Joan of Arc Part 6
It was in the month of October, 1428, that Orleans
was first invested by the Earl of Salisbury. But
his design had been previously foreseen, and every
exertion made both by the French King and by the
inhabitants themselves to provide for a long and
resolute defence. A brave officer, the Sire de Gaucourt, had been appointed governor, and two of the
principal captains of that age, Poton de Xaintrailles
and Dunois, a bastard of the Eoyal branch of Orleans,
threw themselves into the place with a large body of
followers. The citizens on their part showed a spirit
that might have done honor to soldiers; not only
did . they largely tax themselves for their own
defence, but many brought to the common stock a
larger sum than had been imposed on them ; they
cheerfully consented that their suburb of Portereau,
on the southern bank, opposite the city, should be
razed to the ground, lest it should afford any shelter
to the enemy, and from the same motive all the
vineyards and gardens within two miles from the
walls were laid waste by the owners themselves.
The men able to bear arms were enrolled in bands,
and the rest formed themselves into processions
solemnly to bear the holy relics from church to
church, and to implore with imceasing prayer the
mercy and protection of Heaven.
The first assault of Salisbury was directed against
the bulwark defending the approaches of the bridge
on the southern bank, or, as we shoiild call it at
present, the tete-de-pont. After a stubborn resistance
and great bloodshed, he dislodged the townspeople
from the place. They then took post at two towers
which had been built one on each side the passage,
some way forward upon the bridge, and they took
care for the security of the city to break down one
of the arches behind them, and only kept up their
communication by planks and beams which could be
readily removed. The next day, however. Sir
William Gladsdale, one of the best officers in the
English army, finding the waters of the Loire unusually shallow at that season, waded with his men
nearly up to the towers, and succeeded in storming
them. He proceeded to build, a bulwark connecting
, the two towers, and joined them with the tete-de-pont
on the shore, thus forming a fort, which he called
from them La Bastille des Toumelles, and which
enabled him to plant a battery full against the city.
But his activity proved fatal to his chief. A very few
days afterwards the Earl of Salisbury came to visit
the works. He had ascended one of the towers with
Sir William, to survey more clearly the wide circuit
of the enemy's walls, when a cannon-ball fired from
them (for this, as Hume observes, is among the first
sieges where cannon were found to be of importance)
broke a splinter from the casement, and struck on
his face with a mortal wound. At his decease the
Earl of Suffolk succeeded to his command, though
not to his full influence and authority.