Joan of Arc - Maid of Heaven

Short Biography of
Joan of Arc

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The book Maid of Heaven: The Story of Saint Joan of Arc may be the best short biography ever written about Joan of Arc as it provides as much of the essential information about Joan as long biographies yet can be read in under an hour. A review at Amazon by one young lady reflects the experience of most readers of Maid of Heaven: "This like a song dedicated to her and God; rich with information and melodious in word, this new piece of literature is written in poem form. All the major events of Joan's life, including the locations she visited, the various battles she fought, and the reactions of those around her are recorded here in beautiful lilting print, sometimes rhyming and sometimes not. The educational aspect of the book is as fluid as the poetic one; as you find yourself following Joan's story and rolling the poetry off your tongue, you may not even notice at first how easily all the vital facts about Joan's life are absorbed into memory. With this book, author Ben D. Kennedy has given us both an essential learning tool (one shorter and far more fun to read than many a textbook) and a moving dedication to God and one of His greatest servants, a woman who reflected her Lord as both a lionheart warrior and a lamb to sacrifice. I highly recommend this book to all!"

If you are unable to obtain a copy of Maid of Heaven then you can still find some good short biographies about Joan of Arc at the links below. Most of them are chapters from books that provide a good condensed version of Joan's life.

Quick Facts Page
here at is essentially a short biography as it provides all the basic facts about Joan of Arc listed in chronological order.

Encyclopedia type Short Biography
written by Ben D. Kennedy that covers Joan's entire life and legacy and contains links back to pages for more detailed information.

Joan of Arc: The Maid of Orleans
by Charles Morris is a chapter about Joan of Arc from the book Historical Tales: French providing a short but detailed account of Joan's life.

Joan Of Arc
by Ella Wheeler Wilcox from the book Great Men and Famous Women that gives a short but thorough account of Joan's life.

Joan of Arc
by Marion Florence Lansing is a chapter from the book Patriots and Tyrants by that is a good overview of Joan's life and history.

Saint Joan of Arc
by Grace Hall is a chapter from the book Stories of the Saints providing a well written short biography about Joan of Arc.

A Story in Praise of Joan of Arc: The Maid Of Orleans
by Lena Dalkeith is a chapter from the book Stories from French History that provides a good overview of Joan's history and life.

Joan to the Rescue
by H.A. Guerber are several chapters from book The Story of Old France that serve as a good short biography about Joan of Arc.

Joan of Arc Lived From 1412-1431
by John H Haaren is a short chapter from the book Famous Men of The Middle Ages that gives a good concise bio about Joan of Arc.

Joan of Arc and the Close of the War
by Samuel B. Harding is a chapter from the book The Story of The Middle Ages that covers Joan of Arc's part in the Hundred Years War.

Joan of Arc The Girl Commander
by Eva March Tappan is a short chapter from book European Hero Stories that gives an overview of Joan's life and history.

The Story Joan of Arc
by Lawton B. Evans is a chapter from the book Old Time Tales that contains a good overview of Joan's life story

The Maid of Orleans
by M.B. Synge from the book The Discovery of New Worlds gives a concise overview of Joan's life and story

The Story of Jeanne d'Arc
by Charles Dickens is a biography included in Chapter XXII Second Part of the book A Child's History of England by the famous English novelist Charles Dickens giving a decent but not always factually accurate short history covering Joan's life

Joan of Arc & Charles VII: The House of Valois
by John Finnemore is a chapter from the book France: Peeps at History that gives a good overview on the history of France during the time Joan lived and her impact when she arrived upon the scene.

Charles VII & Joan of Arc 1422-1461
by M. Guizot is a chapter from the book A Popular History of France that contains a good overview on the history of France during the reign of Charles VII when Joan of Arc achieved her brilliant successes.

Joan of Arc
by Mary Macgregor are several chapters from the book The Story of France that provide a longer short biography about Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc
essay by 19th century English writer Thomas de Quincey that provides a good general overview of Joan's life and discusses some interesting details rarely seen elsewhere

For more detailed information about Joan of Arc and her life and history please visit the Long Biography Page here at

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