Joan of Arc Part 19
Having thus succeeded with regard to the first
convoy, the French captains had resolved to wend
back to Blois and escort the second, without them-
selves entering the city. This resolution had been
kept secret from Joan, and she showed herself much
displeased, but at length agreed to it, provided
Father Pasquerel and the other priests from Blois
stayed with the army to maintain its morals. She
likewise obtained a promise that the next convoy
should proceed, according to her injunctions, through
Beauce, instead of Sologne. For herself she under-
took, at the earnest entreaty of Dunois and the
citizens, to throw herself into the beleaguered city
and partake its fortunes. She accordingly made her
entry late that same night, the 29 th of April, ac-
companied by the brave La Hire and two hundred
lances, and having embarked close under the English
bastille of St. Jean le Blanc without any molestation
from the awe-struck garrison. High beat the hearts
of the poor besieged with joy and wonder at the
midnight appearance of their promised deliverer,
or rather, as they well-nigh deemed, their guardian
angel, heralded by the rolling thunders, with the
lightning to guide her on her way, unharmed by a
victonous enemy, and bringing long-forgotten plenty
in her tiain! All pressed around her with loud
acclamations, eager to touch for a moment her ar-
mour, her holy standard, or the white charger which
she rode, and believed that they drew a blessing
from that touch!
Late as was the hour, the Maid of Orleans (so we
may already term her) repaired first to the cathedral,
where the solemn service of "Te Deum" was
chanted by torchlight. She then betook herself to
her intended dwelling, which she had chosen on
careful inquiry, according to her constant practice,
as belonging to a lady amongst the most esteemed
and unblemished of the place. The very house is
still shown: it is now No. 35, in the Eue du Ta-
bourg, and, though the inner apartments have been
altered, the street-front is believed by antiquaries to
be the same as in the days of Joan.* A splendid
entertainment had been prepared for her, but she
refused to partake of it, and only dipping a piece of
bread into some wine and water, laid herself down
to rest.
* Trollope's 'Western France,' vol. i. pp. 80-83. He quotes a
'History of Orleans' bv E. F. V. Bomagnesi.
The impression made upon the people of Orleans
by the first appearance of the Maid was confirmed
and strengthened by her conduct on the following
days. Her beauty of person, her gentleness of
manner, and her purity of life--her prayers, so long
and so devout--her custom of beginning every sen-
tence with the words " In the name of God," after
the fashion of the heralds--her resolute will and undaunted courage in all that related to her mission,
compared with her simplicity and humility upon any
other subject--her zeal to reform as well as to rescue
the citizens--all this together would be striking
even in our own times, and seemed miraculous in
theirs. Of speedily raising the siege she spoke with-
out doubt or hesitation : her only anxiety appeared
to be to raise it, if she might, without bloodshed.
She directed an archer to shoot, attached to his
arrow, another letter of warning into the English
lines, and herself, advancing along the bridge unto
the broken arch, oppasite the enemy's fort of Tour-
nelles, exhorted them in a loud voice to depart, or
they should feel disaster and shame. Sir William
Gladsdale whom all the French writers call Gla-
cidas, still commanded in this quarter. He and his
soldiers only answered the Maid with scoffs and
ribaldry, bidding her go "home and keep her cows.
She was moved to tears at their insulting words.
But it soon appeared that their derision was affected,
and their apprehension real. When on the fourth
day the new convoy came in sight by way of Beauce
--when the Maid and La Hire sallied forth with
their troops to meet and to escort it--not one note'
of defiance was heard, not one man was seen to pro-
ceed from the English bastilles--the long line of
waggons, flocks, and herds passed between them un-
molested--and the spirit of the victors seemed already transferred to the vanquished.
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