Joan of Arc Part 9
Upon his own mind she had made little or no im-
pression, but several other persons in the town,
struck with her piety and perseverance, became
converts to her words. One of these was a gentle-
man named Jean de Novelompont, and sumamed
De Metz, who afterwards deposed on oath to these
transactions--"'Child,' said he, as he met her in
the street, 'What are you doing here? Must we not
submit to seeing the King expelled his kingdom,
and to ourselves becoming English?' 'I am come
here,' said the Maid, 'to ask of the Sire de Baudricourt to send me before the Dauphin: he has no
care for me, or for words of mine ; and yet it is
needful tat before Mid-Lent I should stand in the
Dauphin's presence, should I even in reaching him
wear through my feet, and have to crawl upon my
knees. For no one upon this earth, neither King,
nor Duke, nor daughter of King of Scots,* no one
but myself is appointed to recover this realm of
France. Yet I would more willingly remain to spin
by the side of my poor mother, for war seems no
work for me. But go I must, because the Lord my
Master so wills it.' 'And who is the Lord your
Master ? ' said Jean de Metz.' 'The King of
Heaven,' she replied. De Metz declared that her
tone of inspiration had convinced him ; he gave her
his hand, and promised her that he would, on the
faith of a gentleman, and under the conduct of God,
lead her himself before the King. He asked her
when she desired to begin her journey : 'To-day
rather than to-morrow,' replied the heroine."2
* There was pending at that time a negotiation for a marriage between the Dauphin Louis, son of Charles VII., and the daughter of
the King of Scots, who promised to send fresh succours.-- See a note
to the 'Collection des Memoires,' vol viii. p. 249,
2 Depositions de Jean de Metz au Procfes de Revision.
Another gentleman, Bertrand de Poulengy, who
has also left a deposition on oath to these facts, and
who had been present at the first interview between
Joan and Baudricourt, became convinced of her
divine commission, and resolved to escort her in
her journey. It does not clearly appear whether
Baudricourt had received any answer from the
Court of France; but a reluctant assent to the
journey was extorted from him by the entreaties of
De Metz and Poulengy, and by the rising force of
popular opinion. The Duke of Lorraine himself
had by this time heard of the fame of Joan ; and
sent for her as. to one endowed with supernatural
powers to cure him of a mortal disease. But Joan
replied, with her usual simplicity of manner, that
her mission was not to that Prince, nor for such an
object, and the Duke dismissed her with a gift of
four livres.
This gift was probably the more welcome, since
Baudricourt, even while giving his consent to her
journey, refused to incur any cost on behalf of it ;
he presented to her nothing but a sword, and at
parting said to her only these words : " Go then--
happen what may ! " Her uncle, assisted by another
countryman, had borrowed money to buy a horse for
her use, and the expenses of the journey were defrayed by Jean de Metz, for which, as appears by
the Household Books, he was afterwards reimbursed
by the King. Joan herself, by command of her
"Voices," as she said, assumed male apparel, and
never wore any other during the remainder of her
At the news that their daughter was already at
Vaucouleurs and going forward to the wars, Jacques
d' Arc and his wife hastened in the utmost consterna-
tion from their village, but could not succeed in
withholding her. " I saw them in the town," says
Jean de Metz ; " they seemed hard-working, honest,
God-fearing people." Joan herself declared in her
examinations that they had been almost distracted
with grief at her departure, but that she had since
sent back letters to them, and that they had forgiven
her. It would appear that none of her brothers was
amongst her companions on this journey, although
one of them, Pierre d'Arc, soon afterwards joined
her in Touraine.*
*"It has been said that Pierre d'Arc, third brother of Joan, set
out with her for France, and that opinion was founded on the fact,
that Pierre, in a petition presented to the Duke of Orleans in 1444,
represents himself to have 'left his own country to serve in the wars
of the King and of Monsieur le Due in company with Jehanne la
Pucelle, his sister.' But the equivocal construction of this sentence
still leaves the point in doubt whether the young man set out at the
same time with his sister, or rejoined her at a later period. The
chronicles and the depositions make no mention of him either at her
departure, during her journey, or upon her arrival at Chinon. Thus,
then, there is every reason to believe that he was not with her on
her journey."--('Suppl. aux Memoires,' Collection, vol. viii. p. 253.)
This oonclusion is confirmed, and indeed placed beyond doubt by an
original letter from the Sire de Laval, in May, 1429, which we shall
hereafter have occasion to quote; it mentions Pierre d'Arc as having
arrived to join his sister only eight days before.
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