Joan of Arc Part 22
By the successes of that day only a single fort on
the opposite shore, the Bastille des Toumelles, re-
mained in English hands. But it was the strongest
of all--on one side confronting the broken bridge
with its massy and towering wall--on the land side
intrenched by a formidable bulwark--and a deep
ditch before it, filled with water from the Loire.
More than all, it was held by the brave Gladsdule
and his best battalions. A spirit of prudence and
of mi^ving as to the continued success of the Maid
became predominant among the French captains.
Thej resolved to rest contented with the freedom
of communication now secured with their own
provinces, and to postpone any farther attacks until
they should receive farther reinforcements. But to
this resolution it was found impossible to obtain the
assent of Joan. " You have been to your council,"
die said, " and I have been to mine. Be assured
that the coimcil of Messire will hold good, and that
the council of men will perish." What the chiefs
dreaded more than her celestial council, she had
with her the hearts both of soldiery and people.
Entreaties and arguments to prove the superior
advantage of doing nothing were urged on her in
vain. They did not leave untried even the slight
temptation of a shad-fish for her dinner! The
story is told as follows, in a chronicle of the
"Whilst the Maid was in thought whether she should
go forward, it happened that a shad-fish was brought in
to her host Jacques Boucher, who then said to her, 'Joan,
let us eat this shad-fish to dinner before you set out.' 'In
the name of God,' said she, 'it shall not be eaten till sup-
per, by which time we will return by way of the bridge
and bring back with us as prisoner a Goddam, who shall
eat his share of it ! '"*
* Memoirs concerning the Maid (Collection, vol. viii. p. 173).
This nickname of Goddam--which in more angry
times than the present we have often heard muttered behind our coxmtrymen in the streets of Paris
--was, we had always fancied, of very modem
origin. Till now we could not trace it higher than
Beaumarchais, in his * Mariage de Figaro.' We now
find, however, that all future anti- Anglicans may
plead for it, if they please, the venerable antiquity
of four centuries, and the high precedent of Joan
of Arc.
Not trusting wholly to persuasion,--or to the
shad-fish,--the Sire de Gaucourt, governor of the
city, with some soldiers, stationed himself before the
Porte Bourgogne, through which Joan would have
to pass, and resolutely refused to unbar it. " You
are an ill man," cried the Maid ; " but whether
you will or not. the men-at-arms shall come and
shall conquer, as they have conquered before." The
people, and even the soldiers themselves, stirred by
her vehemence, rushed upon the Sire de Graucourt,
threatening to tear him in pieces, and he was con-
strained to yield. Joan accordingly went forth,
followed by an eager multitude of townsmen and
soldiers, and passed the Loire in boats to attack
the Toumelles by their bulwark, on the opposite
side. Thus finding the attack inevitable, the
French leaders, Dimois, La Hire, Gaucourt him-
self, and a host of others, determined to bear their
part in it, and embarked like Joan for the opposite
shore; and all of them by their conduct in the
engagement most fully proved that their former
xeluctaiice to engage had not flowed from want of
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