Joan of Arc Part 15
Nor indeed does it appear that this marvel, if
marvel it were, had wrought any strong impression
on the mind of Charles himself. Within a very few
days he had relapsed into his former doubts and
misgivings as to Joan's pretended mission. In feet,
it will be foimd, though not hitherto noticed, yet as
applying to the whole career of the Maid of Orleans,
that the ascendancy which she acquired was permanent only with the mass of the people or of the
army, while those who saw her nearer, and could
study her more closely, soon felt their faith in her
decline. On further observation they might, no
doubt, admire more and more her high strain of
patriotism and of piety ; but they found her, as was
natural, utterly unacquainted with war or politics,
and guileless as one of her own flock in worldly
affairs. Even an old chronicler of the time has these
words : "It was a marvellous thing how she could
thus demean herself and do so much in these wars ;
for in all other things she was the most simple shepherdess that was ever seen."*
But the crowd which gazed at her from a distance began to espy some-
thing more than human, and to circulate and credit
reports of her miraculous powers. Her journey
of one hundred and fifty leagues, in great part
thri5ugh a hostile country, without being met by a
single enemy, or arrested by a single obstacle, was
urged as a plain proof of Divine support. Again, it
was pretended that Baudricourt had not given his
consent to the journey imtil she had annoimced to
him that her coimtrymen were sustaining a defeat
even while she spoke, and until he had received
news of the battle of Herrings, fought on that very
day--a story, we may observe in passing, which a
mere comparison of the dates is suflScient to dis-
prove.--Another little incident that befell the Maid
at Chinon greatly added to her reputation. As she
was passing by, a soldier had addressed to her some
ribald jest, for which she had gently reproved him,
saying that such words ill became any man who
might be so near his end. It happened that on the
same afternoon this soldier was drowned in attempting to ford the river, and the reproof of Joan was
immediately invested by popular apprehension with
the force of prophecy.2
* Memoirs concerning the Maid (Collection, vol. viii. p. 153).
2 Deposition of Father Pasqueral at the Trial of Revision.
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