Joan of Arc Part 35
The captive heroine was first conducted to the
quarters of John of Luxemburg, and transferred in
succession to the prisons of Beaurevoir, Arras, and
Le Crotoy, at the mouth of the Somme. She made
two intrepid attempts at escape. Once she had
broken a passage through the wall, but was arrested
on her way, and still more closely confined. Another
time she threw herself headlong from the summit of
her prison tower, but was taken up senseless on the
ground. She afterwards declared, in her examination, that her " Voices " had dissuaded her from this
attempt, but had consoled her imder its failure.
The English were, however, impatient to hold the
prisoner in their own hands; and, in the month of
November, 1430, she was purchased from John of
Luxemburg for a sum of ten thousand livres. Her
cruel treatment in her new captivity is well described
by M. de Barante ;--
"Joan was taken to Rouen, where were then the young
. King Henry and all the chiefs of the English. She W8^
led into the great tower of the castle, an iron cage was
made for her, and her feet were secured by a chain. Tlie
English archers who guarded her treated her with gross
oontamely, and more than once attempted violence upon
her. Nor were they merely conmion sdkliers who showed
themselves cruel and violent towards her. The Sire de
Luxembourg, whose prisoner she had been, happening to
pass through Rouen, went to see her in her prison, accompanied by the Earl of Warwick
and the Earl of Stafford.*
"Joan,' said he, in jest, 'I am come to put you to ransom,
but you will have to promise never again to bear arms
against us.' ' Ah ! mon Dieu, you are laughing at me'
said she; 'you have neither the will nor the power to
ransom me. I know well that the English will cause me
to die, thinking that afler my death they will win back ihe
kingdom of France ; but even were they a hundred thousand
Goddams more than they are they shall never have this
kingdom.' Incensed at these words, the Earl of Stafford
drew his dagger to strike her, but was prevented by the
Earl of Warwick."
* Not Strafford, as written by M. de Barante.
The forebodings of the unhappy woman were but
too true ; her doom was indeed sdready sealed. Had
she been put to death as a prisoner of war, the act,
however repugnant to every dictate of justice and
humanity, would not have been without precedent
or palliation, according to the manners of that age.
Thus, as we have seen, the English captives at
Jargeau had been deliberdtely put to the sword after
their surrender, to avert some disputes as to their
ransom. Thus, also, there is still extant a letter
from an English admiial, Winnington, stating his
detemunation to kill or drown the crews of one hundred merchantmen which he
had taken, unless the
council should deem it better to preserve their lives.2
Nay, Joan herself was charged, although imjustly,
with having sanctioned this practice in the case of
Franquet, a Butgundian freebooter, who fell into her
hands, and was hanged shortly before her own captivity. But the conduct of Joan's enemies has not
even the wretched excuse which such past inhumanities might supply. Their object was not only
to wreak their vengeance upon the Maid for their
former losses, but to discredit her in popular opinion,
to brand her (we quote the very words of Bedford)
as " a disciple and lymbe of the fiende that used false
enchauntments and sorcerie,"3 to lower and taint
the cause of Charles VII. by connecting it with such
linhallowed means. They therefore renounced any
lights of wax which they possessed over her as their
prisoner, to claim those of sovereignty and jurisdiction as their subject, which she never had been, and
resolved to try her before an ecclesiastical tribunal
on the charge of witchcraft. They foxmd a fitting
tool for their purpose in Pierre Cauchon, Bishop of
Beauvais, who was wholly devoted to their interest,
and who presented a petition for the trial, on the
frivolous pretext that she had been made prisoner
within his diocese. The University of Paris was so
far misled by party views as to join in the same
request. The Bishop himself was appointed the
first judge ; the second was Jean Lemaitre, vicar-
general of the Inquisition ; and the oflSce of public
advocate or accuser devolved upon Estivet, a canon
of Beauvais. The tribunal thus formed, and directed
to hold its sittings at Eouen, was also attended by
nearly one hundred doctors of theology, who had
not, like the Bishop and vicar-general, votes in the
decision, but who gave their counsel and assistance
when required, under the title of assessors.
2 Fenn's 'Collection of Letters,' vol. i. p. 213. Dr. Lingard has
pointed out this passage in his 'History of England.'
3 Rymer's 'Federa,' vol. x. p. 408.
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