard, a permanent army, regularly
levied, provided for, paid, and commanded, and charged with the duty of keeping
order at home, and at the same time subserving abroad the interests and policy
of the state. In connection with, and as a natural consequence of this military
system, Charles VII., on his own sole authority, established certain permanent
imposts with the object of making up any deficiency in the royal treasury,
whilst waiting for a vote of such taxes extraordinary as might be demanded of
the states-general. Jacques Coeur, the two brothers Bureau, Martin Gouge, Michel
Lailler, William Cousinot, and many other councillors, of burgher origin,
labored zealously to establish this administrative system, so prompt and freed
from all independent discussion. Weary of wars, irregularities, and sufferings,
France, in the fifteenth century, asked for nothing but peace and security; and
so soon as the kingship showed that it had an intention and was in a condition
to provide her with them, the nation took little or no trouble about political
guarantees which as yet it knew neither how to establish nor how to exercise;
its right to them was not disputed in principle, they were merely permitted to
fall into desuetude; and Charles VII., who during the first half of his reign
had twenty-four times assembled the states-general to ask them for taxes and
soldiers, was able in the second to raise personally both soldiers and taxes
without drawing forth any complaint hardly, save from his contemporary
historian, the Bishop of Lisieux, Thomas Basin, who said, "Into such misery and
servitude is fallen the realm of France, heretofore so noble and free, that all
the inhabitants are openly declared by the generals of finance and their clerks
taxable at the will of the king, without anybody's daring to murmur or even ask
for mercy." There is at every juncture, and in all ages of the world, a certain
amount, though varying very much, of good order, justice, and security, without
which men cannot get on; and when they lack it, either through the fault of
those who govern them or through their own fault, they seek after it with the
blind eyes of passion, and are ready to accept it, no matter what power may
procure it for them, or what price it may cost them. Charles VII. was a prince
neither to be respected nor to be loved, and during many years his reign had not
been a prosperous one; but "he re-quickened justice, which had been a long while
dead," says a chronicler devoted to the Duke of Burgundy; "he put an end to the
tyrannies and exactions of the men-at-arms, and out of an infinity of murderers
and robbers he formed men of resolution and honest life; he made regular paths
in murderous woods and forests, all roads safe, all towns peaceful, all
nationalities of his kingdom tranquil; he chastised the evil and honored the
good, and he was sparing of human blood."
Let it be added, in accordance with contemporary testimony, that at the same
time that he established an all but arbitrary rule in military and financial
matters, Charles VII. took care that "practical justice, in the case of every
individual, was promptly rendered to poor as well as rich, to small as well as
great; he forbade all trafficking in the offices of the magistracy, and every
time that a place became vacant in a parliament he made no nomination to it,
save on the presentations of the court."
Questions of military, financial, and judicial organization were not the only
ones which occupied the government of Charles VII. He attacked also
ecclesiastical questions, which were at that period a subject of passionate
discussion in Christian Europe amongst the councils of the Church and in the
closets of princes. The celebrated ordinance, known by the name of Pragmatic
Sanction, which Charles VII. issued at Bourges on the 7th of July, 1438, with
the concurrence of a grand national council, laic and ecclesiastical, was
directed towards the carrying out, in the internal regulations of the French
Church, and in the relations either of the State with the Church in France, or
of the Church of France with the papacy, of reforms long since desired or
dreaded by the different powers and interests. It would be impossible to touch
here upon these difficult and delicate questions without going far beyond the
limits imposed upon the writer of this history. All that can be said is, that
there was no lack of a religious spirit, or of a liberal spirit, in the
Pragmatic Sanction of Charles VII., and that the majority of the measures
contained in it were adopted with the approbation of the greater part of the
French clergy, as well as of educated laymen in France.
In whatever light it is regarded, the government of Charles VII. in the
latter part of his reign brought him not only in France, but throughout Europe,
a great deal of fame and power. When he had driven the English out of his
kingdom, he was called Charles the Victorious; and when he had introduced into
the internal regulations of the state so many important and effective reforms,
he was called Charles the Well-served. "The sense he had by nature," says his
historian Chastellain, "had been increased to twice as much again, in his
straitened fortunes, by long constraint and perilous dangers, which sharpened
his wits perforce." "He is the king of kings," was said of him by the Doge of
Venice, Francis Foscari, a good judge of policy; "there is no doing without
Nevertheless, at the close, so influential and so tranquil, of his reign,
Charles VII. was, in his individual and private life, the most desolate, the
most harassed, and the most unhappy man in his kingdom. In 1442 and 1450 he had
lost the two women who had been, respectively, the most devoted and most useful,
and the most delightful and dearest to him, his mother-in-law, Yolande of
Arragon, Queen of Sicily, and his favorite, Agnes Sorel. His avowed intimacy
with Agnes, and even, independently of her and after her death, the scandalous
licentiousness of his morals, had justly offended his virtuous wife, Mary of
Anjou, the only lady of the royal establishment who survived him. She had
brought him twelve children, and the eldest, the dauphin Louis, after
having from his very youth behaved in a factious, harebrained, turbulent way
towards the king his father, had become at one time an open rebel, at another a
venomous conspirator and a dangerous enemy. At his birth in 1423, he had been
named Louis in remembrance of his ancestor, St. Louis, and in hopes that he
would resemble him. In 1440, at seventeen years of age, he allied himself with
the great lords, who were displeased with the new military system established by
Charles VII., and allowed himself to be drawn by them into the transient
rebellion known by the name of Praguery. When the king, having put it down,
refused to receive the rebels to favor, the dauphin said to his father,
"My lord, I must go back with them, then; for so I promised them." "Louis,"
replied the king, "the gates are open, and if they are not high enough I will
have sixteen or twenty fathom of wall knocked down for you, that you may go
whither it seems best to you." Charles VII. had made his son marry Margaret
Stuart of Scotland, that charming princess who was so smitten with the language
and literature of France that, coming one day upon the poet Alan Chartier asleep
upon a bench, she kissed him on the forehead in the presence of her mightily
astonished train, for he was very ugly. The dauphin rendered his wife so
wretched that she died in 1445, at the age of one and twenty, with these words
upon her lips: "O! fie on life! Speak to me no more of it!" In 1449, just when
the king his father was taking up arms to drive the English out of Normandy, the
dauphin Louis, who was now living entirely in Dauphiny, concluded at
Briancon a secret league with the Duke of Savoy "against the ministers of the
King of France, his enemies." In 1456, in order to escape from the perils
brought upon him by the plots which he, in the heart of Dauphiny, was
incessantly hatching against his father, Louis fled from Grenoble and went to
take refuge in Brussels with the Duke of Burgundy, Philip the Good, who
willingly received him, at the same time excusing himself to Charles VII. "on
the ground of the respect he owed to the son of his suzerain," and putting at
the disposal of Louis, "his guest," a pension of thirty-six thousand livres. "He
has received the fox at his court," said Charles: "he will soon see what will
become of his chickens." But the pleasantries of the king did not chase away the
sorrows of the father. "Mine enemies have full trust in me," said Charles, "but
my son will have none. If he had but once spoken with me, he would have known
full well that he ought to have neither doubts nor fears. On my royal word, if
he will but come to me, when he has opened his heart and learned my intentions,
he may go away again whithersoever it seems good to him." Charles, in his old
age and his sorrow, forgot how distrustful and how fearful he himself had been.
"It is ever your pleasure," wrote one of his councillors to him in a burst of
frankness, "to be shut up in castles, wretched places, and all sorts of little
closets, without showing yourself and listening to the complaints of your poor
people." Charles VII. had shown scarcely more confidence to his son than to his
people. Louis yielded neither to words, nor to sorrows of which proofs were
reaching him nearly every day. He remained impassive at the Duke of Burgundy's,
where he seemed to be waiting with scandalous indifference for the news of his
father's death. Charles sank into a state of profound melancholy and general
distrust. He had his doctor, Adam Fumee, put in prison; persuaded himself that
his son had wished, and was still wishing, to poison him; and refused to take
any kind of nourishment. No representation, no solicitation, could win him from
his depression and obstinacy. It was in vain that Charles, Duke of Berry, his
favorite child, offered to first taste the food set before him. It was in vain
that his servants "represented to him with tears," says Bossuet, "what madness
it was to cause his own death for fear of dying; when at last he would have made
an effort to eat, it was too late, and he must die." On the 2nd of July, 1461,
he asked what day it was, and was told that it was St. Magdalen's day. "Ah!"
said he, "I do laud my God, and thank Him for that it hath pleased Him that the
most sinful man in the world should die on the sinful woman's day! Dampmartin,"
said he to the count of that name, who was leaning over his bed, "I do beseech
you that after my death you will serve so far as you can the little lord, my son
Charles." He called his confessor, received the sacraments, gave orders that he
should be buried at St. Denis beside the king his father, and expired. No more
than his son Louis, though for different reasons, was his wife, Queen Mary of
Anjou, at his side. She was living at Chinon, whither she had removed a long
while before by order of the king her husband. Thus, deserted by them of his own
household, and disgusted with his own life, died that king of whom a
contemporary chronicler, whilst recommending his soul to God, re-marked, "When
he was alive, he was a right wise and valiant lord, and he left his kingdom
united, and in good case as to justice and tranquillity."