Joan of Arc Part 39
The submission of Joan having been thus extorted, the Bishop of Beauvais proceeded to pass
sentence in the name of the tribunal. He announced
to her, that out of " grace and moderation " her life
should be spared, but that the remainder of it must
be passed in prison 'with the bread of grief and
the water of anguish for her food."*Joan heard
the sentence immoved, saying only, "Well, then,
ye men of the church, lead me to your own prisons,
and let me no longer remain in the hands of these
English." But she was taken back to the same
dungeon as before.
* "Au pain de donlears et a leau d'angoisse."--Collection des
Memoirea, vol. viii. p. 304.
Nor was it designed that her life should indeed
be spared. Her enemies only hoped, by a short
delay and a pretended lenity, to palliate the guilt of
her murder, or to heap a heavier load upon her me-
mory. She had promised to resume a female dress ;
and it is related that a suit of men's apparel was
placed in her cell, and her own removed during the
night, so that she had no other choice- next morning
but to clothe herself again in the forbidden gar-
ments. Such is the common version of the story.
But we greatly fear that a darker and a sadder tale
remains behind. A priest, named Martin TAdvenu,
who was allowed to receive her confession at this
period, and to shrive her in her dying moments,
was afterwards examined at the trial of revision, and
declared that an English lord {un millourt d' Angleterre) had entered her prison and attempted vio-
fence ; that on his departure she was found with her
lace disfigured and in tears ; and that she had resumed men's apparel as a more effectual safeguard
to her honour.2
2 Compare Sismondi, vol, xiii. p. 190, with tlie 'Supplement aux
Memoires' (Collection, vol. viii. p. 304).
But whether the means employed in this in-
famous transaction were of fraud or of force, the
object was clearly the same--to find a pretext for
further rigour. For, according to the rules of the
Inquisition, it was not heresy in the first instanc5e,
but only a relapse into heresy, that could be punished
with death. No sooner then was the Bishop of
Beauvais apprized of Joan's change of dress, than he
hastened to the prison to convict her of the fact.
He asked her whether she had heard "her Voices"
again? " I have," answered Joan; " St. Catherine
and St. Margaret have reproved me for my weakness in signing the abjuration, and commanded me
to resume the dress which I wore by the appointment of God." This was enough ; the Bishop and
his compeers, straightway pronounced her a heretic
relapsed ; no pardon could now be. granted--scarce
any delay allowed.
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