Joan of Arc - Maid of Heaven

Sitemap for Joan of Arc - Maid of Heaven is dedicated to telling the true and complete story about the life of Saint Joan of Arc both through the book titled Maid of Heaven and through various pages covering the history of the life of Joan of Arc. Below are the main pages available at this website to further your education about Joan of Arc. In all there are over one thousand individual pages equaling tens of thousands of traditional book pages so you should be able to find whatever you wish to know about Joan of Arc.

"The term Maid was very important to Saint Joan herself and she preferred to be called Joan the Maid. In the time in which she lived it signified a virgin but I think to Joan it meant much more. Her physical purity was simple an out flowing of her spiritual purity that inspired everyone around her so to her I think the term Maid made it clear that she lived completely for God. As her career progressed so did her name with Maid attached. First, when she began her career she was known by many as the Maid of Lorraine referring to the prophecy that France was to be saved by a Maid from Lorraine. After she saved the town of Orleans the people there began calling her Maid of Orleans, which some in that city still call her today. After she became a hero to all of France, many began calling her the Maid of France. I am amazed that in the almost 600 years since she died that no one else has called her the Maid of Heaven because to me that is what she became when she died."(taken from an interview with Ben D. Kennedy in 2007 shortly after the first publication of the book Maid of Heaven)

Pages Primarily Related to the Book Maid of Heaven: The Story of Saint Joan of Arc:
Page explaining the creation process for Maid of Heaven
Description of the painting on the cover of Maid of Heaven
A peek into the inside of the book Maid of Heaven
Detailed Press Kit covering the book Maid of Heaven
Press Relases issued by
Biographical information about the author Ben D. Kennedy
Page of reveiws about Maid of Heaven
List of retailers that carry Maid of Heaven
Information for Educators and Churches wanting to make wholesale purchases

Main Pages Devoted to Teaching the Historical Truth About the Life of Joan of Arc:
Index of pages about Joan of Arc
Long Biography and History of Joan of Arc
Quick Facts about the Life of Joan of Arc
Timeline about the Life of Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc Quotes
Short Biography
Featured Joan of Arc Page of The Day
Complete List of Joan of Arc Pages of The Day
Reference Material related to Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc Books Online
Frequently Asked Questions Relating to the Life and History of Saint Joan Of Arc
Blog Articles by Ben About Joan Of Arc
Joan Of Arc's Faith
Descriptions of Joan Of Arc
Hundred Years War Battles & Joan Of Arc
The Letters of Joan Of Arc
The Battle of Patay & Joan Of Arc
Page about Joan Of Arc's Banner
Page about Joan Of Arc's Sword
Page about Joan of Arc's Coat of Arms
Page about Joan of Arc's Armor
Page about Joan of Arc's Ring
Joan of Arc & Prayer
Joan of Arc & Jesus Maria
Joan the Virgin
Page about Joan of Arc's Signature
Page about Joan's Voices: St. Micheal. St. Catherine, St. Margaret
Discusses I am not afraid...I was born for this quote attributed to Joan
Information on Specialized Topics Index
Page about First Meeting between Joan & Charles VII
Eyewitness Description of Coronation of Charles VII
Reviews of Books and Movies about the life of Joan of Arc
Long list of sites related to Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc disambiguation - explanation of the different uses of her name
Pictures of historical paintings and other artwork about Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc Pictures and Artistic Representations
Joan of Arc Cultural Depictions
Page about Les Vigiles de Charles VII an early manuscript
List of over 300 products related to Joan of Arc
Free Movies and Videos about Joan of Arc
Description of the painting by Jules Bastien-Lepage of Joan of Arc and her Voices
Painting by Lenepvue of Saint Joan of Arc being Burned at the Stake
Page about Jacques d'Arc Joan of Arc's Father
Page about Isabelle Romee Joan's Mother
Page about Domremy the hometown of Joan of Arc
Page about Chapel of Bermont where Joan of Arc prayed
Basilica of Saint Joan of Arc
Page about Vaucouleurs the town where Joan's Mission Began
Page with eyewitness accounts of Joan's journey to Chinon
Page about Orleans where Joan won her first great victory
Page about Joan and Reims and the coronation of Charles VII
Page about Rouen where Joan of Arc died
Page about St. Catherine, one of Joan of Arc's Voices
Page about St. Margaret, one of Joan of Arc's Voices
Page about St. Michael, one of Joan of Arc's Voices
Page about Charles VII the King of France that Joan of Arc saved
Page about the Duke of Bedford Joan of Arc's primary antagonist
Page about the Duke of Alencon, Joan of Arc's friend and brother in arms
Page about Charles VII the King Joan of Arc saved
Page about Lahire, one of Joan of Arc's best military commanders
Page about Guy de Laval a yound knight who greatly admired Joan of Arc
Page about Jean d'Aulon the head of Joan's military household
Joan of Arc - Friends & Companions
Trial of Condemnation record translated by W.P. Barrett
Trial of Nullification (Rehabilitation) records
Was Joan of Arc tortured during her trial? Learn here
Page about Joan of Arc's Birthday
Explains Significance of Joan of Arc's Birth on the Epiphany
Tribute to Joan of Arc for her Birthday
Celebrate the 600th Anniversary of Joan's Birth
Page about Joan of Arc's Feast Day
Official Decree declaring Joan of Arc Venerable
Beatification Pronouncement and Ceremony of Joan of Arc
Official Pronouncement of Canonization Ceremony making Joan of Arc a Saint
Page about Saint Therese's devotion to Saint Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc and her Scottish Knights
A Monk of Fife: A Romance of the Days of Jeanne D'Arc
Friedrich Schiller's play Maid of Orleans
The Lark play by Jean Anouilh
Tchaikovsky's opera Maid of Orleans
Review of 1948 Joan of Arc Movie
Review of 1999 Joan of Arc TV Movie
Review of Movie The Messenger
Joan of Arc Myths Article
Joan of Arc & Robert E. Lee
Letter Describing Joan of Arc by Boulainvilliers
Mark Twain's writings about Joan of Arc
Mark Twain's Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc
Table of Contents for Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc
AB Paine's Review of Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc
The Song of Joan of Arc by Christine de Pisan
Joan of Arc Play by JA Sargant
Shakespeare's Play Henry VI Part 1
Shakespeare's Play Henry V about Battle of Agincourt
Review of Shakespeare's Play Henry VI Part 1 by Andrew Lang
Page about George Bernard Shaw's Play Saint Joan
Early Silent Film about Joan of Arc
Classic Film Joan The Woman
Page about The Trial of Joan of Arc Film
Page about TV Series Joan of Arcadia
Page about TV Series Joan of Arcadia
Maid of Heaven Video about Joan of Arc

Other Pages:
How to contact by email
Maid of Heaven Foundation
Joan of Arc Blog
Joan of Arc - Maid of Heaven at Myspace
Joan of Arc - Maid of Heaven at Facebook
Links to Other Great Sites
News from the Intenet about Joan of Arc
Pope Benedict XVI & Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc on Deadiest Warrior TV Program
Page about Spam in Google Search for Joan of Arc
How to Cite Joan of Arc - Maid of Heaven as a Source
List of Churches and Chapels devoted to St. Joan of Arc
Page about St. Joan of Arc Chapel at Marquette University
List of Schools devoted to St. Joan of Arc
Page about Joan of Arc Willow Tree Memorial
Article by BBC reporter David Kerr about Joan of Arc and Scottish soldiers
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See a Timeline Showing the Major Events in the Life of Joan of Arc - Click Here
Discover the Essential Facts of St. Joan of Arc's life on the Quick Facts Page - Click Here
Learn About Joan by Reading the Actual Words that She Spoke on the Quotes Page - Go Here
Find Detailed Historcial Information about Joan of Arc on the Long Biography Page - Go Here
Read Tribute by Ben D. Kennedy to St. Joan of Arc for Her Birthday - Click Here
Celebrate Joan of Arc's Birthday Today on this Special Birthday Page - Click Here
Read About How Joan of Arc'c Birthday is Celebrated Each Year - Click Here
Read a Description of Joan and Her Birth Written by a Contemporary While She Was Alive - Go Here
Read Ben D. Kennedy's Paper About The Significance of Joan of Arc's Birth on the Epiphany - Go Here
Learn About Isabelle Romee the Mother of Joan of Arc on this page - Click Here
Learn about Jacques d'Arc the Father of Joan of Arc on this page - Click Here
Learn About Domremy the Town where Joan was Born and Grew Up - Click Here
See a Map of Lorraine the Region Where Joan of Arc Lived - click Here
Read About Joan's life Growing Up in Domremy and Lorraine France - Click Here
Find Resources Related to Joan of Arc's Birth and Childhood - Click Here
Read Descriptions of Joan of Arc When She Was a Child Growing Up in Domremy - Click Here
See and Learn about Statue of Young Joan inside Joan of Arc Center in Domremy - Click Here
Learn About the Chapel of Bermont Where Joan of Arc liked to Pray When She Was Young
See Picture of Stained Glass Window of Joan Praying located in Capel of Bermont - Click Here
See Drawing Inside Chapel of Bermont that May Be Actual Drawing of Joan of Arc - Go Here
Learn About the Basilica of St. Joan of Arc Located Near Domremy - Click Here
See Picture of Joan of Arc Statue Located in Front of the Basilica of St. Joan of Arc - Go Here
See Statue Depicting Joan Listening to Her Voices as a Young Women in Domremy - Go Here
Learn All About the “Voices” that Guided Joan of Arc Her During Her Life – Click Here for More
Find Resources Related to Joan of Arc's Voices on the Long Biography Page - Click Here
See Famous Painting of Joan with Her Voices Used on Cover of Maid of Heaven - Click Here
Read Chapter About Joan of Arc's Voices in Biography by Francis C. Lowell - Click Here
Read Ben D. Kennedy's Answer to Question About Joan of Arc's Voices - Click Here
See Painting of Joan of Arc with Her Voices by Gaston Bussiere - Click Here
Learn About the Archangel Michael one of Joan of Arc's Voices - Click Here
Learn About St. Catherine of Alexandria one of The Voices that Spoke to Joan of Arc - Go Here
Learn About St. Margaret of Antioch one of The Voices that Spoke to Joan of Arc - Click Here
See Statue and Ceiling of Joan with Her Voices Inside Basilica of St. Joan of Arc - Go Here
Learn About the Mission Given to Joan of Arc by Her Voices from God - Click Here
Read a Discussion of Joan of Arc's Mission by Ben D. Kennedy - Click Here
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Read Background History of France That Had Caused the Hundred Years War - Click Here
Find Resources Related to the Hundred Years War on the Long Biography Page - Click Here
Learn About Battle of Agincourt that Destroyed the French Army When Joan was a child – Go Here
See Picture of Joan of Arc as a Young Women Just Before She Left Home for War - Click Here
Read Chapter about the Poor Condition of France When Joan was Growing Up - Click Here
See Map of Divided France in 1429 When Joan Left Home to Begin Her Mission - Go Here
See Statue in Domremy of Joan Leaving Her Simple Life and Taking Up the Sword - Click Here
Read Joan's Own Words about Her Leaving Home for War on the Quotes Page - Click Here
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Learn About Vaucouleurs the City Where Joan Went to Ask for Help with Her Mission - Go Here
Read Chapter from Warrior Maid Describing Joan's Time in Vaucouleurs - Click Here
Read Joan of Arc's Own Words about Her Meeting with Sir Robert de Baudricourt - Click Here
See Stained Glass Window Showing Joan of Arc Meeting with Robert de Baudricourt - Go Here
Read About the Prophecy Joan of Arc Made About the Battle of Rouvray(Herrings) - Click Here
Read Eyewitness Accounts of Joan in Vaucouleurs by People who Knew Joan of Arc - Go Here
Learn About Jean de Metz the First Knight to Believe in Joan of Arc and Help Her - Click Here
See Pictures of Statue in Vaucouleurs Honoring St. Joan of Arc - Click Here
Read Article about Joan’s Departure from Vaucouleurs to Begin Her Mission to Save France - Go Here
Read Chapter from Biography Maid of France About Joan's Departure from Vaucouleurs - Go Here
Read About Joan's Famous Quote "I am Not Afraid...I Was Born For This" - Click Here"
See T-Shirt With Joan of Arc's Quote "I am Not Afraid...I Was Born For This" - Click Here"
See French Postage Stamp Commemorating Joan of Arc's Departure from Vaucouleurs - Go Here
Find Resources Related to Joan's Journey to Chinon to See Charles VII - Click Here
Read Joan's Own Words About Leaving Vaucouleurs to Begin Her Journey to Chinon - Go Here
Read Chapter About Joan of Arc's Journey to Chinon to See Charles VII - Click Here
Read Eyewitness Accounts of Joan's Journey to Chinon by Her Two Knights - Go Here
See Painting of Joan & Her Escort on the Road to Chinon in Book Warrior Maid - Go Here
Read Letter that Joan of Arc Sent to Charles VII on the Road to Chinon - Click Here
Learn All About Charles VII Who Became King of France - Click Here
See a Picture of Chinon the City Joan of Arc Travelled to in March of 1429 - Go Here
Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy about Joan's First Meeting With Charles VII - click Here
See Painting of Joan of Arc Meeting Charles VII for the First Time - Click Here
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Read Chapter About Joan First Meeting Charles VII in Book Story of Joan of Arc - Go Here
See Painting of Joan of Arc Before the Court of Charles VII - Click Here
Read a Firsthand Account of the Examinations that Joan Underwent by Charles VII - Click Here
See Miniature Portrait of Joan of Arc Being Led Away to Her Examinations - Click Here
Find Resources Related to Joan's Examinations on the Long Biography Page - Go Here
Learn All About Joan of Arc's Legendary Virginity – Click Here for More
Read Mark Twain's Account of Joan Examinations at Poitiers - Click Here
Read Chapter from Biography Maid of France About Joan's Examinations at Poitiers - Go Here
Read Joan's Responses to Questions During Her Examination at Poitiers - Click Here
Learn More About Joan's Famous Quote "Aid yourself and God will aid you" - Click Here
Read Letter Sent by Theologians to Charles VII Giving Their Approval of Joan - Go Here
Read Letter that Joan of Arc Sent to the English on March 22, 1429 - Click Here
Find Resources Related to Joan of Arc Preparing for Battle on the Long Biography Page - Go Here
Read Joan of Arc's Own Words About The Way She Obtained Her Sword - Click Here
Learn All About Joan of Arc's Famous Sword of Saint Catherine - Click Here
Read Account of Joan With Her Sword in Book A Heroine of France - Click Here
See Picture of a Statue of Joan of Arc Holding Her Sword and Her Banner - Click Here
Learn All About Joan of Arc's Banner that She Carried into Battle - Click Here
See Holy Card Showing Joan of Arc on a Horse Holding Her Banner - Click Here
Read Description of Joan's Banner in Historical Novel A Monk of Fife - Click Here
See Statue of Joan of Arc Holding Her Banner Over Her Head After Victory - Click Here
Learn All About the Armor that Joan of Arc Wore In Battle - Click Here
Read Description of Joan's Armor in Maid of France Biography - Click Here
See Picture of Mural of Joan of Arc in Armor on Horseback - Click Here
See Painting of Joan of Arc in Her Armor Sleeping by George W. Joy - Go Here
Read Mark Twain's Account of Joan's Time at Tours Preparing for Battle - Click Here
Learn All About Jean d'Aulon the Head of Joan's Military Household - Click Here
Learn All About the Duke of Alencon who was Joan's Closest Friend in Her Army - Click Here
Learn All About "Lahire" Who Was One of Joan's Best Commanders - Learn More Here
Read More About Lahire Including His Legendary "Prayer" - Click Here
Learn About Gilles de Rais Who Was a Military Commander in Joan of Arc's Army - Go Here
Learn about the Beatification of Joan of Arc On April 11, 1909 Declaring Joan Blessed - Click Here
See Statue titled "Joan the Saint" Showing Joan of Arc in Armor - Click Here
Learn All About Joan of Arc's Chaplain Father Jean Pasquerel - Click Here
See Painting Showing Joan of Arc Receiving Communion from Priest - Click Here
Read Descriptions of Joan of Arc's Faith by Men in Her Army - Click Here
See Stained Glass Window Showing Joan of Arc at Worsip With Her Soldiers - Click Here
Learn How Important the Names Jesus + Maria Were to Joan of Arc - Click Here
Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy about the Importance of Communion to Joan of Arc - Go Here
See Holy Card Displaying Joan of Arc Receiving Communion at Worship Service - Click Here
Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy about Saint Joan and Easter - Click Here
Read an Account of How Joan of Arc Spoke to Her Army as They Prepared for War - Go Here
See Stained Glass Window Showing Joan of Arc in a Crowd of Followers - Click Here
Read the Words of Joan's Soldiers About Her Spirtual Impact Upon Her Army - Click Here
See Statue of Joan of Arc with Her Hands Clasped in Prayer in a Church in Blois - Go Here
Read Mark Twain's Account of the Days Joan of Arc Spent at Bois - Click Here
Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy about Joan of Arc's Famous Departure from Blois - Go Here
Learn About The Siege of Orleans and The Background History Leading Up to The Siege - Go Here
See a Picture of Orleans As it Looked When Joan of Arc Arrived With Her Army in April 1429 - Go Here
Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy about Joan of Arc's Entry Into Orleans on April 29, 1429 - Go Here
See a Painting Showing Joan of Arc First Entering the Town of Orleans - Click Here
Listen to Music Played by Scottish Soldiers To Celebrate Joan or Arc's Arrival in Orleans - Go Here
Learn All About Orleans the City that Joan of Arc Saved in 1429 - Click Here
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See Map of Orleans In May of 1429 When Joan of Arc Liberated the City - Click Here
Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy about Joan of Arc's Final Warning to English - Go Here
Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy about Joan of Arc's Longest Day on May 7, 1429 - Click Here
Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy about Joan of Arc's Victory in Orleans on May 8, 1429 - Go Here
Read Firsthand Account of Joan’s Actions at Orleans by Lord Dunois the Bastard of Orleans - Go Here
See Painting of Joan of Arc on Horseback in Battle at Orleans - Click Here
Read the Official Parliament of Paris Entry About Joan of Arc's Victory in Orleans - Go Here
Read Account of How Joan of Arc Became Known as the Maid of Orleans - Go Here
See Equestrian Statue of Joan of Arc in Orleans, France - Click Here
Read Commentary About Joan of Arc's Victory in Orleans Written by Pope Pius II in 1450's - Go Here
See Holy Card Celebrating the Deliverance of Orleans by Joan of Arc - Click Here
Read About Joan of Arc's Movements After Winning the Battle at Orleans - Click Here
Celebrate the Anniversary of Joan of Arc Being Named a Saint by the Catholic Church - Click Here
See Painting based upon the Vaticans Canonization Banner for St. Joan of Arc - Click Here
See Picture of Adoration of St. Joan of Arc Wood Relief at Smithsonian Art Museum - Click Here
Read About Joan of Arc’s Last Campaign in May of 1430 - Click Here
Read Mark Twain's Account of Joan of Arc's Movenents Leading Up to Her Capture - Click Here
Read About Joan of Arc's Last Day Under Arms in Biography Maid of France - Click Here
Read Joan's Own Words About Knowing Beforehand that She Would Be Captured - Click Here
Read Article by Ben D Kennedy about the Anniversary of Joan of Arc's Capture - Click Here
See Painting of Joan of Arc Being Led Away After Her Capture at Compiegne - Click Here
Read Commentary by Ben D. Kennedy about Joan of Arc's Capture - Click Here
Read Article by Ben D Kennedy about St. Joan of Arc's Memorial Day - Click Here
See Painting of Joan of Arc Being Led to Her Execution at the Stake in Rouen - Click Here
Learn All About the City of Rouen Where Joan of Arc Was Burned to Death at the Stake - Go Here
Remember St. Joan of Arc Today on Her Feast Day and Anniversary of Her Death - Click Here
Read Mark Twain's Account of Joan of Arc's Execution and Death - Click Here
See Photo of Statue in Rouen Church of Joan of Arc Being Burned at the Stake - Click Here
Find Resources Related to Joan of Arc's Execution & Death on the Long Biography Page - Go Here
See & Learn all about Joan of Arc's Coat-of-Arms Given to Her by Charles VII - Click Here
See Antique Medal Displaying Joan of Arc’s Coat of Arms - Click Here
See T-Shirt Emblazoned With Shield Containing Joan of Arc’s Coat of Arms - Click Here
Read About How Joan of Arc Prepared the Way for Charles VII to Go to Reims - Click Here
Find Resources Related to Joan of Arc's Loire Valley Campaign on the Long Biography Page - Go Here
See Color Drawing of Joan of Arc Moving With Her Army - Click Here
Read Letter by Young Knight Guy de Laval About Joan of Arc - Click Here
See Portrait of Joan of Arc by Artist Harold H. Piffard - Click Here
Read About How Joan of Arc Liberated the Town of Jargeau in June of 1429 - Click Here
Read Joan of Arc's Own Words that She Spoke to Rally Her Soldiers at the Battle of Jargeau - Go Here
See Statue Commemorating Joan of Arc's Victory in Jargeau on June 12, 1429 - Click Here
Read About Joan's Movements After She Won the Battle at Jargeau - click Here
See a Painting of Joan of Arc Leading the French Calvary into Battle - Click Here
Read About How Joan of Arc Liberated the Town of Meun During Her Week of Victories - go Here
See Mural of Joan of Arc in Battle on wall inside Basilica of Saint Joan of Arc - Click Here
Learn All About Joan of Arc and the Battle of Patay - Click Here
Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy about the Anniversary of Joan of Arc's Victory at Patay - Go Here
See Statue of Victorious Joan of Arc Holding Her Sword & Banner with French Flag - Click Here
Learn about English Commander John Talbot Captured by Joan of Arc's Men at Patay - Go Here
Read Mark Twain’s Commentary About the Great Effect of Joan of Arc’s Victory at Patay – Go Here
Read About How Joan of Arc Urged Charles VII to Proceed With Her to Reims After Patay - Click Here
See Wall Mural of Joan of Arc Kneeling Before Charles VII - Click Here
Read About Joan of Arc's Movements After Battle of Patay in Maid of France Biography - Go Here
Read The Letter that Joan of Arc Sent to the Town of Tournai on June 25, 1429 - click Here
See Statue of Joan of Arc Praying & Giving Thanks to God in a Church - Click Here
Read Eyewitness Account of Joan of Arc’s Meetings With Charles VII Prior to March to Reims - Go Here
See Wall Mural of Joan of Arc Hearing Words of God "Go Go Daughter of God Go!" - Click Here"
Read About Joan of Arc's Bloodless March to Reims that Began on July 29, 1429 - Click Here
See Painting of Joan of Arc on Horseback in Armor Leading Her Army as it Marched Forward - Go Here
See Timeline to Understand The Movements of Joan of Arc's Army on the March to Reims - Click Here
Read about Joan of Arc at the Town of Auxerre in Early July 1429 - Click Here
Read About How Joan of Arc Was Able to Liberate the Town of Troyes Without a Fight - Go Here
Read Letter that Joan of Arc Sent to the Town of Troyes on July 4, 1429 - Click Here
Read About How the Town of Troyes Responded to Joan of Arc's Letter - Click Here
See a Miniature portrait of Joan of Arc & Charles VII Receiving the Keys to Troyes - Go Here
Read Document Overturning Joan of Arc’s Trial & Declaring Her a Martyr on July 7, 1456 - Go Here
See Holy Card "The Martyr" Honoring Saint Joan of Arc - Click Here
Learn About Joan of Arc's Trial of Nullification/Rehabilitation Conducted After Her Death - Go Here
Read About Great Deeds Performed by Joan of Arc During Her Life According to Mark Twain - Go Here
See Picture of Equestrian Statue of Joan of Arc in Reims France - Click Here
Read About The Final Phase of Joan of Arc's Bloodless March to Reims - Click Here
Read About Joan of Arc's Time in Chalons During the March to Reims - Go Here
Read Actual Words of Joan of Arc's Friend From Domremy Who She Spoke With at Chalons - Go Here
See Painting of Joan of Arc Triumphantly entering Reims for Coronation of Charles VII - click Here
Read Mark Twain's Account of Joan of Arc's Entry into Reims for Charles VII's Coronation - Go Here
Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy about Joan of Arc's Crowning Achievement on July 17, 1429 - Go Here
See Painting of Joan of Arc at the Coronation of Charles VII in Reims Cathedral - Click Here
Learn All About Reims the City Where Joan of Arc Crowned Charles VII King of France - Go Here
Read About Joan of Arc at the Coronation Ceremony for Charles VII in Reims Cathedral - Click Here
Read Eyewitness Account of The Coronation Ceremony Involving Charles VII and Joan of Arc -Click Here
See Painting of Joan of Arc Holding Her Banner During the Coronation of Charles VII - Click Here
Read Joan of Arc's Own Words About Holding Her Banner at the Coronation of Charles VII - Go Here
See Holy Medal Depicting Joan of Arc Holding Her Banner at the Coronation of Charles VII - Go Here
Find Resources Related to Joan of Arc And The Coronation Of Charles VII - Click Here
See Painting by Maurice Denis of Joan of Arc at Charles VII's Coronation - Click Here
Read About Charles VII's Reward to Joan of Arc Exempting Her Hometown Domremy From Taxes - Go Here
Read a Discussion of How the Crowning of Charles VII Was The Peak of Joan of Arc's Career - Go Here
See Painting of Joan of Arc Riding with Scots Guards Who Protected the King of France - Click Here
Read Descriptions of Joan of Arc by People Who Knew Her While She Was Alive - Click Here
Read Historical Poem about Joan of Arc written while Joan lived - Click Here
Learn All About Joan's Incredible Faith - Click Here
Famous Joan of Arc Quote "I am not Afraid…I Was Born for This" Explained - Click Here"
Joan of Arc’s “Voices” Guided Her During Her Life – Click Here for More
When Joan was a Young Girl She liked to Pray at the Chapel of Bermont - Click Here for More
Read Letter Joan Sent to People of Reims on August 5, 1429 - Click Here
Page about Joan of Arc's English Enemy the Duke of Bedford - Click Here
Read Letter from Duke of Bedford on August 7, 1429 insulting Joan of Arc - Click Here
Famous Author Mark Twain wrote extensively about Joan of Arc - Click Here to Learn More
Read Mark Twain's Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc Online - Click Here
Etienne de Vignolles or "Lahire" was one of Joan's Best Commanders - Learn More Here
Learn about the Armor Joan of Arc wore in Battle - Click Here
Watch Famous Movie Passion of Joan of Arc - Click Here
Joan is Called the Virgin Warrior Because of Her Virginity – Click Here for More
Find the Answer to Your Question About Joan of Arc on the FAQ Page - Click Here
Prayer was Extremely Important to Joan of Arc - Learn More by Clicking Here
See Famous Painting of Joan of Arc Praying - Click Here
Learn about Joan of Arc's Mother on this page - Click Here
Learn about Joan of Arc's Father on this page - Click Here
Keep Up with Important Events of Joan's life on Timeline Page - Click Here
See & Learn About Famous Painting of Joan with Her Voices - Click Here
Read Joan's Own Words that She Spoke on Quotes Page - Click Here
Read Letter From Joan to Count of Armagnac on August 22, 1429 - Click Here
See What Joan of Arc's Actual Signature Looks Like - Click Here
Learn about Joan of Arc's real name Jehanne d'Arc - Click Here
Page about the Duke of Alencon who was Joan's closest friend - Click Here
Learn all about Joan of Arc's Friends and Companions - Click Here
Read Glowing Description of Joan in Letter by Guy de Laval - Click Here
Read About the Events Leading up to the Battle to Liberate Paris - Click Here
Page about Lahire one of Joan of Arc's Best Military Commanders - Click Here
Read Christine de Pisan's Sentiments about Upcoming Battle for Paris - Click Here
Learn about Joan's Famous Sword of St. Catherine - Click Here
See Minature Picture of Joan with Sword before Paris Battle - Click Here
Learn about the Banner that Joan Carried into Battle - Click Here
See Photo of Statue of Joan of Arc in Paris - Click Here
Learn all about Joan of Arc's Coat-of-Arms - Click Here
Read fictional description of Joan in Prayer before Battle at Paris - Click Here
See Painting of Joan of Arc Praying before Battle - Click Here
Read Ben D. Kennedy's Article about Joan's Attempt to Liberate Paris - Click Here
Anniversary of Joan of Arc's Battle for Paris on September 8, 1429 - Learn More Here
Read eyewitness accounts about Joan's assault at Paris - Click Here
See Minature Portrait of Joan of Arc Fighting at Paris - Click Here
Read About the Failure by Joan's Army to Liberate Paris - Click Here
See Painting of Joan Leaving Her Armor at the Alter of St. Denis - Click Here
Learn All About Joan's Incredible Faith & Love for God - Click Here
Find a Good Book or Movie to Learn More About Joan on Reviews Page - Click Here
Page With List of Complete Books Available Online at – Click Here
Learn About Scottish Soldiers Who Fought with Joan of Arc - Click Here
Learn About Scottish Captain Hugh Kennedy and See His Battle Shield - Click Here
Read A Monk of Fife a fictional account of Scottish soldiers fighting with Joan - Click Here
Learn All About Joan of Arc's Famous Jesus Maria Ring - Click Here
Page About Why the Names Jesus and Maria were so special to Joan of Arc - Click Here
See Holy Card Showing Joan on Horseback with Her Banner Displaying Jesus Maria - Click Here
Browse Through a Long Sequence of Pictures Displaying Joan of Arc - Click Here
Learn About the “Voices” that Guided Joan of Arc Her During Her Life – Click Here for More
See Statue of Joan with Her Voices located at Basillica of St. Joan of Arc - Click Here
See Famous Painting of Joan with Her Voices by Jules Bastien-Lepage - Click Here
Learn All About Domremy the Town where Joan was Born and Grew Up - Click Here
See Photo of a Statue of Joan located in her hometown of Domremy - Click Here
See and Learn about Statue of Joan inside Joan of Arc Center in Domremy - Click Here
Information about Joan of Arc Pilgrimages in France that Retrace Her Footsteps - Click Here
Learn about St. Therese of Lisieux's Great Devotion to Saint Joanof Arc - Click Here
When Joan was Growing Up She liked to Pray at the Chapel of Bermont near Her Home - Click Here
See Stained Glass Window of Joan Praying in the Chapel of Bermont - Click Here
Locate a Church or Chapel Named in Honor of St. Joan of Arc - Click Here
See Photo of Statue and Ceiling Inside Basilica of St. Joan of Arc - Click Here
Visit Page about the Basilica of Saint Joan of Arc that Honors Joan - Click Here
Read Article About Joan's Escape Attempt by Leaping from 60 ft Tower - Click Here
Read Joan's Own Trial Testimony About Her Escape Attempt - Click Here
Learn about Joan's Life while She Was Held as a Prisoner of War - Click Here
See Index of Paintings, Statues and other Artistic Reprsentations of Joan of Arc - Click Here
Find the Basic Facts of Joan's life on the Quick Facts Page - Click Here
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Read the Official Document Starting the Process to Declare Joan a Saint - Click Here
Read Poem by St. Therese of Lisieux in support of the Canonization of Joan of Arc - Click Here
See 19th Century Holy Card Commemorating Joan being Declared Venerable - Click Here
Learn about the Beatification Ceremony in 1909 Declaring Joan Blessed - Click Here
See Painting based upon the Vaticans Canonization Banner for Joan - Click Here
Read the Official Pronuncement of Canonization Document for St. Joan of Arc - Click Here
See Holy Card Commemorating Joan's Pronuncement as a Saint - Click Here
Learn All About St. Therese's Devotion to St. Joan of Arc - Click Here
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Remember Anniversary of Battle of Agincourt by Reading Shakespeare's Henry V – Go Here
View a Series of Historic Drawings depicting the Major Events in Joan’s Life – Click Here
Read Biography of Joan of Arc by Famous Writer & Historian Jules Michelet - Click Here
See Photo of Joan of Arc Statue Maid of Orleans - Click Here
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Read Historical Novel about Joan of Arc titled Warrior Maid - Click Here
Read About Joan's Military Activities in the Autumn of 1429 - Click Here
Remember St. Joan on All Saints Day as one of God's brilliant lights! - Click Here
Read Descriptions of Joan as a Soldier by People who Knew Her and Fought with Her - Click Here
Learn about Jean d'Aulon the Head of Joan's Military Household - Click Here
Read Article about Joan's last Great Victory at St. Pierre-le-Moutier - Click Here
Browse Through a List of Articles by Ben D. Kennedy about Joan of Arc - Click Here
See Photo of Statue of Joan of Arc at Saint Pierre le Moutier - Click Here
Read Chapter Discussing the Battles Joan Fought in the Autumn of 1429 - Click Here
See Painting of Joan of Arc in Battle by Hermann Anton Stilke - Click Here
See Photo of Statue of Joan of Arc Dedicated to Her Heroism - Click Here
Read Letter Joan of Arc Sent to the people of Riom dated November 9, 1429 - Click Here
Read Article about St. Joan of Arc and Veterans Day by Ben D. Kennedy - Click Here
See Color Drawing of St. Joan on Horseback Appearing to a Soldier in France - Click Here
Read the Book The Broken Soldier and the Maid of France Online - Click Here
See Trading Card Showing Joan of Arc Comforting a Wounded Soldier - Click Here
Read About the Impact St. Joan of Arc has had on Author Ben D. Kennedy - Click Here
Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy about a Spiritual Lesson from St. Joan - Click Here
See Painting of Joan With a Procession of Priests Leading Her Army - Click Here
Visit Page about Robert E. Lee's Sword Engraved with Joan's Famous Quote - Click Here
Read Descriptions of Joan’s Incredible Faith and the Impact it Had Upon Her Soldiers - Click Here
See Painting of Joan Receiving Communion at Mass with Her Soldiers - Click Here
See Painting of Joan of Arc Displaying Her Faith in Prison by Howard Pyle - Click Here
Read Part of Letter Sent November 21, 1430 Urging for Joan’s Delivery for Trial - Click Here
See Painting of Joan of Arc as a Prisoner on Horseback - Click Here
Read Description of Joan of Arc While She was a Prisoner - Click Here
See Painting of Joan of Arc Being Insulted in Prison by Patrois - Click Here
Read About Joan's time as a Prisoner of the Burgundians - Click Here
Read Answer to Question about Why Charles VII Did Nothing to Rescue Joan - Click Here
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Read Mark Twain's Account of How Joan of Arc was Captured - Click Here
See Color Drawing of Joan of Arc Being Captured - Click Here
Read Article by Ben D Kennedy about the Circumstances Surrounding Joan of Arc's Capture - Click Here
See Painting of Joan of Arc Being Led Away After Her Capture - Click Here
Read Joan's Own Answers to Questions about Her Capture - Click Here
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Read Mark Twain's Commentary About Joan's Time as a Prisoner of War - Click Here
Read About Joan's Transfer to the English in December of 1430 - Click Here
See Painting of Joan of Arc in Prison by Revoil - Click Here
Read Joan's Response to the Count of Ligny Claiming He Had Come to Buy Her Back - Click Here
Learn the Answer to Whether or Not Joan of Arc was Tortured While She Was Imprisoned - Click Here
Read Ben's Answer to Question about Whether Joan was Raped While She Was in Prison - Click Here
Learn About How & Why Joan of Arc Was Brought to Trial - Click Here
See Painting of Joan of Arc at Her Trial Before Her Judges - Click Here
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Read About the Beginning of Joan of Arc's Trial - Click Here
Read About Famous Movie The Passion of Joan of Arc Base Upon Joan's Trial - Click Here
Watch Entire Movie The Passion of Joan of Arc About Joan's Trial Online - Click Here
Read The Actual Trial Transcripts from Joan of Arc's Trial - Click Here
Learn About Guillaume Manchon the Principal Court Clerk at Joan's Trial
Learn About Pierre Cauchon Joan's Judge & Primary Antagonist at Her Trial - Click Here
Learn About Nicolas Loiseleur Who acted as a Spy Against Joan During Her Trial - Click Here
Find More Information about the People Who Were Involved in Joan of Arc's Trial - Click Here
Read Review of The Trial of Joan of Arc Movie and Watch Trailer - Click Here
Read Chapter about Joan of Arc During Her Trial From Book Warrior Maid - Click Here
Read an Analysis of Joan's Trial by French Historian Pierre Champion - Click Here
Read how Joan’s Imprisonment & Suffering relate to deeper meaning of Christmas - Go Here - Go Here
Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy about Joan of Arc and Christmas - Click Here
Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy about St. Joan of Arc and Jesus - Click Here
Visit Jesus+Maria Page To Learn About How St. Joan Demonstrated Her Great Love for God - Click Here
Learn All About Joan's Incredible Faith & Love for Jesus - Click Here
Read Article by Ben D. Kennedy About Joan of Arc's Elevation to Nobility - Click Here
Read Chapter from Mark Twain's Biography about Joan Being Ennobled - Click Here
Learn About Joan of Arc's Coat-of-Arms and See a Picture of a Shield with Coat of Arms - Click Here

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