Links to More Great Sites
The links below are to some other quality websites that have partnered with to help teach the world about St. Joan of Arc.
These websites are categorized by: Saints   Catholic Sites   Other Christian Sites   Christian Directories   Arts and Literature Sites   History Sites  Sites By & About Women  HomeSchool Sites  Education Sites
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Umilta Website
Featuring JULIAN OF NORWICH and containing many links to other Saints sites.
Catholic saints
page at containing some great resources about Saints.
Christian Heroes
Dedicated to telling the story of all the heroes of the Church.
Catholic Sites
Vatican: The Holy See
Website for the Vatican of the Roman Catholic Church.
Spirit Daily
Daily spiritual news from around the world.
The Mary Page of
The Marian Library/International Marian Research Institute located at the Univ of Dayton
Introduction to the Catholic Church for Evangelicals.
Chester's Catholic Index
Large list of Catholic sites on the Internet.
Contains extensive resources for Roman Catholic Catechism for Catholic Eucharist and Confirmation!
A Catholic Mom in Hawaii Blog
Extensive blog with a wealth of excellent material.
Nice site offering strength and encouragement on your pilgrimage through life.
Catholic Analysis Blog
Well written blog analyzing Christian faith.
Cath - Catholic Search Engine
The Cath provides a wide service of Roman Catholic websites search.
Catholic Resource Links Directory
Large Catholic Directory.
Prayer Warriors of the Holy Souls(PWHS)
Dedicated to praying, offering masses, doing works of mercy for the holy souls. - A piece of Catholic History
Large selection of rosaries, medals, croses, crucifixes, statues, prayer cards, etc.
Custom Rosaries
Design a unique, special Catholic rosary. Order directly online from our wide inventory of beautiful beads, crucifixes and centerpieces. Our experts will handcraft your rosary for you.
The Internet Padre
A Roman Catholic Resource on the World Wide Web.
Catholic Home and Garden
preserving Catholic traditions for the faithful of tomorrow with photo archives of home altars, garden shrines, and devotional items.
For All The Saints Home
Holy relics of Our Lord and the Saints available for use in the El Paso, Texas, area.
Independent Catholic News
London based Catholic News service website.
Veritatis: The Cartoon
John Francis Borra's blog featuring his cartoon commentary on different societal issues.
Children of Medjugorje
Site dedicated to delivering five simple messages from Our Lady in Medjugorje.
A Favour granted by the Holy Souls in Purgatory
The powerful intercession of the Holy Souls in Purgatory for their benefactors, and ways to help the Holy Souls.
The Immaculate Conception: Gateway to World Peace
Seeking recognition of The Immaculate Conception which reflects the Eternal-goodness of God.
The Estrogen Files
Catholic mom's blog about family and faith
TG Magazine
Is a Catholic magazine for girls - True Girls, True God ~ Truly Gorgeous
Blog by Catholic homeschooling family in Australia
Aussie Coffee Shop
Blog by another Catholic family in Australia
The way of the upright is a highway
Blog by a professing Catholic in Canada.
Blog by Catholic Homeschooling Mom
Catholic Dating Sites
Online Dating Reviews & Coupons for Catholics
Homeschool Faith and Family Life
Get the MOST out of your homeschool programs and family life journey!
Other Christian Sites
Aim Higher Books
Purple heart veteran, artist, writer, cartoonist, widower, and father of five. Bob Leone lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. Bob Leone is the creator and illustrator of the comics, graphic stories, tracts and novels on this website. Bob has always two loves: Jesus and his family.
Chuck Bladwin Live
Courageous minister fighting to restore America to its true Christian heritage.
Christian Work at Home Moms
Various resources for Christian Work at Home Moms
Jesus And The Cross Introducing non-believers to jesus christ, offering spiritual development,growth, and support. Here readers can ask questions, join our online community, or leave prayer request. For support, we also have daily devotionals 33Knots | Prayer Bracelet is an online store that offers
handmade authentic Christian Orthodox prayer rope bracelets and
necklaces. These prayer rope are also known as Komboskini, Chotki and
GrainofFaith Weblog
Daily devotional for women who are more conservative in their Christian walk.
Somebody Cares For You
Bible study online. Why am I here? Why do I feel so alone?
Growing Deeper
A Christian page to praise Jesus Christ
Just the Word Fellowship
Daily Scripture and other Christian Resources
Christianity Connection
is a website for the "Average Joe". Providing all of the information you "need to know" to live a life for God. Touching on such topics as the beginning days of Christianity, you will be able explore the Bible, both Old and New Testament.
Free Christian E-cards & Wallpapers - Share your faith with Christian wallpapers and e-cards
Primary Proof Of The Bible
Very numerous & very unique resemblances (thus, they were planned by god) between the persons of the christian holy trinity and natural objects such as the sun; persons/things both in and outside of the bible. (ex. Noah, lincoln, statue of liberty)
Crossmap Christian Search Portal
Christain Search Engine and Dirctory
Christianity For Thinkers
A Bible Based Website for Christians Searching for Truth.
Heading Home
Following God's compass as it points to the right path Home.
Dancin' On Rainbows
Blog acknowledging the beauty and truth of our gracious God in life's ordinary array of joys and disappointments.
Go Make Disciples
Blog by a Christian mom about various topic related to living a blessed life.
Thirsty for Truth?
Blog about the daily issues and "Truths" of life by a Christian mom.
Desert Spirit's Fire!
Blog that is an ecumenical celebration of God's Word Incarnate, Jesus Christ.
Uplifting Poetry - Welcome to the website for the faith lifts. Here you will find collection of poems, photographs, and music CD which will speak to the soul, lift the spirit and bring hope to the heart.

Christian Directories
Large internet directory of Christian websites.
Online community with Search Engine, Bible Study Aids, Christian News, more.
Crosswalk Directory
Over 18,000 wholesome, family friendly, Christian websites.
Christian Business and Information Dirctory
Directory limited to only Christian websites.
Christian Resource and Business Directory - Get your Christian Website listed FAST, in a High Page Rank Christian Resource Directory.
Christian eBuy's
Fastest Growing Christian Business Directory on the Net! &
Directory of spiritual and religious retreat centers, conference centers, programs and events. Directory spiritual directors and coaches.
Top 100 Christianity Sites
Vote 100 Top Christian Sites
Click Here to Visit Top Spiritual Sites
Click Here to Visit Mystical Top Sites
Christian Search Engine
Christian Family Resources & Reciprocal Link Exchange
Plus a Guide to understanding God's Word Online
Christian web directory for public use.
Christian eBuy Christian Business Directory - Fastest Growing Christian Business Directory on the Net!
Arts and Literature Sites - Inspiring Freedom
Features the poetry of Ben D. Kennedy with other writings and materials related to Freedom.
Family Playhouse
Christian oriented classical theater: courses and drama materials.
Opera General Forums
Your Opera General Forums and Community.
Classical Performing Forums
Classical Performing Forums and Resources.
Movie Sounds forums
Movie Sounds forums and Movie Discussions.
Heavens Inspirations
Inspirational Christian Poetry and Christian Card Verses. Special Occasions Poetry and Scripture Poetry. Women's and Children's Devotionals.
Westminster Pianos
Steinways pianos repairs.
Poetry by Maree Long
Features the poetry of Maree Long with many other resources related to poetry.
PoetPatriot’s Faith Page
Original writings of life, poetry and more.
The Johnson Galleries
Educational Illustrations by Howard David Johnson
Tapestry Art Designs
Fine European tapestries with medieval and historic designs among the hundreds available.
Richard Harter's World
Eclectic mix of wit and wisdom articles and resources.
Joy Theater is located in the Heart of New Orleans on Canal St, and featuring live music,
concerts, comedy, and theatrical productions. Available for Event Venue Rental.
Mark Twain Quotations
Newspaper Collections, & Related Resources
Healing Companions Book
by Jane MIller is a groundbreaking book on psychiatric service dogs released in January 2010
History Sites
The Medieval-Renaissance Directory
Long list of links to sites about Medieval and Renaissance history.
Women Warriors
Website about female warriors in history including Saint Joan of Arc.
WWI Letters
Actual wwi letters written during the great war. Letters from france, "over there", and letters written during training. Great site for any history buff, or genealogist. Once you start reading, it is hard to stop. Family Photo Genealogy
AncientFaces is the Web's largest Family Photo Genealogy database.
Medieval Castles - Medieval Siege Weapons
Provides very high quality information on medieval castles, medieval siege weapons, and castle warfare in general
Witches And The Inquisition
Gives a true history of the Church's Inquistion with a section about Joan of Arc.
Wilson's Almanac free daily ezine
Large site with over 4000 pages of material related to history.
Odin's Castle of Dreams and Legends
An archive of history and historical resources.
Q150 Brisbane History Pictorial And Narratives - Statehood To Federation Q150 brisbane history is a history of brisbane queensland australia from the statehood to federation. Contains panoramas of early brisbane as well stories of prominent people, reminiscences, newspaper articles, districts, buildings, infrastructure
Galerie Versailles
Fine furnishings & antiques in the french & european tradition. Direct importers of 17th, 18th & 19th century period reproduction furnishings, antiques and accessories. Offering the finest selection in north america. Retail & wholesale sales.
Genealogy Database This domain was created several years ago,to assist genealogy web searchers find sites and data related to uk people,families and events throughout the centuries.
Genealogy On The Internet Search for your family links @ www. Genealogyontheinternet,com,family, search,genealogy,databases,17,000 links to cemeteries,links to databases 800k names, census, censuses, passenger lists, free searchable databases-royals-famous-historic-your family
The most comprehensive resource for all things related to William Clarke Quantrill and the men who followed him.
Quantrill's Raiders SCV Camp 2087
Learn more about Quantrill and his raiders at this page for SCV Camp 2087 in Mayfield Heights, Ohio.
History and Women Blog
Blog releated to the history of women
Today In Medieval History Blog
Covering the major events through Medieval History
Let's Read Historical Novels
Monthly conversation about historical novels online at Accessible World
Huge list of novels set between 500 and 1600 AD
Historical Blogs: Fiction & Fact
Blog containg the latest posts from Historical Blogs
All things related to Tudor History
Medieval Swords Medieval swords hand forged battle ready, katana, samurai swords are available at darksword armory medieval swords.
Our Reflections of Yesterday
Mission to honor our ancestors by emulating and perpetuating the honorable values and principles that characterized the brave men and women who lived during a turbulent time in our Nation’s history.
The General and His Lady
Dedicated to Jeb Stuart the legendary calvary commander of civil war fame.
General George Patton Museum
contains information about the famous Patton Museum at Fort Knox, KY.
Famous Quotes on Freedom and Liberty
Quotes about individual liberty and the state from some of history's most famous minds.
History By Day United states and world history broken down by each day of the year. Featuring major events, famous births, and notable deaths.
Sites By & About Women
Women of History
Blog providing biographies of some of the fascinating women who have graced the pages of history
Reviving a dying virtue - The Official Purity Database.
A Celebration of Women
The #1 WORLD HUB for Women Leaders that Care
Weight Loss Success
detailing how a woman lost over 100 pounds and changed her life.
Permanent Make-Up
with Anne Ackerson Homepage
Motherhood Moment
Blog containing a collection of tips and tricks for moms: freebies, coupons, money-savers, time-savers and more.
Following 31
Blog for all the women wishing to model themselves after Proverbs 31 women.
Who's That Lady
Ministering to a Woman's Inner Bling
Confessions of a Pastor’s Wife blog comments on how to engage, inspire and influence life. Robin, the speaker of iGETitLIFE, talks openly about her spiritual journey discovering God, meaning in life, and ministry.
My Mommy Time
Baby information - my mommy time is a fully active community dedicated to mothers, expectant mothers and those who are trying to conceive. We provide information on prenatal care, newborn care and the development of your child.
Misc. & Etc.
Blog by SAHM and mother of two girls containing "A litle bit of This and That"
Sallys Words
From one mom to another in the growing stages of life.
Life in the World of Lori-Dawn
Blog by Lori-Dawn Wife to Jamie HS Mom to Silas and Shayla UP/UC/EC Mom to Malachi
Samaritian Diva
Inspiration from the Well - Encourage one another and build each other up.
Tara's View of the World
Blog by pastors wife and SAHM living in Canada.
Simple Chaos
Blog by Christian mom of two boys.
Our "Wright"-ing Pad
Blog by Missionary in Niger with 8 children.
LadyD Books
Blog containing childrens books reviews.
Fairfield Corner Academy
A (sometimes) daily peek into my life as the wife of a firefighter, the mom of homeschool twins and my battle with Lupus.
Fruit Carving Arrangements and Food Garnishes
Blog about Thai carving techniques, food crafts, step by step instructions on fruit carving. Articles about culinary champs and contests. How to video and photo for fruit carving and food garnishing.
Handcrafted with Love
Blog by Belle about her passion for creating jewelry.
Mamas Little Treasures
blog containing inspirational articles, projects and tutorials for anyone who is crafty.
The Estrogen Files
Catholic mom's blog about family and faith
Top Sites By Women
Click Here to Visit Hip `n Chic Sites with Girly Style
Vote For Joan of Arc
at # 1 Top Womens Sites
Top Sites Lists
HomeSchool Sites
presents reviews and interviews to help you choose your curriculum.
Homeschool Faith and Family Life
Get the MOST out of your homeschool programs and family life journey!
Fun, Fun And More Fun
Blog by a young homeschooler living in Tennessee.
Blog that is a mom's jounal of her homeschooling experience.
North Carolina Homeschool "ology"
Blog for homeschoolers in North Carolina.
Battlements of Rubies
Blog by a Catholic mom and home educator.
Home Sweet Home
Blog about sharing triumphs and failures while traveling this fascinating journey.
Best Homeschool Buys
Whose mission is to help homeschooling families find discounted or used homeschool curricula.
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Top 100 Parenting Sites
Education Sites
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